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by VMI77
Tue Jul 30, 2013 10:04 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Stand Your Ground in Danger
Replies: 396
Views: 43585

Re: Stand Your Ground in Danger

Dadtodabone wrote:
baldeagle wrote:
MeMelYup wrote:It also applies to School Busses ... fights-too" onclick=";return false;
And my question would be, what is wrong with a student who is attacked on a bus defending themselves? Why wasn't the girl charged with battery? She attacked him. All he did was defend himself.
It's the mealy-mouthed gang, "No one wins a fight" "Everyone involved is at fault" "Can't we all just get along" "Kumbaya".
I had a nephew attacked by 3 thugs at a HS football game. He suffered a broken nose and 3 cracked ribs. He got up from being knocked down, broke away from his attackers, picked up a galvanized steel trash receptacle(didn't know they still made these)and proceeded to bash the stuffing out of them with it. The fact that he actually drove them back into a corner where their chance to escape was negated, led to his being arrested for aggravated assault.
The thugs defense was that they didn't want to hurt him, they just wanted to steal his iPad and he went crazy. The thugs were suspended for 1 week, my nephew was expelled. Ultimately he wasn't prosecuted, and now attends a Catholic HS, where should have been all the time.

Of course, your nephew was in the wrong.....we're supposed to happily turn over our property to thugs and let them enjoy the thrill of giving us a beat down. Had a coworker whose son fought back when he was attacked by some bullies at school. The school principal actually told this guy that his son should have curled himself up in a ball on the ground and taken his beating like a good little victim. The guy, being ex-Army, saw it differently. Back when my brother was in school, even in California, things played out the other way around. My brother beat up the school bully who attacked him, and the principal drove him home in order to praise our parents for raising a fine son, and tell them what a favor he'd done the school. The difference in attitudes from then to now is one of the reasons the country is becoming a moral sewer.
by VMI77
Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:36 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Stand Your Ground in Danger
Replies: 396
Views: 43585

Re: Stand Your Ground in Danger

74novaman wrote:
VMI77 wrote:
That's most of what this is about....using the incident to undermine self-defense law and impose more gun control.
I think the usual suspects such as bloomberg are absolutely trying to turn it into more gun control.

But with the current administrations weigh in on the topic, I think its far more about "our poll numbers are looking bad, we need to find something to galvanize the base" for national level democrats.

They tried the "war on women" and trying to shut down Limbaugh...didn't work. This is just the next noodle thrown at the wall to see what sticks.
They also got Rosen to attack Ann Romney so they could pretend to be offended and on the side of women who stay home to raise their children. The Z/M incident is being used to achieve multiple objectives....I agree that it's an election gambit, but they are also obviously attempting to sow racial division and create violence, which they apparently believe will also further their anti-gun, anti-self-defense, and re-election objectives, as well as divide the country. If they manage to provoke enough violence they may try to go even further with their political agenda. And I wouldn't be surprised to find that the media coverage was orchestrated right out of the White House. I'm not saying every media source is taking orders from the White House, but a couple key networks like NBC and CNN may be shilling for the White House, and that behind the scenes coordination has affected the coverage from all sources.
by VMI77
Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:10 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Stand Your Ground in Danger
Replies: 396
Views: 43585

Re: Stand Your Ground in Danger

philip964 wrote:Part of today's editorial in USA Today ... 54188404/1" onclick=";return false;

"They jumped too quickly to the conclusion that they were prohibited from arresting Zimmerman because of Florida's controversial "stand your ground" law, which allows the use of deadly force when people reasonably believe they're facing bodily harm. That ill-advised statute, adopted by about two dozen other states as well, is likely to be on trial along with Zimmerman, who told police he acted in self defense."

The law will be on trial as well as Zimmerman. I guess if Zimmerman wins, the law loses.
That's most of what this is about....using the incident to undermine self-defense law and impose more gun control.
by VMI77
Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:05 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Stand Your Ground in Danger
Replies: 396
Views: 43585

Re: Stand Your Ground in Danger

GeekDad wrote:So Imo, I believe this issue is not a matter of stand your ground. The situation from what was reported seems to show that it was handled wrong all the way around. But what I believe the media is doing is trying to create a whirlwind agenda to disarm America. It's been a big objective of this massive government has been built up by the right and left to disarm America. The right to your life inherently gives you the right to protect your own life. So I ask you to realize that the information from the media is an agenda of the corporations that own our government. Best thing to do is to redirect the conversation and educate the people who are against Stand your ground. Truth be told no one knows exactly what happened, and we should take that into consideration as well.
I am a Ron Paul supporter cause he fights for my liberty, and has not been bought and paid for.

