mrfunnyman wrote:Ok here is my wrap up from my previous post...
been having trouble with the new 709 FTF
Problem now seems to be solved.
The main 2 things I did to solve my issue are...
1. clean the snot out of it and make sure the firing pin mechanism is well oiled (as previously noted they pack a ton of grease in these at the factory)
2. started shooting better quality ammo
today I shot 100 rounds of Remington UMC with ZERO FTF issues and just to see if this was the problem I loaded 1 mag of Monarch and sure enough the 4th monarch round was a no fire. see ya Monarch and White box Winchester I know your cheap but I'm done with you.
If you buy a less expensive gun, but can't shoot cheaper ammo, doesn't it make it a more expensive gun in the long run??
Seriously though, I've seen the response to many gun issues as, "Run better ammo." That seems like a problem to me. I want my gun to be able to run the cheapest of cheap stuff as well as the good stuff. I'll pay extra up front for a Glock or other gun that I know will always go bang, then bang again with the cheapest stuff Walmart or other places have to offer.