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by chasfm11
Thu Oct 31, 2013 12:37 pm
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Topic: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
Replies: 3383
Views: 393062

Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL

Jaguar wrote:Sanford, FL is going to ban Neighborhood Watch members from carrying guns while on volunteer duty.

Sorry, you wouldn't catch me volunteering to watch for trouble while unarmed. ... 91532-9217" onclick=";return false;
Unarmed volunteers may be new there but not here. Local PDs have groups and all that I know about must be unarmed. Some are in different color vehicles than officers but it sure seems like you are putting your personal security at risk, hoping that a uniformed (and armed) officer can get to you in time based on your radio call . Given the trend of criminals who seem to desire soft targets, I won't be volunteering any time soon. It is a shame that you have to give up your rights to be of community assistance.
by chasfm11
Tue Aug 27, 2013 6:59 pm
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Topic: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
Replies: 3383
Views: 393062

Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL

AndyC wrote:If it were me in charge, Angela Corey would be paying the fees - and from her personal bank account.
:iagree: :hurry:
by chasfm11
Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:52 pm
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Topic: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
Replies: 3383
Views: 393062

Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL

Dave2 wrote:
Keith B wrote:This topic will never make 200 pages..... Cause when it gets to 199 plus 14 posts, I'm gonna lock it!! :evil2:
NOOOOO!!!!! Quick! Everyone make really really really long posts so that it'll get over 200 pages before he can lock it! :biggrinjester:
You forget. He controls reality. No matter who does what, he can make it disappear faster than Christine O'Donnell's IRS breach records. :evil2:
by chasfm11
Tue Jul 16, 2013 8:38 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
Replies: 3383
Views: 393062

Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL

gdanaher wrote:I think the nexus of the problem is at the feet of the governor who appointed a special prosecutor who in turn overcharged Zimmerman. This was all done with the clear understanding that the Sanford PD had already conducted a thorough investigation. By overcharging, they guaranteed that Zimmerman would walk, that the general public, not being well schooled in criminal justice, would scream that this was not justice becasue justice only occurs when the lynch mob is satisfied, but in the end, the governor looks good because he 'sought justice'. There is probably some much more minor charge that might have been provable, but going the the jugular, they guaranteed a loss for the state. Now, if the whiners would only take a breath and sit back they might realize that actual justice did in fact occur because the evidence presented to the jury proved that Zimmerman was not guilty of murder 2. Maybe discharging a firearm within city limits, but not murder 2.
During the Piers Morgan interview, Jeantel said that the jurors were "old school". I fear that, like the Constitution, too many join her in believing that our current justice system is arcane. Their alternative of "street justice" would be even more discriminatory but somehow they miss the point that it depends on who is administering it.
by chasfm11
Sun Jul 07, 2013 7:01 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
Replies: 3383
Views: 393062

Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL

G26ster wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:ABC TV analysis: Zimmerman will walk....

"With all of this said, juries are notoriously impossible to predict and the deliberation process can take on a life of its own, but if they follow the letter of the law, it's hard to see, based on everything we know now, how they find him guilty of either murder or even manslaughter."
Who said this case will be decided by evidence, the letter of the law, or the deliberation process? It will be decided by emotion and self guilt IMHO. Likely a hung jury at best.
:iagree: I've felt since the beginning that those on the prosecution side should be wearing trainmen uniforms. Nothing in the prosecution's best witness testimonies has changed my opinion.
by chasfm11
Fri Feb 01, 2013 11:03 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
Replies: 3383
Views: 393062

Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL

puma guy wrote: Unfortunately from my experience many prosecutors are not interested in justice. The only truth that interests them is what may support their case and they're willing to obfuscate any thing that would help prove innocence. It's about the win. Of course defense lawyers try to keep any thing that would point to guilt under the radar as well, but prosecutors have much more information and evidence. It's a game of who can use parts of the truth to the best advantage, not the whole truth.
I get that. But if the data from the phone was tampered with (and I use those words carefully), it takes the obfuscation game to a whole new level. It is one thing to present the facts in a favorable light and another to mechanically alter a piece of evidence. At last to me.
by chasfm11
Fri Feb 01, 2013 11:58 am
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Topic: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
Replies: 3383
Views: 393062

Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL

And it continues ... 5051.story

By Rene Stutzman, Orlando Sentinel

6:16 p.m. EST, January 31, 2013
While the analysis includes GPS locating records for Mr. Martin's phone for all of the time he was in the Sanford area, specifically absent is any such data from February 26, 2012, the date of the event," O'Mara wrote.

"Maybe it's coincidence, but I'm way past [believing it's] coincidence," O'Mara said.
There needs to be an separate investigation of the prosecution in this case. The matter is too high profile and carries to much public sentiment for there to be unacceptable activity by the prosecution. We don't need another Mike Nyfong.
by chasfm11
Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:40 am
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Topic: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
Replies: 3383
Views: 393062

Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL

ScooterSissy wrote:
jocat54 wrote: Do we know for sure Z broke no laws? I don't.

