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by Scott in Houston
Tue Mar 11, 2014 9:31 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Video:Houston's 5th Ward drug scene + Fort Bend + Falfurrias
Replies: 24
Views: 4702

Re: Video:Houston's 5th Ward drug scene + Fort Bend + Falfur

jmra wrote:
Scott in Houston wrote:
jmra wrote:
Scott in Houston wrote:
jmra wrote:
Cedar Park Dad wrote:If you don't know your way around, the wards can be extremely bad news and a regular killbox for outsiders. Nothing to New Orleans or east LA areas though.
I would totally disagree about New Orleans. I spent 30 years there. My father spent 20 years pastoring an intercity mission church. There isn't an underbelly of New Orleans I haven't seen.
For a number of years I managed offices in New Orleans and Houston in ares that would be very similar in description. I never had a single issue at my New Orleans office. I eventually had to close down the Houston office due to theft, vandalism, and threats to the safety of my employees. I wouldn't hesitate to go anywhere in New Orleans - I refuse to so much as drive through Houston.
Ironic, because post-Katrina, Houston's crime shot up.
One of my best friends works for HPD in west Houston and his neighborhoods went to heck fast. He said, "These people are a special kind of mean and angry. Their gangs are nothing like what I've seen before."

Not far from nice homes in Memorial are Katrina evacuees, still getting subsidized by our taxes, and I see them weekly... and agree with his analysis.
As is your choice but it would be based on a very small sampling and would suggest that now I am even more correct as the worst of what lived in New Orleans before Katrina now lives in Houston.

That last part is definitely true. My personal sample set may be small, but buddy who patrols a large area in some 'gang task force' type organization of HPD, has agreed on a much wider level. He says he's not alone in his sentiments either.
Look at the crime reports out of NOLA and compare them with Houston. Facts speak for themselves. It's always easier to blame newcomers for your degrading society than it is to accept than your town was already hitting the skids before they got there.
NOLA has it's problems like anywhere, but anyone who thinks it's crime is anywhere near as bad as Houston simply doesn't know squat about NOLA. But since your mind has been decided by someone else's experiences (someone who obviously has little experience with NOLA itself) we will have to agree to disagree.
That's fine. The stats don't lie as you say... and the statistical jump in crime post-Katrina is undeniable. I'm not commenting on NOLA, just on what it did to Houston when they 'refugees' got here... the worst kind. It was well outside the standard deviation. I'm too lazy to google-foo, and not really concerned enough too either because in the end, it doesn't matter. It is what it is.
by Scott in Houston
Tue Mar 11, 2014 9:15 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Video:Houston's 5th Ward drug scene + Fort Bend + Falfurrias
Replies: 24
Views: 4702

Re: Video:Houston's 5th Ward drug scene + Fort Bend + Falfur

jmra wrote:
Scott in Houston wrote:
jmra wrote:
Cedar Park Dad wrote:If you don't know your way around, the wards can be extremely bad news and a regular killbox for outsiders. Nothing to New Orleans or east LA areas though.
I would totally disagree about New Orleans. I spent 30 years there. My father spent 20 years pastoring an intercity mission church. There isn't an underbelly of New Orleans I haven't seen.
For a number of years I managed offices in New Orleans and Houston in ares that would be very similar in description. I never had a single issue at my New Orleans office. I eventually had to close down the Houston office due to theft, vandalism, and threats to the safety of my employees. I wouldn't hesitate to go anywhere in New Orleans - I refuse to so much as drive through Houston.
Ironic, because post-Katrina, Houston's crime shot up.
One of my best friends works for HPD in west Houston and his neighborhoods went to heck fast. He said, "These people are a special kind of mean and angry. Their gangs are nothing like what I've seen before."

Not far from nice homes in Memorial are Katrina evacuees, still getting subsidized by our taxes, and I see them weekly... and agree with his analysis.
As is your choice but it would be based on a very small sampling and would suggest that now I am even more correct as the worst of what lived in New Orleans before Katrina now lives in Houston.

That last part is definitely true. My personal sample set may be small, but buddy who patrols a large area in some 'gang task force' type organization of HPD, has agreed on a much wider level. He says he's not alone in his sentiments either.

Edit: correction, he doesn't patrol anymore. He's been a detective the last 2 or 3 years.
by Scott in Houston
Tue Mar 11, 2014 9:06 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Video:Houston's 5th Ward drug scene + Fort Bend + Falfurrias
Replies: 24
Views: 4702

Re: Video:Houston's 5th Ward drug scene + Fort Bend + Falfur

jmra wrote:
Cedar Park Dad wrote:If you don't know your way around, the wards can be extremely bad news and a regular killbox for outsiders. Nothing to New Orleans or east LA areas though.
I would totally disagree about New Orleans. I spent 30 years there. My father spent 20 years pastoring an intercity mission church. There isn't an underbelly of New Orleans I haven't seen.
For a number of years I managed offices in New Orleans and Houston in ares that would be very similar in description. I never had a single issue at my New Orleans office. I eventually had to close down the Houston office due to theft, vandalism, and threats to the safety of my employees. I wouldn't hesitate to go anywhere in New Orleans - I refuse to so much as drive through Houston.
Ironic, because post-Katrina, Houston's crime shot up.
One of my best friends works for HPD in west Houston and his neighborhoods went to hell fast. He said, "These people are a special kind of mean and angry. Their gangs are nothing like what I've seen before."

Not far from nice homes in Memorial are Katrina evacuees, still getting subsidized by our taxes, and I see them weekly... and agree with his analysis.
by Scott in Houston
Mon Mar 10, 2014 2:05 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Video:Houston's 5th Ward drug scene + Fort Bend + Falfurrias
Replies: 24
Views: 4702

Re: Video:Houston's 5th Ward drug scene + Fort Bend + Falfur

I volunteer occasionally at a Christian-based private school that supports the poorest of the poor. It's in the 3rd Ward. The tuitions are paid for 100% by donations from business and individuals. These kids have such a hard road ahead, that it is just sad. This school provides an amazing opportunity for them to get out of their current environment. The area is horrid of course... The playground's chain link fence has to be spray painted red to keep it from being stolen. They own an outdoor, covered basketball court just down the street, but don't even try to utilize it because it's constantly overrun by gangs and thugs.

When I go there, I'm at condition YELLOW at a minimum, and constantly. SA is more important than ever because I'm going to a school... no option to carry. I'm not even comfortable taking it in my car because of theft, but I do, and I keep it in one of the gun safes tethered to my car. There's no way I could retrieve it in time for self defense however. It's just there for the ride there and home.

This is when I'm more upset than ever about the inability to campus carry. Once on campus, there are armed security personnel, so it's not quite so bad, but the walk to and from my car... ugh.

EDIT: The video is marked private. Is there a way I can see it?

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