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by philip964
Mon Jul 22, 2013 3:23 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Black shooter not guilty in murder of White teenager
Replies: 14
Views: 3212

Re: Black shooter not guilty in murder of White teenager

Never heard about this till this post. Very hard to find real information as it was not a big news item. Most links are to blogs, who just repeat what they previously read on a different blog. Hard to get the facts.

Greece, New York. I think near Rochester.

The unarmed young man killed was 17 year old caucasian male. A white white if you prefer that classification. Italian surname, so it could be white Italian too.

Two shots fired from .40 S&W handgun, legally registered, by another man, age unknown, who it Black. From photo he looks Black black. Not White black like Obama. No mention of CHL.

His girlfriend was on 911, when he took his handgun outside to see what three men were doing to cars on the street (not gated or community property) Can't say they were breaking windows to gain access or just looking for unlocked doors, no information. No information on whether stolen goods were found etc. It was 3:30 in the morning. No information on prior arrests, but it did not sound like it. Not sure if other two young men were witnesses at the trial or were ever found. One policeman who was expected to be a witness, was charged with a crime unrelated to this incident.

The man with the gun, I assumed not concealed, but no information, told the three men to freeze and wait for police and that he had a gun. The one man charged him and he fired two bullets which hit the young man killing him.

One blog says the young man was shot in the back. Can't find anything to verify that. Not sure if that is both bullets or just one.

The man with the gun was arrested at the scene, and charged with murder. A grand jury lowered the charge to manslaughter.

I get the impression he spent a bit of time in jail.

Found not guilty by a jury of his peers who happened to be all Caucasian.

Parents and relatives of young man naturally very upset with death of son and not guilty verdict.

Some blogs were upset at no arrest of Zimmerman initially as this showed, racial bias.

The shooter in this case was not touched by the dead young man.

Some differences. This is New York. There is no stand your ground law. You must retreat and use deadly force as a last resort. Deadly force is not permitted to protect property. Probably especially if it is not yours. Sounded like the cars were not his. Also sounded like deadly force was only permitted inside your house after retreating as it was probably illegal for him to take the gun outside concealed or open. So kinda sounded like New York law does not allow you to confront someone with a gun out side your house.

Obama has not commented on the crime or the verdict.

Lots of similarities and differences but same outcome, one dead young man, one shooter found not guilty.

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