I don't think we will ever know for sure who assaulted who.
You're correct, we don't know. And until someone proves beyond a reasonable doubt that he did break a law, he's innocent. That's the way our system is supposed to work.
There, I fixed it for you. Reasonable doubt and innocent until proven guilty only apply when there isn't a political agenda involved. The Duke lacross case was a fine example of where it didn't work because of a political agenda. Fortunately, that initial injustice was later reconciled. I'm not so sure a similar result is going to happen with this case.
by chasfm11
Tue May 15, 2012 6:57 am
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Topic: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
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Views: 393062

Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL

Oldgringo wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:I just got back from Florida last night. A couple of nights ago I had the chance to talk to a guy from Sanford, and I asked him what the prevailing opinion in Sanford is about Zimmerman's guilt/innocence, and his reply basically paralleled what most here seem to be saying: that A) Zimmerman probably should have not followed Martin, but the shooting was legitimate use of force in self-defense; B) that people in Sanford mostly believe that Zimmerman will be acquitted; and C) that Sanford PD officers still seem to think that the case was properly handled from the git-go.

I just thought that it was interesting because we're 1500 miles away, while his comments were from someone who lives in the community where the events took place.
Suits me. The fact of the matter is: we Texas CH licensees ain't got no dog in that Sanford, FL hunt.
I don't share that view. The right to a fair trial should be a fundamental part of our society and, at least initially, the Sandford situation was shaping up to be anything but. We had a "dog in the hunt" in the AZ shooting, too. Any time that the anti-gun forces attempt to use a particular situation to change overall gun related laws, we are affected, whether we acknowledge it or not. I lived in NJ and don't want to see other States revert to the requirement that one must retreat before attempting to defend themselves. So I'm following the Sanford case and hoping that justice is served and that some kind of a railroaded verdict is not used as a fulcrum for gun law erosion.
by chasfm11
Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:57 am
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Topic: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
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Views: 393062

Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL

baldeagle wrote:
Oldgringo wrote:Rhetoric and opinions aside, would any of this have happened if Zimmerman had done what the Dispatcher told him to do? One guy is dead and the other will probably wish he was before it's over. ITMT, our CHL's and Florida's "Stand Your Ground Law" have drawn much unwelcome scrutiny and unfavorable attention from an otherwise "sleeping dog".
That "sleeping dog" would have been awakened at some point. If not Zimmerman, some other case.
:iagree: In the "no crisis can go to waste" culture of the Left, they just wait and pounce at each event. Some (like the Sanford one) work better than others (like the Lochner shooting) at advancing the political agenda. They will always try, however.
by chasfm11
Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:26 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
Replies: 3383
Views: 393062

Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL

mamabearCali wrote:Conjecture has to based in fact though and supported by evidence...especially when admitted by the prosecution. A prosecutor can't just say "we think Zimmerman attacked Martin"--the question right back at him is do you have any evidence of this? The answer can't be "well just cause I have a gut feeling."

IANAL but I hve seen commentary on this by people who are. Several times I have been told that really it does not matter who engaged who first. Martin had Zimmerman on the ground (evidenced by injuries and wittness testimony). Zimmerman even if he did start Martin by say pushing him (no evidence of that, but lets say he did) had obviously wanted to disengage (screaming for help), and so with Martin's head bashing was then in the clear to use deadly force to stop from being killed.
That appears to be the crux of the problem with the fact pattern. Martin's mother is said to identified the voice as her son's. Another report was said to have had the voice print analyzed electronically and that it wasn't Zimmerman's. IMHO, if it was not Zimmerman yelling for help, his version of the the account becomes suspect. Martin yelling for help before the gunshot on the tape is the problem. There has been not statement that it was a 3rd party yelling for help so it pretty much has to be one of the two involved. Which one could be pivotal.
by chasfm11
Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:24 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
Replies: 3383
Views: 393062

Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL

VMI77 wrote:
A-R wrote:This quote is dangerously close to a veiled threat against Zimmerman from a sitting member of the United States Congress.
Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Florida, called Trayvon Martin a "victim of a botched police investigation full of incompetence or intelligent mismanagement." She added, "Trayvon was hunted, chased, tackled and shot. Ill-conceived laws and lax gun laws all contribute to this tragedy. Mr. Zimmerman should be arrested immediately for his own safety."

And since no one really knows what happened at this point, she is essentially a liar exploiting a tragedy to advance a political agenda that ultimately seeks to empower criminals by making their victims defenseless. Innocent African Americans will actually be the most defenseless --and that's not just ill-conceived, that's evil. She's also calling for the commission of an illegal and unconstitutional act --IOW, a crime. A crime which violates her oath of office --and doesn't that make her a Traitor? The government does not have any legal basis for arresting and imprisoning people to ensure their "safety." The left in this country is running out of ways to be more repugnant.
I :iagree: with all of your statements save the last sentence. There is no shortage of ways for them to be even more repugnant. As soon as I think they have exhausted all of the possibilities, something like this comes up and they prove me wrong - again. For example, I never would have expected the fiasco in Wisconsin where the State Capitol was taken over and defaced with impunity. I promise you that if that had been a Tea Party group, they would all be rotting in jail.

I was in the NY area when Al Sharpton helped to manufacture the Tawany Brawly incident I thought then that such a concocted, despicable act could not be topped. Rev Sharpton has proved me wrong several times since then.

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