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by randomoutburst
Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:33 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Sept. 2010 applications
Replies: 204
Views: 32880

Re: Sept. 2010 applications

2crazy2carry wrote:Yeah I agree. Is it really that hard to do them in order. So because I went to college a few years ago and my background check list is a bit longer I lose my rights to a "fair turn" and have to sit out til someone feels like getting to the "hassle" that is my app?

Thought we were a "Shall issue" state meaning unless Im a con i get a ticket to paradise. lol unless it inconveineces one of the workers?

Yeesh :totap: :grumble :mad5 :banghead:
I don't know that you'll have to wait too much longer than everyone else. I don't think they get done "in order", but there must be some method to the madness. Just because you have a longer bg check doesn't mean it gets tossed to the just takes longer to do the check! ;-)

It makes me wonder how many applicants they actually have, hubby applied for a job with the local PD and it took them about a week to get his bg check done...and his is nearly spotless - just one speeding ticket, and that's the only thing they'll find. If it takes that longer to find out, in essence, "nothing", then how much longer does it take to find "something"?
by randomoutburst
Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:11 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Sept. 2010 applications
Replies: 204
Views: 32880

Re: Sept. 2010 applications

clarionite wrote:
A friend of mine's birthday was yesterday. He submitted his renewal paperwork two weeks before I sent my first time paperwork in. His hasn't come yet. Said Manufacturing Pending yesterday when he checked. When I called him yesterday to wish him a happy birthday, I said "Bet You can't guess what I'm a doin'" His reply was... "Bet you can't guess what I won't be doin' tomorrow." <G>

His should be here by next week, but he's feeling naked and vulnerable today.
Oh man, that stinks. Hope he gets it's like wanting to scratch an itch and not being able to do so!

Good news - mine came in the mail today! Just in time, too; I'm traveling down to Dallas to have dinner with my mom in celebration of her birthday. I just know what's going to happen, though...someone's going to hug me and hit the gun, then freak out. Probably my mom. I told her I was getting my license the week before I took the class and she snapped, "What for? Why on EARTH would you need a gun?" All the nice talk and persuasive attempts in the world couldn't convince her otherwise. Sheesh. She didn't say a word when my hubby got his license. I guess it's not very "lady-like" to carry a gun, but it sure is intelligent-like!
by randomoutburst
Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:59 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Sept. 2010 applications
Replies: 204
Views: 32880

Re: Sept. 2010 applications

Ouch. The mail came and my plastic is nowhere to be seen. Guess I'll be twiddling my thumbs tomorrow too... :cryin
by randomoutburst
Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:35 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Sept. 2010 applications
Replies: 204
Views: 32880

Re: Sept. 2010 applications

Well, I guess my mailman WASN'T late yesterday...he didn't come at all!

I checked with neighbors after opening the (disappointingly) empty mailbox to find not a single piece of mail, and they said they didn't get any mail yesterday, either. While I'm disappointed that I didn't get my plastic, at least I know I wasn't the only one who didn't get mail.

Twiddling my fingers until 4pm when the mailman rolls around this way... :waiting:
by randomoutburst
Tue Oct 12, 2010 4:00 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Sept. 2010 applications
Replies: 204
Views: 32880

Re: Sept. 2010 applications

Mailman still hasn't come, and he's normally been here by now. :totap:

I have to leave town and if he doesn't come before I leave, I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see if I got my plastic or not! :grumble
by randomoutburst
Sun Oct 10, 2010 4:52 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Sept. 2010 applications
Replies: 204
Views: 32880

Re: Sept. 2010 applications

DangerJ wrote:Just realized that I think Monday is a federal mail. Yikes! Sorry to pass the bad news. Hopefully you will get it Tuesday. ;)
You have got to be kidding me! The Monday I wanted to mail my packet off was Labor Day, and the day I want to get the plastic is Columbus Day? I just can't win...

And to add insult to injury, my college doesn't even give us the day off like public schools would. Ouch!
by randomoutburst
Sun Oct 10, 2010 12:59 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Sept. 2010 applications
Replies: 204
Views: 32880

Re: Sept. 2010 applications

I think it's funny how it only took one day for the DPS to receive my packet via normal mail, but for me to receive my license it takes at least two days, possibly three. And I mailed the packet around 2pm so I know it didn't have time to travel far, if at all, on the day I mailed it. Hmmm...
Anyway, I hope I get it on Monday so I can start working out some carry options. I'll be driving back into Dallas for my mom's birthday this week, and I'd like to be carrying when we go. I'm still without a holster and I don't think my sister or mom will ever let me live down wearing the fanny pack. :oops:
by randomoutburst
Sun Oct 10, 2010 12:07 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Sept. 2010 applications
Replies: 204
Views: 32880

