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by RedRaider
Wed Mar 25, 2009 2:18 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: My Dog attacked by Pitbull while wearing my CCW
Replies: 118
Views: 14056

Re: My Dog attacked by Pitbull while wearing my CCW

Ooops, deleted due to double post.
by RedRaider
Wed Mar 25, 2009 2:17 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: My Dog attacked by Pitbull while wearing my CCW
Replies: 118
Views: 14056

Re: My Dog attacked by Pitbull while wearing my CCW

smokindragon wrote:Well my daughters shitsu was killed by a neighbors chow and they denied it all the way, even though I saw it standing over it in the back yard when I went to let her in from her morning restroom break.

I feel in that circumstance that the chow was at fault since he was on my property, but neither dog had leashes.

I feel that the bigger dog would always be at fault, since they have an advantage over the other animal and the owner should always own-up .

I am still waiting to catch that chow on my land again :fire ....

In your case I think the owner of that dog needs to pay... :mad5

In response to the first bolded point: This is typical America, don't hold anyone accountable for anything anymore. So you're saying the Pitbull is at fault in this situation because he's bigger. How about hold the owner of the loose dog accountable for not having control of his dog? This event would have never occurred if he had control of his dog, plain and simple, I really don't think that can argued against.

Bolded point number 2 above: So he needs to pay for what? He's legally walking his dog on a leash and has control of his dog. His dog being on the leash was in his control, it couldn't run into the OP's yard and attack his dog?

With that said, the only problem I have with the Pitbull owner is not trying to get his dog off the other dog, to give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe he was scared, froze, etc and didn't know what to do (we'd have to be there to understand his actions). I do understand the PIttbull owners frustration in yelling about having the other dog on a leash.........I get tired of walking my dog on a leash and having to drag him along when loose dogs come up and won't go away, I feel like I'm punishing my dog because of other owners leaving their animals loose.

Now, in the situation with your sisters dog, this is totally different from the OP's situation in terms of using lethal force, the dog was on her property and I 100% agree with using force on the loose Chow which entered her property, obviously assuming it is the last resort possible to save her dog's life.
by RedRaider
Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:31 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: My Dog attacked by Pitbull while wearing my CCW
Replies: 118
Views: 14056

Re: My Dog attacked by Pitbull while wearing my CCW

Doug.38PR wrote:
And Pit Bulls are notorious fighting dogs.
Just like guns are notorious killing machines ;-)
by RedRaider
Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:39 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: My Dog attacked by Pitbull while wearing my CCW
Replies: 118
Views: 14056

Re: My Dog attacked by Pitbull while wearing my CCW

Doug.38PR wrote:
but if your dog had been leashed, it would not have gotten that close to the other dog without your permission.
Yes it would have. People give their permission all the time letting their dogs get close. People do it all the time walking in the neighborhood. In fact..go to any dog park, dogs are running around out there all the time unleashed. If two guys walk in with leashed pitbulls and a dog runs up....well.
Its different when all dogs are unleashed versus when 1 is on a leash and another is not on a leash. I've been to a dog park numerous times, and the only times I've ever seen any aggression from any dogs is when there is a leashed dog in the area.......and it doesn't matter if its a pitbull or not (not sure where that statement comes from).

Moral of the story, you're at fault, if YOU had controlled YOUR dog (i.e. leashed him or had him in your back yard) this would have never happened. I've had my beagle attacked by 2 dalmatians so I totally understand the frustration, anger, and fear that comes with a situation like this. He was on a leash and the other dogs weren't, it took everything to separate the dogs. I understand your anger, but see it from the other side, they were walking their dog on a leash and your dog comes out of nowhere not on a leash, if I was in their shoes I would have been upset too. Now having said that, I wouldn't have cursed you though, I would have done everything to get the dog off of your dog.

Now a flip side to your original question.........

I'm walking my dog down the street on a leash and a neighbors dog runs up to my dog. My dog is not sure if he's wanting to play or not and attacks the neighbors dog that is not under anyones control and is not on a leash, I do everything I can to get my dog off the neighbors dog (unlike the owner you're talking about), and so is the neighbors dog owner. The neighbor, a concealed license holder, pulls out a gun to shoot my dog because he couldn't control his dog in the first place (this is the reason the whole event even took place)........Well, I too am a concealed license holder and WILL protect my dog as well because I know I'm in the right because the other dog was lose in the first I have a right to defend my dogs life?

I only pose this question because I too am a concealed license holder, with a Pitt Bull, and I responsibliy walk my dog on a leash night in and night out.

BTW, I carry pepper spray and an extremely sturdy walking stick for situations like this anyways, I really couldn't fathom using a firearm in a situation like this unless it really was the last resort...........its always better to have options beyond a firearm.

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