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by VoiceofReason
Sun May 08, 2016 8:49 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Report: Mexican Cartels Helping Jihadists Infiltrate US
Replies: 20
Views: 4675

Re: Report: Mexican Cartels Helping Jihadists Infiltrate US

WTR wrote:
ScottDLS wrote:
VoiceofReason wrote:
Bitter Clinger wrote:
ScottDLS wrote:Isn't "derecho de piso"...the right of "floor"... Derecho de paso???? :???:
Pretty sure it's a colloquial expression used to mean something like "paying your dues". Whatever. Press "1" for English. :biggrinjester:
I am not "pretty sure" I am positive. I am not offering opinion, I am offering fact.

Izquierda (pronounced something like “eskedra”) means left and derecho means right. piso means floor

Rangel was my wife's maiden name 48 years ago. We are still married and still love each other.
Was thinking the phrase might be "Derecho de paso". Derecha means "right" in the sense of left or right, and derecho means right as in civil right in the Spanish speaking places I've been. And piso means floor. Que piso? "What floor?" is what they always asked me in the elevator in South America. Derecho de paso...seems to translate as "right of passage" which makes more sense in cartel context... :???:
It is derecho de piso. Trust me......Spanish sayings do not always make literal scene when translated to English.
Que pasa” means "what's happening" and "Que piso" means "what floor" a slight change in the way a word is pronounced can have a whole different meaning. I became very familiar with “left” and “right” working with a mostly “Chicano” crew setting up telephone poles when I worked with the telephone company.

Believe what you want though as I am no longer going to argue the point.
by VoiceofReason
Sat May 07, 2016 8:34 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Report: Mexican Cartels Helping Jihadists Infiltrate US
Replies: 20
Views: 4675

Re: Report: Mexican Cartels Helping Jihadists Infiltrate US

Bitter Clinger wrote:
ScottDLS wrote:Isn't "derecho de piso"...the right of "floor"... Derecho de paso???? :???:
Pretty sure it's a colloquial expression used to mean something like "paying your dues". Whatever. Press "1" for English. :biggrinjester:
I am not "pretty sure" I am positive. I am not offering opinion, I am offering fact.

Izquierda (pronounced something like “eskedra”) means left and derecho means right. piso means floor

Rangel was my wife's maiden name 48 years ago. We are still married and still love each other.
by VoiceofReason
Sat May 07, 2016 3:55 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Report: Mexican Cartels Helping Jihadists Infiltrate US
Replies: 20
Views: 4675

Re: Report: Mexican Cartels Helping Jihadists Infiltrate US

psijac wrote:Doesn't make sense. Cartels are thugs second, businessmen first. They make more selling drugs to our college students then selling us out to Isis suicide bombers.

More likely scenario is that Isis pays coyotes to smuggle them in like they do other illegals, and the Coyotes just choose not to discriminate, rather than a wired collusion to destroy america
I agree. I too was thinking it doesn’t make much sense. After 9-11 the cartels lost a lot of money because the government tightened down the border until it squeaked. It’s back the way it was before now because a lot of U.S. officials and businessmen couldn’t stand the loss.

You are right Scott, “derecho de piso” does mean “right the floor”. "rlol"

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