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by Commander
Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:01 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: We need to prepare - They ARE coming for our guns
Replies: 21
Views: 3307

I didn't say they were going to take our guns....just that they were coming FOR our guns with more restrictions and limitations......
by Commander
Tue Apr 17, 2007 11:02 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: We need to prepare - They ARE coming for our guns
Replies: 21
Views: 3307

We need to prepare - They ARE coming for our guns

Ladies and Gentlemen of this forum, I'm sure you have already noticed. The media and the anti's are making political advantage of the Virginia Tech massacre. I believe that this incident has enbolded them to start a push for as much gun control as they can get. They are putting out all kinds of wild information to support their views.

For example, yesterday I heard some anti-gun activist tell an interviewer on the radio that 30,000 people were killed in the US last year "due to gun violence". 30,000?! Thats a little over 82 people a day - an extremely exaggerated figure designed to scare. They would like to ban all guns on the theory that it would stop crime. A gun ban/confiscation in Great Britan only served to ensure that only the criminal element is armed.

The New York Times blames lax Virginia gun laws for this shooting and goes on to blame the same Viriginia gun laws for the high crime rate in New York City. Now as I understand it, New York has some of the toughest, and most restrictive guns laws in the country as compared to Virginia gun laws. Then it would seem to stand to reason that Virginia's crime rate would be higher than New York's. Right? Wrong - its less. How can that be? More gun laws should = less crime. But look around the world most places with restrictive gun laws have higher crime rates.

Another Anti interviewed on the radio talked about the fact that the ban against "High capacity" magazines needed to be reinstated. She went on to say that "we" need to find out if the killer used high capacity magazines. "Only the Police need high capacity magazines" Okay, then we limit the criminals's to 10 round magazines - they'll just carry more mags.

To my knowledge there is only one organization that works to protect our gun rights - the NRA. Guys, the NRA needs our support now more than ever. If you're not a member, please join - its only $25.

If there is a bright side to the anti's going on the war path, its that this incident is causing them to come out of the closet early - Before the 2008 elections. So we do have the advantage of knowing how they stand before the elections and not after.

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