My Dear Lord. Forgive me my friends. age slows down the thought processes.joe817 wrote:"Still, if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not so costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival. There may be a worse case.You may have to fight when there is no chance of victory, because it is better to perish, than to live as slaves." - Winston Churchill
Excellent statement indeed Carl.
Kythas, you bring much to the table tonight. Much to think ponder about. It's been a long time since I reflected upon these issues, and I did....
Viet Nam War (yes it WAS a war...NOT a police action)
Kent State Massacre
Chicago Democratic Convention Riots of 1968
The Chicago 7 trial
Is GOD dead?
free love
It was these things which made me ponder that the Republic was dying. Was it? Dying was too strong a term. Atrophying was more appropriate. A whithering away.
The cause? Obviously, the moral decay. I cannot say that liberalism(which was in vogue at the time), was the cause. And I cannot say that liberalism is synonymous to 'moral decay'........but in my opinion, it approaches it.
I hate the term "politically correct", as(to me) it implies an effort to appease others, for some reason I've yet to determine.
I grew up in an age where being "politically correct" was "calling a spade a spade".
But what does leave an impregnable vision in my minds eye is that they are related. That, I cannot escape.
I am a Texan and an birth. How strange I feel. God Bless Texas and the U.S.A.
I left out:
The assassination of Robert F. Kennedy
The assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Los Angeles Watt's Riots.
And there are more, but once again, time escapes me.
So I put to you......if you think NOW is a time for the mourning of America as we know it, you know not. Because that time in America in 1968(except the Watts riots), was the epitome of the "death" of the Republic, as you see it now.
And guess what? America survived. Yes. The democratic form of government prevailed. As it will again.
And it will happen at the ballot box. Anything else is unthinkable.