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by chasfm11
Sat Sep 19, 2020 10:57 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Ruth Bader Ginsberg - dies 9.18.2020
Replies: 58
Views: 10239

Re: Ruth Bader Ginsberg - dies 9.18.2020

03Lightningrocks wrote: Sat Sep 19, 2020 9:48 am
This is the reality of it all. If we don't fill that seat ASAP, all we will hear for the next two months is about how the Right is going to take away rights with a supreme court pick.
I think that the reverse is true as well - perhaps more so. The Republicans gained the Senate in 2016 and added seats in 2018 on the strength of them exercising their "advise and consent" role in the appointment of jurists. The Evangelicals, who have been luke warm on President Trump, fully recognize the impact on the Supreme Court of the appointment of a Constitution oriented justice rather than a Liberal activist like RBG. Both sides recognize that Roe v Wade might hang in the balance. The suggestion was made that Justice Ginsberg's passing changed the tone of every Senate race across the country. People who might not have voted at all because of the ongoing rancor may be energized to come to the voting booth in support of a President and a Senate who will rein in the Supreme Court's activist traits. Time will tell if that is true or not.
by chasfm11
Fri Sep 18, 2020 8:48 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Ruth Bader Ginsberg - dies 9.18.2020
Replies: 58
Views: 10239

Re: Ruth Bader Ginsberg - dies 9.18.2020

srothstein wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 8:24 pm I have a problem with the hypocrisy that would be shown if they do make a nomination now. The Republicans held up a nomination for quite a long time because an election was close and they wanted to let the new president have a say (well, that was their stated reason). If they do a nomination this close, they would be showing that they were lying about it (which we all knew anyway).

The biggest tactical question is if the nomination is made now (or in October) how many votes would it cost Trump (and by extension all Republicans) in the election. I might be okay with losing the presidency for a SCOTUS appointment (though any appointment is really a guess how they will vote once on the court), but what if it gives the Democrats the presidency, control of the Senate, and control of the House?

I think the best bet is to wait until after the election. If they lose everything anyway, they can still get it done in November or December. If the win, they can take their time and make certain the right person is chosen.
Fox just replayed the clip from Mitch McConnell where he corrected the TV personality on this point. He said that if the Senate and the Presidency were held by two different parties, the vote should wait. If they were the same party, they had been given, by the voters, the approval to proceed. The Republican majority in the Senate was increased in 2018 and many Republicans ran on the Supreme Court nomination process.
by chasfm11
Fri Sep 18, 2020 8:11 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Ruth Bader Ginsberg - dies 9.18.2020
Replies: 58
Views: 10239

Re: Ruth Bader Ginsberg - dies 9.18.2020

Fox News just read a statement from Senator McConnell that a Trump nominee WOULD receive a vote on the floor of the Senate. I have no reason to believe that the President is NOT going to make an nomination.

Several TV personalities have already predicted that if a nomination happens, it will be a supreme test of our institutions. Further, the prediction was made that the rancor in the last Supreme Court nomination would pale by comparison to this one. I'd add that the violence that we've seen so far will likely do the same.

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