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by VMI77
Tue Jan 05, 2016 5:22 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Suppose your favorite restaurant/ store is now 30.06 posted...What do you do?
Replies: 40
Views: 6585

Re: Suppose your favorite restaurant/ store is now 30.06 posted...What do you do?

JALLEN wrote:
sugar land dave wrote:
VMI77 wrote:
JALLEN wrote:For me, that applies to lines just about everywhere. Rarely do I need anything badly enough to wait more than a few minutes in line for it. I just can't abide the notion of standing in line to hand over my money to someone whether it be a restaurant or a store. I have left purchases behind many times at stores that fail to provide sufficient check-out capacity to process customers quickly.
With "socialists posing as democrats" occupying the highest federal posts the last seven years, why would you not expect to see Soviet-era lines at American stores? Disarm or vote with your feet. That is all we can legally do.
I think your quoter must be broke.

I did not post the statenents above attributed to me. I believe VM177 did, not me.
I did...I think he just missed removing a quote tag and I didn't think he was attributing it to you.
by VMI77
Tue Jan 05, 2016 4:50 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Suppose your favorite restaurant/ store is now 30.06 posted...What do you do?
Replies: 40
Views: 6585

Re: Suppose your favorite restaurant/ store is now 30.06 posted...What do you do?

sugar land dave wrote:
VMI77 wrote:
JALLEN wrote:For me, that applies to lines just about everywhere. Rarely do I need anything badly enough to wait more than a few minutes in line for it. I just can't abide the notion of standing in line to hand over my money to someone whether it be a restaurant or a store. I have left purchases behind many times at stores that fail to provide sufficient check-out capacity to process customers quickly.
With "socialists posing as democrats" occupying the highest federal posts the last seven years, why would you not expect to see Soviet-era lines at American stores? Disarm or vote with your feet. That is all we can legally do.
I'm not sure that accounts for all of it.....I've been in a busy big box store several times with only one cashier working and long lines. I attribute those incidents to management failure. But I think the bunch in power are worse than mere socialists....they're Marxists and all that implies.
by VMI77
Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:35 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Suppose your favorite restaurant/ store is now 30.06 posted...What do you do?
Replies: 40
Views: 6585

Re: Suppose your favorite restaurant/ store is now 30.06 posted...What do you do?

JALLEN wrote:The good restaurants around here, and some of the not-so-good ones, are so busy, >30 minute waits usually, no reservations, that they would not likely notice the drop in patronage. The Olive Garden at the shopping center often has an hour or more wait in the evening.

We stopped in Whataburger yesterday at lunch. The parking lot was full. There was a line to order and no place to sit. The drive through line was packed. Chic-Fil-As are normally the same. That is not unusual around here.
I also doubt they'd miss the patronage or even admit to themselves it was due to their anti-gun policy even if they did. But after my stint in the military lining up for chow there is no restaurant on this planet I'd wait 30 minutes to eat at, much less an hour --especially the Olive Garden. Then again, I also don't particularly enjoy a meal consumed in a packed and noisy restaurant, so if I did want some of what was on the menu I'd place my order over the internet and pick it up at the takeout window....which, at the local Chilis anyway, means completely avoiding a line.

For me, that applies to lines just about everywhere. Rarely do I need anything badly enough to wait more than a few minutes in line for it. I just can't abide the notion of standing in line to hand over my money to someone whether it be a restaurant or a store. I have left purchases behind many times at stores that fail to provide sufficient check-out capacity to process customers quickly.

I might have to make very different choices if I couldn't order just about anything I wanted from the internet, delivered right to my door, often for less money than at the store, no lines, no hassle, no out of stock and wasted trip.
by VMI77
Tue Jan 05, 2016 10:03 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Suppose your favorite restaurant/ store is now 30.06 posted...What do you do?
Replies: 40
Views: 6585

Re: Suppose your favorite restaurant/ store is now 30.06 posted...What do you do?

Find a new favorite. I think the odds of any particular establishment caring whether we patronize them are near zero. It might be different if it's a true favorite, and some unique local business where you're a regular and are on speaking terms with the management or owners. I'd speak up if I knew the people running it (not that it would probably matter)....otherwise I wouldn't bother, I'd just go somewhere else.

Realistically, if a business doesn't care enough about a segment of their customers to avoid alienating them in the first place, it's unlikely they'll make the connection between cause and effect even if they lose enough business to notice it. A business that bans CC is likely being run by liberals. Liberals virtually never accept the consequences of their actions.....they'd find a hundred other reasons why their business dropped off. And that's assuming you're not dealing with a die hard liberal that's willing to trade a little profit to advance the liberal agenda.

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