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by baldeagle
Sun May 01, 2011 8:33 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Open Carry, and Political Correctness
Replies: 44
Views: 5056

Re: Open Carry, and Political Correctness

Some of us are realists. We believe in the Constitution, but we're not stupid enough to think that it will be followed or even cared about by the majority of people. So we take the little victories that we can get and work hard to get more while working equally hard to educate and change opinions. But the bottom line is that we carry for self defense, and we do not want that taken away by foolish attempts to move to fast on restoring our Constitutional rights. This is America. Like it or not, our representatives will do what the people want, the Constitution notwithstanding. If a small percentage is aware of their rights that does not mean that the majority, who elect our representatives, will agree with us and our exercise of those rights. When they don't agree, if we push too hard or too fast, we could lose what few rights we presently have. I don't want to be defenseless when confronted by an attacker because someone demanded their rights so stridently that the public reacted by demanding more restrictions on my rights.

They started confiscating weapons when you came into town back in the 1800's. It will take a while to get people to understand that those actions were unconstitutional.

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