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by philip964
Tue Sep 05, 2023 9:45 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Obama's continuing legacy
Replies: 261
Views: 103435

Re: Obama's continuing legacy

anygunanywhere wrote: Thu Aug 31, 2023 9:49 am
philip964 wrote: Wed Aug 30, 2023 4:33 pm ... crack.html

Tucker goes out on a really big limb: Press wouldn’t report or investigate Obama gay sex and smoking crack before 2008 election. Campaign threatened cut off of all access if the reported.

Any photos of Big Mike pregnant? Post them if you have them.
Ted Nugent asks the same thing.

September 6, 2023 ... government

Are Obama’s running a shadow puppet government. Dems want Big Mike to run real bad.


by philip964
Mon Sep 04, 2023 2:09 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Obama's continuing legacy
Replies: 261
Views: 103435

Re: Obama's continuing legacy ... r-country/

Victor Davis Hanson. What the left did to our country.

Pretty much sums it up. Best thing you will read today.
by philip964
Wed Aug 30, 2023 4:33 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Obama's continuing legacy
Replies: 261
Views: 103435

Re: Obama's continuing legacy ... crack.html

Tucker goes out on a really big limb: Press wouldn’t report or investigate Obama gay sex and smoking crack before 2008 election. Campaign threatened cut off of all access if the reported.

Any photos of Michelle pregnant? Post them if you have them.
by philip964
Mon Jul 24, 2023 5:26 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Obama's continuing legacy
Replies: 261
Views: 103435

Re: Obama's continuing legacy ... eyard.html

Paddleboarder 43 went missing in water at Obama’s estate in Martha’s Vineyard.

No life vest? Didn’t swim? Paddle board found. Was with another paddleboarder. 911 caller used Obama’s address.

Need to license paddle boarders. ... eyard.html

Obama’s Chef. RIP.

July 28, 2023

William Howard Kunsler writes:

“ The former president suddenly has another new problem: the family’s onetime personal chef, Tafari Campbell, 43, was found dead around 10:00 o’clock Monday morning in the Edgartown Great Pond off the Obama’s Martha’s Vineyard estate after a paddle-board accident. Mr. Tafari allegedly fell off the board and… thrashed a bit… then just disappeared… a hundred feet off-shore in eight feet of water, according to another paddle-boarder as yet unidentified who was either with Mr. Tafari or who happened to witness the accident around 7:45 Sunday evening July 23. Somebody, also unnamed, then made a 911 from the Obama house. Who was that? Early reports said that the Obamas were not home at the time.

A later report said that Mr. Obama might have been present at the estate that evening without Michelle. Was he Mr. Tafari’s paddle-board companion? Did he make the 911 call? Mr. Tafari was reportedly no longer in the Obama’s employ and was writing a book about his experiences as the first family’s cook. One reported morsel attributed to the book is that Barack and Michele Obama almost never had meals together. What else was in it? Possibly Mr. Tafari had a book deal. Has anyone located the editor and asked to see the manuscript or interviewed him/her/they about what’s in it? Mr. Tafari, who had videotaped his lap-swimming abilities previously, and was considered an able swimmer, was supposedly just visiting Martha’s Vineyard for the weekend. How did he get through the Obama’s Secret Service security to go paddle-boarding if the Obamas were out for the evening? Did he lug his own paddle-board to the scene, or borrow one from the Obama’s equipment shed? Who let him in there? My goodness, what a busy gal Lisa Monaco must be these days. So much that needs a good fixing“

August 12, 2023 ... agination/

Wrote to ex girlfriend “ make love to men daily in my imagination” ... -politics/

Michelle will be Americas next President.
by philip964
Fri Jun 09, 2023 5:19 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Obama's continuing legacy
Replies: 261
Views: 103435

Re: Obama's continuing legacy ... -show.html

Tucker Carlson now has two video messages.

The second talks about taboos. He feels child molestation has now been taken off the taboo list in America and discusses the reaction to the Instagram revelation that it assists pedos with finding child porn and the lack of outrage.

He said before Clinton, adultery was not accepted for Presidents.

