Frankly, my dear, I don't....well, maybe you know the line, maybe you don't. You're snide, smug, and condescending. My first response to you was quite civil --here it is again:matrix wrote:VM, your vitriol and obvious attempts to get personal with me make it hard for me to respond to you. Unless you cool off a little bit, this will be my last response to you. I'm not sure what the exact definition of a troll is on this forum, but I'm pretty sure you're trolling me. Let's calm down and talk, OK?VMI77 wrote:So depressed people give up their right to self-defense? Very generous of you not to take away their right to vote --probably because you think depressed people are more likely to vote a straight Democratic ticket.matrix wrote:A clinically depressed person should not be allowed to buy a firearm, but I see no reason to take away their other constitutional right, the right to vote.
You've obviously not given a wit of thought to your "common sense" regulations. Just what do you think depressed people are going to do if they know getting treatment is going to result in stigmatization and denial of their right to self-defense? Did it occur to you that taking away basic rights based on vague psychological concepts might cause people to avoid treatment? That makes the denial of gun and self-defense rights self-selective. So obviously, treatment will have to be coerced, and just as obviously, anyone who displays anything that might be considered signs of depression will have to be coerced into treatment, or everyone buying a guy will have to have a psychiatric evaluation --otherwise, depressed people will still be able to buy guns.
Clinical depression is not a "vague psychological concept." It is a real disease with real symptoms. Depressed people are much more likely to commit suicide or at least have suicidal ideation, so I would submit to you that it's probably not a good idea to put a gun in their hands. They are also much more likely than the general population to go on murder-suicide sprees (a la Grapevine, TX yesterday, or any number of other such incidents). And no, it's not "obvious" that treatment will be coerced. What is obvious is that clinical depression should be a disqualifier from buying a firearm.
While I agree that such political comments are inappropriate in a CHL class I also realize that people are apt to make such comments when they believe they are addressing a friendly audience --and I suspect there aren't too many gun toting Obama supporters: that's sort of like being an anti-abortion feminist. If you voted for Obama, and are an Obama supporter, you voted for, and support and administration that wants to take away your right to own guns and your right to defend yourself, as well as other Constitutional rights. The Gun Walker program was INTENDED to covertly undermine 2nd Amendment rights and he nominated an anti-gun zealot to head the BATF --no doubt to implement policies via the BATF that he cannot pass through Congress.
Fortunately we haven't yet reached the point where a president can simply do whatever he wants --because if Obama could do whatever he wanted your guns would already be gone and you'd be subject to prosecution for self-defense --like people in the UK. If that's what you want vote for Obama again and help the gun grabbers seat more anti-gun judges on the Federal bench, perhaps get another anti-gun judge on the SC to reverse the recent 2nd Amendment victory, and enable more covert anti-gun policies. But if you're that anxious to get rid of your guns, why wait? I'm sure some of us here on this board will be willing to take them off yours hands.
You followed up with this post....your snide and condescending remarks excerpted:
VM, let's get out of our preconceived notions about what people are supposed to be like based on one or two of their characteristics. Labels are simple and easy, I understand the allure, but they're also simplistic and the assumptions that go with them are often wrong. Even many of the people who you would consider gun-grabbing liberals own guns and aren't anti-gun at all, just simply favor some common sense gun regulations (such as closing the gun show loophole), and oppose some of the totalitarian craziness coming out of the NRA (like their opposition to closing the gun show loophole). And let's not forget that the current system does not protect against mentally ill people legally purchasing firearms. You can be mad as a hatter (Jared Loughner, anyone?), and still walk into any gunstore and purchase a firearm. Some common sense reforms are not EVIL LIBERALS STEALING MY GUNS!!! Calm down. All this talk about the president wanting your guns has no basis in reality. It's all based on what you think he may do, not anything he's done in his first 3 years as president. Tell you what, instead of reflexively going on about how the president wants my guns, why don't you tell me a specific action he has taken as president to take my guns... Patiently waiting.
You come on here touting your self-proclaimed superiority by suggesting my statements are "preconceived notions" that I find "alluring" because of my "simplistic" and "wrong" assumptions (your smug condescending comments are in red). You spout Brady Bunch propaganda (blue) and use hyperbolic rhetoric when it suits you (green) while telling me that I'm "reflexively going on" about things, and then smugly tell me to "calm down." You talk about "common sense" solutions, and when asked for some, tell us that it's too complicated for you, and you'll just leave it up to "experts."
I've seen the exact same style/tactic used on numerous boards by other big government liberals. If you think you're going to be smug and condescending and I'm going to be nice in response, you're sadly mistaken. In addition to your tone, your statements are full of straw men, another typical liberal "debating" tactic. For instance, your contention that someone who owns a gun can't be "anti-gun" and your request for specific actions Obama has taken "as president" to take your guns. If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.