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by E.Marquez
Sat May 01, 2010 9:29 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Question on open carry for U.S. Military in Texas...
Replies: 73
Views: 10784

Re: Question on open carry for U.S. Military in Texas...

So after posting what i did, I realized, , even the MP's on Fort Hood technically carry off post, as the move from one side of Fort Hood, across 190 to west fort hood :banghead: :banghead:
And too,, I was only speaking about Army folks, not AF, Navy, or any other military unit as I have little personal knowledge in that area.
Yes CID does regularly carry off post in civilian cloths, as that IS there duty uniform..... that would one large exception.

MP's have no authority off post as far as I know.. ( if that is not so, myself and a few thousand other senior leaders on fort hood would like to know by what law and regulation..cuz folks have some splaning to do)
That is what i have seen, that is what is briefed by the PMO's office, that is what the lawyers and JAG Corps tell us.
In days gone past,, Unit leadership (non MP) used to go grab soldiers off post for a verity of reasons, AWOL, drunk and disorderly, ect ect.. not any more,, fastest way to get arrested by Local police is to go do your job as a NCO.. OFF POST... And Once upon a time both MP's and Senior NCOS used to patrol off post to maintain a Military presence to both help keep the soldiers straight and to receive those caught by LEO in minor offenses. So they could be transported back to post and dealt with by the unit commander.. again,,,not any more.

My apologies for any confusion I added to this thread :patriot:

I'm a Infrantry Sergeant Major, not a an MP or lawyer :smilelol5:
by E.Marquez
Fri Apr 30, 2010 8:59 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Question on open carry for U.S. Military in Texas...
Replies: 73
Views: 10784

Re: Question on open carry for U.S. Military in Texas...

There is some accurate general Texas law spread through out this thread.. :hurry:
Here is some accurate basic Military information to go with it.
MP's do not carry off duty,, on or off post, they turn in there weapons to the arms room just like every other Soldier after duty.

No commander I've met, known, read about, seen, heard about is out there authorizing his (her) Soldiers to take a military weapon off post in open carry.. their are no military duties to be discharged in such a manner as far as my 24 years of service can come up with..

If a Soldier desires to carry a weapon off duty, off post he falls under state laws, just like the rest of the citizens of Texas. There job as a soldier does not except them from State law as their are not discharging there duties (that TX law is to cover NG and reserve soldiers discharging duties when called to duty IMHO).... In fact,, it is just the opposite I'm asking for...
Let us (military folks) be allowed to carry IAW the state laws of where our post is located (ie concealed carry if so licensed) vice the bull that was enacted by presidential order some years back that forbids us from doing so on military installations.
nnnnnnn wrote:OK, I see we need some laws read into this situation. First and foremost, if he was military and discharging his duties, he is allowed to open carry anywhere in Texas. 46.15(b)(1) makes 46.02 non-applicable to the military in the discharge of their duties.

Second, only the military can say what the discharge of their duties are. While dropping a child off at school may not sound like official duties, he is in the discharge of his duties if he has regulations requiring him to be armed at all times.

Third, there are so many exceptions to the Posse Comitatus Act that it is almost null. Active duty military can assist local police in many cases, such as drug cases, weapons cases, and border patrol. Two examples of this from Texas history are the military helping the ATF/FBI at the Branch Davidians compound in Waco (one of the complaints was that the ATF lied to Ann Richards by claiming drugs were involved to get he military equipment and training) and the shooting of Ezequiel Hernandez by marines on border patrol.

And given all of that, my money would be he was a poser. I am not involved in the military and have not been since 1983, but I know of no regulation requiring anyone to be armed 24 hours. I know general officers used to be authorized that privilege, but even they were not required to be. And, as many others have pointed out, most of the special operations soldiers do not tell anyone they are in special operations. Those that do will usually claim their branch, not spec ops (except for a very few whose branch is still classified - like Delta Force was when it was first started). I strongly agree that the police should be called if he shows up again.

There is an Armed Force Police unit in San Antonio that can tell you if he is active duty and where he is stationed. They would take a report on this incident and refer it to the appropriate unit if he is in violation. The MP's at Ft. Hood would probably also due this. I recommend the current incident be reported to the military to prevent a case of stolen valor.
by E.Marquez
Thu Apr 29, 2010 4:17 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Question on open carry for U.S. Military in Texas...
Replies: 73
Views: 10784

Re: Question on open carry for U.S. Military in Texas...

G26ster wrote:Boy, I must be really old. After spending 14 years active duty in the U.S. Army, always in combat arms, when the heck did Special Forces begin operations "within" the United States. Under what authority are they operating?? I don't believe that any military personnel, other than Military Police, would be armed off a military reservation, or armed on the reservation other than for training purposes only. Someone please bring me up to date. :shock: you’re not that far gone.

I'm active duty now and have been for the preceding 24 years, all as a grunt. It's the same now as it was as you remember it.

Whoever the player was / is, was misunderstood or is not right. He is not operating under any military authority by the way the encounter was described.
IMHO, if he shows again, call a local LEO, let them sort it out.. Right guy mistaken, Right guy doing the wrong thing or wrong guy doing the wrong thing... This is one of the few times I would request the assistance of LEO..
by E.Marquez
Wed Apr 28, 2010 10:02 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Question on open carry for U.S. Military in Texas...
Replies: 73
Views: 10784

Re: Question on open carry for U.S. Military in Texas...

If he was off post, in Desert Battle Dress Uniform he was a poser, or worse.

If he was in ACU's and still spouting that bull,, PLEASE contact local law and have them make contact.... There is no reason for a US Army Soldier to open carry a weapon to a school, not an MP, not an infantry Soldier, none, unless it was pre arranged for a demonstration.

If you have a name and what his left shoulder patch looked like, please PMme.
by E.Marquez
Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:49 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Question on open carry for U.S. Military in Texas...
Replies: 73
Views: 10784

Re: Question on open carry for U.S. Military in Texas...

dicion wrote:The way I remember the military exemption is, if he is on duty, and his duty requires it, then yes, he is allowed to carry it.

I'll have to look it up.
Nope, not unless he was on a federal installation under military athority.. once off post, unless Posse Comitatus has been suspended .. he follows the state, and other local laws.

Mind PM'ing me his name, or unit, or what patch he had on his left shoulder?

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