It may not be working out too well for's an image of a poll on the stand your ground law taken in Florida:


And if they manage to incite race riots like they apparently want to do, gun sales may go through the roof.
by VMI77
Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:37 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Stand Your Ground in Danger
Replies: 396
Views: 43585

Re: Stand Your Ground in Danger

Another media lie: ... n-911-Call
In an NBC segment featuring George Zimmerman's 911 call on the night of the Trayvon Martin shooting, Zimmerman is heard saying: “This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.”

The full version, though, unfolds like this:

Zimmerman: “This guy looks like he’s up to no good, or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.”
911 operator: “Okay. And this guy, is he white black or Hispanic?”
Zimmerman: “He looks black.”
by VMI77
Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:34 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Stand Your Ground in Danger
Replies: 396
Views: 43585

Re: Stand Your Ground in Danger

lbuehler325 wrote:Character assessments of either party are also not very helpful in this situation. Was Martin a "thug"? It shouldn't matter!
I completely disagree, especially since there are no witnesses to everything that happened. Character is a significant factor in assessing which claims are likely to be true. If Martin, for instance, had a criminal record of assault, then Zimmerman's version of events would have more credibility than if he was a divinity student. Likewise, if Zimmerman had a history of racist behavior and was known to lie then even if Martin had a criminal record, Zimmerman's claims would would lack credibility.
by VMI77
Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:47 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Stand Your Ground in Danger
Replies: 396
Views: 43585

Re: Stand Your Ground in Danger

Trayvon supporters in the news:

North Miami Beach police said surveillance video shows dozens of high school students demonstrating in the Trayvon Martin case Friday ransacking a Walgreens store.

The incident occurred during a walkout from North Miami Beach Senior High School in support of Martin, 17, who was fatally shot in Sanford. ... z1qLcboEtb
A Millersville University student is charged with severely beating his ex-girlfriend and kidnapping her from a campus dormitory this weekend.

Akeem M. Johnson, 24, punched the victim at least 10 times Saturday morning before forcing her from her room at Burrowes Hall and into his car, according to a police affidavit.

On Friday night, he stood prominently at an on-campus rally regarding the death of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin, holding a sign saying, "I am Trayvon Martin."
Oh, and finally you remember the New Black Panther guy who offered a $10,000 "reward" for the unlawful kidnapping of Zimmerman on national television? He was busted for allegedlybeing a felon in possession of a firearm in Georgia yesterday.

Incidentally, his bond was set at.... wait for it..... $10,000.

All the anti-gunners going to be shouting out about his low bail, asking why is isn't still in jail, after all, he's a FELON with a gun....aren't the lefties supposed to be against criminals with guns? We know better --they don't mind if thugs have guns, it's US they don't want being able to defend ourselves from thugs.
by VMI77
Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:49 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Stand Your Ground in Danger
Replies: 396
Views: 43585

Re: Stand Your Ground in Danger

Heartland Patriot wrote:Did someone actually imply that every forum member had smoke marijuana at some point? Because I, for one, have NOT...I've smoked way too many tobacco cigarettes (before I quit a few months ago) and I've drank my fair share of cold beers and other alcoholic concoctions during my time with the USAF...but I have, once again, NEVER smoked marijuana nor have I ever taken any other illegal drugs, not even once, not even "just to try it". And I have no desire to start.
The use of marijuana, and it appears to be USE in this case, not merely experimentation, shows indifference to the law. People who are indifferent to one law like this are usually indifferent to others as well. There appears to be some indication that he SOLD marijuana, and if so, that is well beyond the indifference of the casual marijuana smoker, and rises to the level of contempt for the law. And "dealing" puts a person in another class of lawbreakers, since it means interacting with those heavily involved with the criminal element, and that suggests an attitude that is comfortable with inviting trouble --which in turns suggests a willingness to do violence. Who expects dealing illegal drugs to be a non-violent activity? Certainly not someone who advertises that he has "no limits."

I'm against the WOD and I think the drug laws and the way they are enforced not only cause more problems than they solve, but have eroded Constitutional protection for all of us. But I don't use or sell drugs because it's illegal. In fact, I consciously strive to obey the law, even the laws I don't agree with.
by VMI77
Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:37 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Stand Your Ground in Danger
Replies: 396
Views: 43585

Re: Stand Your Ground in Danger

Heartland Patriot wrote:
matriculated wrote:
Keith B wrote:
matriculated wrote: Why don't you wait for the GJ to make a determination before jumping the gun like that and creating a scenario all on your own that differs with many other skeptical, intelligent people's versions of events...? Huh? What are you, impatient?