Re: Sept. 2010 applications

dgindrup wrote:randomoutburst, if yours mailed allready i should be right behind you, as that has been the case all along.. let me know when you get yours, so ill know to expect mine.
Well, it sure wasn't in the mail today (much to my dismay) but I expect it to be here on Monday/Tuesday. I'll let ya know!
by randomoutburst
Fri Oct 08, 2010 1:37 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Sept. 2010 applications
Replies: 204
Views: 32880

Re: Sept. 2010 applications

Mine shows mailed today as well!
by randomoutburst
Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:25 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Sept. 2010 applications
Replies: 204
Views: 32880

Re: Sept. 2010 applications

BACKGROUND CHECK COMPLETE!!! Manufacturing pending. AWESOME. I still won't have it in time for my trip to the fair, but I'll probably have it next week! So happy...that wait was excruciating!
by randomoutburst
Mon Oct 04, 2010 8:37 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Sept. 2010 applications
Replies: 204
Views: 32880

Re: Sept. 2010 applications

dgindrup wrote:
sekonjim wrote:Ughhh... just checked and fingerprints and background are STILL in review... <sigh>... what could be taking so long!?!?! :banghead:
My Fingerprints changed a few days ago, but am still waiting for my background check.. which should be spotless..... so, not sure what the hangup is..but keeping my fingers crossed
I'm at the same point, dgindrup. Still waiting on that background check which, like yours, is spotless. I won't have my plastic in time for our trip to the State Fair but even if I can't carry, at least my hubby can. :thumbs2:
by randomoutburst
Wed Sep 29, 2010 2:09 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Sept. 2010 applications
Replies: 204
Views: 32880

Re: Sept. 2010 applications

DangerJ wrote:Hi all. New to the forum and see lots of post wondering what other peoples timeframes were. I took the CHL class on 8/28, Mailed the pertinent paperwork to the DPS on 8/31. Yesterday 9/28 my status online changed to "Mailed". I did not fill out the application online. I did it all by mail. Good luck everyone... hope to have my license in the next day or so. Then I await my holster to get here.
Oooooh, I'm hopeful now! I also did the paper packet by mail instead of online. I took my CHL class 9/4, mailed the stuff on 9/8, DPS received it 9/9. I checked on it on the 22nd or 24th (can't remember) and showed only prints and background check pending. On 9/26 my prints were completed and now I'm only waiting on the background check!

By your timeline, mine should be mailed within the next week and a half! *knock on wood*

Hope you get your holster soon, DangerJ. I went ahead and got a fanny pack for all-purpose carry, so I'll be able to carry immediately...but I have my eye on an M-TAC holster and will probably order it soon. The range says they can get it for me within a week, so I can deal with a fanny pack until it gets here. :) What are ya' carrying??
by randomoutburst
Tue Sep 28, 2010 4:30 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Sept. 2010 applications
Replies: 204
Views: 32880

Re: Sept. 2010 applications

They may not have your application available online at this point, since you sent it off only 5 days ago. You will receive something in the mail when your application progress is available to view online, and it should work for you then.

This is the hard part: waiting! ;-)
by randomoutburst
Mon Sep 27, 2010 7:07 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Sept. 2010 applications
Replies: 204
Views: 32880

Re: Sept. 2010 applications

dgindrup wrote:randomoutburst,

our CHL packets were received by the DPS on the same day (09-09) I would be interested to see the difference between the two of us in regards to when we get our plastic in hand. I think our status is the same as of today..

let me know when you get yours..... and ill let you know when I get mine.
So you did the paper app too? Most people in my class had already done the online app, but I personally think the paper app means everything gets processed quicker since all the paperwork comes in at once instead of in pieces. Of course, I could be totally wrong, but that's what I feel like. ;-)

I'll be sure to post when I get mine...I'm still waiting on the background check today. :roll:
by randomoutburst
Sun Sep 26, 2010 11:26 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Sept. 2010 applications
Replies: 204
Views: 32880

Re: Sept. 2010 applications

xdfanatic - Last year we moved right after receiving my hubby's CHL in the mail. Only took them 2 weeks to replace his CHL, versus 5 weeks for his DL.

Since you changed your address during the processing, it's possible that it wasn't changed as indicated. Contact them if it hasn't arrived in the mail tomorrow. If you can contact whoever now lives at your old address, they may have gotten it, so at least you won't be wondering where the license is or worrying about it floating around.

I'm sure that they can get your fiancé a new one quickly, if the old was indeed sent to the incorrect address. Best of luck, and let us know what happens. :-)

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