Then he referred to Obama and his creepy personal life. He did not elaborate. One news source was saying this was outing Obama as gay. There have always been unverified claims that Michelle was a trans female.

Tucker knows how to keep it interesting.
by philip964
Fri Apr 07, 2023 2:39 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Obama's continuing legacy
Replies: 261
Views: 103435

Re: Obama's continuing legacy

Chicago South Side residents say they're being displaced by Obama Center: Causing 'harm to Black families' ... k-families

With the new communist mayor, can rent controls be far behind.
by philip964
Tue Aug 30, 2022 8:50 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Obama's continuing legacy
Replies: 261
Views: 103435

Re: Obama's continuing legacy ... -book.html

Obama was so fed up with Xiden that he almost replaced him with Hillary for the second term.

Obama just went up a few notches with me.
by philip964
Thu Aug 11, 2022 1:16 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Obama's continuing legacy
Replies: 261
Views: 103435

Re: Obama's continuing legacy

As one CNN reported said on TV no one is above the law, she of course was referring to the raid on Trump’s private residence. ... 37241.html

This article discusses the 30 million documents the Obama’s sent to Chicago and haven’t been turned over to the National Archives and whether the Obama’s mansion on the sea in Martha’s Vinyard will be raided shortly.

I just can’t wait to see all the texts and emails between Xiden’s handlers.
by philip964
Sun Jun 19, 2022 1:56 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Obama's continuing legacy
Replies: 261
Views: 103435

Re: Obama's continuing legacy ... pane-tank/

Obama’s apply for 2500 gals storage for propane at their Martha’s Vineyard home.

This is to power the pumps when the ocean rises and floods their home on the beach.

Oh the irony.

$10,000 to fill them.

I am reminded of the environmental singer John Denver during the ‘76 gas shortage, getting a permit for his own aviation fuel tanks at the Aspen Auroort for his Lear Jet.
by philip964
Thu May 26, 2022 9:40 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Obama's continuing legacy
Replies: 261
Views: 103435

Re: Obama's continuing legacy

by philip964
Sun Mar 13, 2022 4:08 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Obama's continuing legacy
Replies: 261
Views: 103435

Re: Obama's continuing legacy

Barack Obama tests positive for COVID-19 ... r-covid-19
by philip964
Wed Mar 09, 2022 6:11 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Obama's continuing legacy
Replies: 261
Views: 103435

Re: Obama's continuing legacy ... ias-fault/

USA admits biolabs in Ukraine. Funded by Obama defense department. ... 937923001/

Fact check by USA Today US biolabs in Ukraine, part of Russia disinformation campaign. ... b-efforts/

Obama led Ukraine biolab efforts webpages taken down. ... in-ukraine

Biolab opens in Odessa, Ukraine. From 2010.

Now level 3 is not that bid a deal. Yeah the stuff will kill you but it’s not level 4.

Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) Microbes that are considered to be BSL-3 can cause serious or potentially lethal disease through respiratory transmission. An example of a BSL-3 microbe is Mycobacterium tuberculosis (the bacteria that causes tuberculosis).

But once you have a level 3 up and running it’s not a big deal to go to the next step.
by philip964
Sat Aug 21, 2021 11:25 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Obama's continuing legacy
Replies: 261
Views: 103435

Re: Obama's continuing legacy ... americans/

Obama’s Guantanamo terrorist releases, are back in business. Xiden continues Obama’s plan to close Guantanamo by reversing Trumps order and start releasing again.
by philip964
Sat Aug 07, 2021 10:52 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Obama's continuing legacy
Replies: 261
Views: 103435

Re: Obama's continuing legacy ... 50936.html

One schoolgirl who was kidnapped in Africa during Obama has been freed.

Obama birthday Party going for 3 days. Oprah there.
by philip964
Sat Apr 17, 2021 12:00 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Obama's continuing legacy
Replies: 261
Views: 103435

Re: Obama's continuing legacy ... ys-nobama/

Mac Jones a quarterback NFL hopeful is in trouble for a 2014 photo of him when he was 14 in a Nobama Halloween costume.

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