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by sjfcontrol
Mon Jul 11, 2011 5:34 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: The Disarming of America --a liberal's dream
Replies: 63
Views: 5976

Re: The Disarming of America --a liberal's dream

VMI77 wrote:
RockingRook wrote:Then again I do believe that normal law abiding citizens have no need for a 30 shot mag. for his Glock.
Why draw the line at 30 rounds? Why do you "need" more than 10, or 6, or 1? Why does any "normal law abiding citizen" need more than two guns, say a rifle for hunting, and a shotgun? You don't even "need" to keep those at home to use for hunting or target shooting --you can just pick them up from some government run safe storage facility. In fact, why does a normal law abiding citizen "need" a gun at all? There are millions of people in this country who don't have guns and have never needed one --what makes you so special? If you accept "need" as a criteria they you're going to have to accept someone else's definition of "need." I assure you, just as you think someone else doesn't "need" a 30 shot magazine, there are millions of people who don't think you need any guns at all, and some of those people are going to be telling you what you need and don't need. Look around, they're not going to stop with guns, they want to tell you what kind of car you need, what kind of home you need, and even what food you need to eat.
Not to mention what kind of health insurance you need! :mad5
by sjfcontrol
Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:54 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: The Disarming of America --a liberal's dream
Replies: 63
Views: 5976

Re: The Disarming of America --a liberal's dream

SQLGeek wrote:
RockingRook wrote: Then again I do believe that normal law abiding citizens have no need for a 30 shot mag. for his Glock.

Do we need fully automatic weapons?
What does "need" have to do with anything?

What is to say your needs are the needs of every citizen?
Don't you know?
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, as needed, shall not be infringed.
by sjfcontrol
Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:55 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: The Disarming of America --a liberal's dream
Replies: 63
Views: 5976

Re: The Disarming of America --a liberal's dream

MMac wrote:I don't know of any 'liberals' who would agree with this. Sounds like a right wing conservitive scare tactic.
You're sounding like the Washington Post trying to blame "Fast and Furious" on the NRA!
by sjfcontrol
Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:45 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: The Disarming of America --a liberal's dream
Replies: 63
Views: 5976

Re: The Disarming of America --a liberal's dream

Gyrogearhead wrote:
Or maybe we could find a large island somewhere mid-ocean like the French used to do only equip it with automatic track-destroy computer controled weaponry around the coast line. Nobody gets in; nobody gets out except at the entry pier, including aircraft. Access at the pier could be remotely controled from say Dept. Of Justice, in D.C. and everything else runs on auto. The inmates would have to learn to get along in a civilization of their own making or perish; their choice. :shock:

Just an idle thought.


Umm, "Escape from L.A."?
Snake Plissken is once again called in by the United States government to recover a potential doomsday device from Los Angeles, now an autonomous island where undesirables are deported.
by sjfcontrol
Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:53 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: The Disarming of America --a liberal's dream
Replies: 63
Views: 5976

Re: The Disarming of America --a liberal's dream

lkd wrote:
TrueFlog wrote:That article is so absurd, I can't help but wander if it's not satire...? A demonstration of the kind of extreme measures that would be required to disarm America. I'm surprised no one's mentioned this yet, but his plan qould require abolishing not only the 2nd Amendment, but also the 4th. He want the police to be able to search any place at any time without PC. He wants to stop-and-frisk Grandma in public with PC. This has to be satire - nobody's that crazy.
No, seriously, I've met people just like this. Yes, they're insane. Yes, they were all liberals. Yes, the irony.
You have to remember... It's for the CHILDREN! If it saves a single child, it's worth it. :banghead:

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