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by E.Marquez
Fri May 05, 2017 4:18 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Think twice about Springfield and RRA
Replies: 89
Views: 21374

Re: Think twice about Springfield and RRA

Abraham wrote:O.K.

I'll buy from wherever, whoever, I want..
Your not alone in this thought process..

Some are independent thinkers and strive to follow their own goals, needs and beliefs formed though independent thought, consideration and research.
Others are followers and they derive there beliefs and actions from group think, they in essence crowd source and let others think for them.
Still others do the latter and then reconsider when they realize after more information is provided or discovered by the crowd reviles a different story then first assumed.. Thats when it gets interesting...

Does the person who allows group think to guide them stand up, admit the mistake and adjust their new "opinion" to align with the facts of the story ?
Or do they double down on being wrong :tiphat:
Im happy to say, My observation of this group here is partially the first demographic, largely the second and rarely the third :thumbs2:

The NRA has made decisions and deals that can be construed or twisted to be "Anti 2A", but it would be foolish and incorrect to label the NRA as Anti gun or 2A and denounce them, call for the NRA to be defunded , dismembered, protested to the point of failure.
Yet that is what some have called for with Springfield .

No worries, more availability for me...perhaps even cheaper prices...
by E.Marquez
Wed May 03, 2017 10:44 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Think twice about Springfield and RRA
Replies: 89
Views: 21374

Re: Think twice about Springfield and RRA

Liberty wrote: To do so they need to meet their customers requirements.
The only thing this customer requires from a gun manufacture is a well manufactured gun at fair price and supported in customer service for that gun after the sale.

I don't go to my favorite steakhouse looking for light bulbs
I have no expectation of my local motorcycle store advocating for free higher education...
The only thing I want from my local food store is, fresh food.

So as long as Springfield continues to manufacture quality guns at a fair price and support those guns with great costumer service, my requirements have been met.

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