I don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but I'm retired for now.
When I was younger I wanted to be Superman, but the job was taken, or a Fireman, I decided I preferred air conditioning to heat, or a Policeman and they weren't hiring people who only had one hand ... so ...
(Often I handled several jobs at the same time)
Handled Network Security for MSN's Celebrity Chats/Network Admin/Sysop
Consultant in various fields
Microsoft Reseller and OEM
Computer manufacturing company owner/designer/builder etc
Legal Assistant
Licensed Private Investigator
Licensed Real Estate Broker
Apartment Maintenance Man
Car Salesman
Psychiatric Technician at an inpatient Hospital for chemical abusers
Plumber's apprentice
Outside Sales for Plumbing supplies for South Texas region
Assistant Manager of large "big box" Hardware Stores
Pool Manager/Lifeguard
I invented junk as a kid, like data compression techniques used in all modems now, but never patented stuff.
I should patent Burglar bars hooked to a fire/smoke alarm using something like a solenoid for a lock so people don't get trapped by the bars in fires, they'd swing open when a smoke alarm goes off or a panic button (not reachable from outside) was pressed. States should require them and Insurers should give discounts for that type ... but I'll never get around to it
and at 12 years old I had a newspaper route.
If we get the campus carry passed, I may go back to school and be a lawyer and/or a Registered Nurse.
Like I said .... I don't know what I want to be when I grow up