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by baldeagle
Sat Apr 16, 2011 1:58 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: New CHL and New Hand Guns User
Replies: 38
Views: 4456

Re: New CHL and New Hand Guns User

SpikeTX wrote:hmm.... Held a XD yesterday it felt better then a Glock....

I'm concerned with concealing a compact compared to a sub....
Don't worry about concealment. Get a good gun belt and a good holster and you won't have any problems with concealment. Most of the major manufacturers make guns that are perfectly fine for concealed carry. I've shot Glocks but don't like the feel of them at all. And that's the point. Every person is different. Every hand is different. What feels good to you might feel bad to someone else. My EDC is a Sig P239 in .357 Sig (overall length is 6.6"). I've had people tell me that the recoil is harsh. I've had people say, "Boy that gun is loud!' Personally, I like shooting it, can hardly tell the difference between it and my P226 in 9mm as far as recoil goes and really like the way it feels in my hand. And I really don't think it's loud at all.

Forget about brands and calibers and find a gun that 1) fits well in your hand 2) that you really enjoy shooting 3) that is made by a reliable manufacturer. Then select the concealment components (belt, holster, clothing) that work with that gun. I have carried my P239 in shorts and t-shirt, and no one has ever reacted to me funny, asked me what that bulge was or said your 2nd amendment is showing. Concealing a handgun is easy if you just think through the elements carefully. If you wear a shirt that rides up above your belt when you bend over or reach for something, you're going to show your gun. If you wear a skin tight shirt, it's going to be obvious that there's something under it. Concealment depends entirely upon your body shape and type, your clothing choices, your carry choices (gun, belt, holster) and where you carry (position).

Finally, remember that most people are not observant at all. I'm not going to test this, but I'd bet you could walk around a big box store with a gun in an IWB holster with no cover over it at all and very few people would even notice anything, much less realize you had a gun. Even when they see it with their eyes, some of their brains will convince them otherwise. Others will just think you are LEO. You will be much more self-conscious about it than anyone around you.

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