seamusTX wrote: The worst thing you can do with electricity is have a circuit across your chest.
Agreed, and I've had multiple experiences to back that up
Unfortunately, in my occupation, I frequently have to work on live equipment (I work in one of the few exceptions to OSHA's "Must Always Be Off" world).
Had probably a few dozen zaps in my lifetime, 2 of which were directly across my chest.
After picking myself back up off the ground (both times resulted in my instinctively jumping backwards, and landing on my butt), doing the quick pulse check, and making sure I was alright, I can Highly recommend to everyone that this is NOT something they wish to experience. Both of these times were a result of me making a mistake, so I have only myself to blame.
Wearing rubber soled shoes/boots helps, but not when you're holding a well-grounded frame with your left hand, and accidentally bump live 120VAC with your right!