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by Tom
Mon Jul 16, 2007 4:49 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Four .32ACP rounds required to stop the threat!
Replies: 32
Views: 5693

Re: Four .32ACP rounds required to stop the threat!

John R. Fuller wrote:I finally used my P32 .32ACP at an unplanned event. The good news is that the threat stopped after firing six rounds. Four of my rounds hit the thing I was trying to stop.

Two days ago, my teenage son and I were mowing the lawn minding our own business when that mean snake in the grass menaced my son. He got my attention and reported the snake in the grass.

I stopped the weed eater and immediately came to my son's defense. All I had was my trusty P32. Would you believe he or it was still there coiling and hissing at us both when I got there?

I pointed the P32 at what looked like the neck and squeezed the trigger. He staid there and continued to coil as I fired four more rounds. I waited for the snake to stop moving and fired one last round that nearly separated the head from the body. He was three feet long when we laid is dead body out to determine what it was.

I know that this does not rise to the level of a bonified self defense shooting, but it did provide me with a greater level of confidence in the ability of this little pistol to fire and and continue to function. I don't remember seeing the back of the slide on the gutter sights, but I do remember focusing the front sight on the squirmming snake.

From a standing position I fired at the ground about four feet in front of me. After seeing the width of the snake, I am proud to say that I counted four holes, all of which were within about six inches from the head.

I don't recall the report to be loud, but my ears were ringing when I was through. I hope I never have to use this on a human for any reason, but i feel confident in my ability to point one handed and fire several shots at self defense range accurately.

Remember, I was mowing the yard at the time. That means I sweated all over this pistol and it certainly aquired its share of the attendant dust and floating debris from doing yard work. The pistol functioned flawlessly. I wish all pistols pointed and worked as well as my P32!
I do understand fearing snakes as I have a healthy respect for the damage to humans that can occur,
but rather than killing them try this approach:

I have this unit and it has safely removed a couple of crotalus atrox that were very near to our feet.
No one and no thing were harmed. I move them to the tree line about 100 yards from the house.
They do not appear anxious to return.

The tong is easy to use as is but I modified mine by putting strips of felt inside the business end
channels to soften the grip on the snakes.
Did not affect function and made the ride a little softer for our slithering friends.

Kind Regards from Western Diamondback country,


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