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by chartreuse
Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:01 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Census
Replies: 113
Views: 13376

Re: Census

ninemm wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:I just saw something on the news I had not realized. It looks like Texas has a chance of picking up 2 or 3 seats in the senate because of the census. Apparently our population is growing. :shock: Fill out those things folks. Come out from under your tin foil hats on this one. We need to get all the seats we can to fight the libs on the east and west coast.
The number of Senate seats is fixed at two. It's house seats that are determined by population. But it gets even better because the additional seats we get in the house will be taken away from someone else who is losing population (or growing at a lesser rate). Let's suppose we add two seats and California loses two seats. Let's then suppose a vote on something was 218 yea's to 217 nay's . After a reapportionament, it would be 219 nay's to 216 yea's (assuming the new Texas reps voted the opposite as the former CA reps). That's a swing of four votes! So, whatever reps we add have a double effect.
That's one scenario. On the other hand, if those two seats came from another solidly red state, there would be no net change.
by chartreuse
Fri Mar 19, 2010 2:30 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Census
Replies: 113
Views: 13376

Re: Census

I applaud your stance, timdsmith72. Sadly, they'll probably say that since both the paper that the form was printed on and the ink in the pen that you used had travelled in interstate commerce, you have to go to Gitmo.
by chartreuse
Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:04 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Census
Replies: 113
Views: 13376

Re: Census

cougartex wrote:
seniorshooteress wrote:Got my census, filled it out in like 2 minutes; only questions asked were basically how many people live in this house, what is the relationship between person #1 to person #2 , etc, etc./ sex/age/race/phone number and if you are renting, paying on a morgage or own. Unless I missed something, seems to be pretty much a non issue. :totap:
:iagree: I got the short form, completed in about 2 minutes.
As did I, which is what Jim said would happen.

Naturally, like a good little serf, I filled it out immediately as instructed both on the form and in the letter I received last week. But I couldn't help wondering - the questions were all in the present tense, asking who is living here on April 1 (or 10, I forget) of this year. And it ain't April yet...

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