Yes of course lets see the study, the method of research the question s asked and the context in which they were asked, location where asked and the timing of the research and the date the author started writing the article.LaUser wrote:I understand that this article is disagreeable to many, but that does not make it false. I would like to see the study and the statistics gathered before I would make such brash statements. Disagreement does not equate being wrong.AJSully421 wrote:Typical hit piece.
every single word of this article is pure BULL!
"Sir do you own a gun?" Asked a Militia gathering where the interview is open carrying a rifle. "Yes" = GUN OWNER
"Sir if the government were to come to your home town and imprison your fellow townspeople, confiscate all weapons, murder them, deny food and reeducate them.. Would you fight those forces by any means necessary? ". "Yes" = Anger issues and owns guns.
Questions repeated until the required predetermined conclusion has been reached.
RESEARCH DONE ..add numbers to the article already written and publish.