Ok, #1: No, I'm not in favor of an innocent person going to prison under any circumstances, but clearly I don't think that Zimmerman's innocent. Don't stuff thoughts in my mind and words in my mouth.
OK, talk about a conflict of your views in the same post. I think we have the possum calling the hog long faced.

Bottom line, do not try to tell another member how they should be patient and not form opionions when you clearly have your mind made up he is guilty.
The first highlighted section was meant with tongue firmly placed in cheek. In the post prior to that I was explaining why I find calls for "patience" redundant.

Zooming out for a moment to take a look at the forest, there seems to be general concensus that Zimmerman acted stupidly. Even many of his defenders say that he made a foolish decision getting out of the car, following Martin, etc. My understanding is that if you do something stupid and someone ends up dead as the final result, that's called manslaughter.

About Zimmerman: unfortunately for him, I think any semblance of a normal life going forward is probably impossible. Probably the best thing that could happen to him right now is to get indicted and convicted, spend a few years in the big house, get out early for good behavior, and hope that by then nobody will remember this incident. That way he might have a chance at a normal life. He's still young, only 28. If, however, he gets acquitted, adios normal life forever. People will know who he is, he will get recognized, and there are always people out there willing to do violence if they feel the justice system didn't do its job. I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying that's reality. He'll always have to look over his shoulder for as long as he's alive. He would become the OJ of central FL (and I'm not talking about the delicious FL orange juice).
As someone who lived in South Texas as a teen, I assure you that Mr. Zimmerman could move there, or anywhere else in the Southwest or Mountain States and nobody would give him a second glance. Unless someone who has it in for him went out of their way to cause him problems.
Some people apparently have some very skewed notions of what constitutes reality, to some extent, deliberately programmed by Hollywood and the MSM (which are comprised mostly of leftists to whom reality is whatever they wish it to be).
by VMI77
Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:22 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Stand Your Ground in Danger
Replies: 396
Views: 43585

Re: Stand Your Ground in Danger

Was Zimmerman an Obama voter? More disruption for the left's narrative:
The individual at the center of the controversial Trayvon Martin shooting is a registered Democrat.

George Michael Zimmerman, born Oct. 5, 1983, registered as a Democrat in Seminole County, Fla., in August 2002, according to state voter registration documents.

It is unclear whether he voted for President Barack Obama in 2008.
by VMI77
Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:35 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Stand Your Ground in Danger
Replies: 396
Views: 43585

Re: Stand Your Ground in Danger

Was Treyvon a drug dealer? ... rug-dealer
Several of his friends have posted pictures of rolled blunts to twitter in memorial to Trayvon.
There is also fairly direct evidence that Trayvon may have been a small-time drug-dealer.

On Facebook on February 5th, his friend posts on his wall asking to talk business. Trayvon says he doesn’t have a phone available and his friend says, “Damn were u at a nigga needa plant.”
by VMI77
Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:17 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Stand Your Ground in Danger
Replies: 396
Views: 43585

Re: Stand Your Ground in Danger

The image of Treyvon in the media photoshopped to make him look younger and more innocent? Looks like it.... ... tered.html

Original photo: ... -teen.html
by VMI77
Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:09 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Stand Your Ground in Danger
Replies: 396
Views: 43585

Re: Stand Your Ground in Danger

Other photos of Treyvon the media won't show you:

Note his screen name on Twitter.

His Twitter page before it got taken down: ... GA&ct=clnk

Note the background photo: ... ge=100#100
That charming face is the mugshot of rapper Corey Miller, aka C-Murder, who is doing life without parole for beating up and shooting to death 16-year-old Steve Thomas in 2002 at a night club in Harvey, Louisiana. Quite the hero for Trayvon to worship!
Maybe he really is the president's son.
by VMI77
Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:01 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Stand Your Ground in Danger
Replies: 396
Views: 43585

Re: Stand Your Ground in Danger

jmra wrote:Time for a reality check and a look at the facts.
1. Zimmerman saw what he thought was a suspicious person in the neighborhood.
2. Zimmerman got out of his vehicle in order to keep with insight of the suspicious individual.
And now that we have a more truthful picture of Martin, Zimmerman's suspicions don't seem so far fetched and unreasonable: kid apparently talked about punching a bus driver, apparently was a thief and a liar, a known vandal and drug user, in trouble with authority multiple times, and his parents are liars. Attitude and demeanor tend to leak through and display themselves to observers.

On the bright side, as others have pointed out, it looks like this incident has resulted in President Obama uttering the first truthful statement since he took office: "If I had a son he'd look like Trayvon."

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