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by Oldwolf
Fri Jun 19, 2009 8:30 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: March 2009 Applications
Replies: 657
Views: 113253

Re: March 2009 Applications

:anamatedbanana :anamatedbanana :anamatedbanana FINALLY :anamatedbanana :anamatedbanana :anamatedbanana

There is light at the end of the tunnel... and no it was not a train...
After 96 days from Mailing my app, I finally got my plastic in hand...
And that was with the proof of citizenship mix-up :rules:
(that they should have told me I needed when I submitten my app : :nono: )

good luck to everyone, I hope you get yours soon!!

(Tarrant County)
02/28/09 -- CHL Class Taken
03/03/09 -- Packet mailed to DPS
04/09/09 -- PIN received - Processing App
05/10/09 -- Got request for proof of citizenship
05/15/09 -- Mailed proof of citizenship
06/16/09 -- Application Complete
06/18/09 -- Plastic in hand!
by Oldwolf
Tue Jun 16, 2009 9:18 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: March 2009 Applications
Replies: 657
Views: 113253

Re: March 2009 Applications

:anamatedbanana :anamatedbanana :anamatedbanana WOO HOO YEAH BABY !!!!!! :anamatedbanana :anamatedbanana :anamatedbanana
my status just updated to Application Complete... should be getting plastic this week!!!

(Tarrant County)
02/28/09 -- CHL Class Taken
03/03/09 -- Packet mailed to DPS
04/09/09 -- PIN received - Processing App
05/10/09 -- Got request for proof of citizenship
05/15/09 -- Mailed proof of citizenship
06/16/09 -- Application Complete
XX/XX/09 -- Plastic in hand!
by Oldwolf
Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:25 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: March 2009 Applications
Replies: 657
Views: 113253

Re: March 2009 Applications

As for me, I am 90 days and still "Processing Application".. part of this was my fault in that I did not see the letter they sent me requesting proof of citizenship (took me about 5 days to notice it)... but uggg.... this is frustrating... Congrats to all of you who have received your plastic!!!

(Tarrant County)
02/28/09 -- CHL Class Taken
03/03/09 -- Packet mailed to DPS
04/09/09 -- PIN received - Processing App
05/10/09 -- Got request for proof of citizenship
05/15/09 -- Mailed proof of citizenship
XX/XX/09 -- Application Complete
XX/XX/09 -- Plastic in hand!
by Oldwolf
Tue May 26, 2009 8:04 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: March 2009 Applications
Replies: 657
Views: 113253

Re: March 2009 Applications

UGH.... I am getting frustrated... I received a letter on May 6 saying that since I was born overseas I needed proof of citizenship (was born on a military base in Italy)... What frustrates me, is that their app should have told me that at the very beginning. I would have sent in my US Passport and Birth Cert. GRRRRR... Now I am past 80 days,.. no telling when it will get processed...

(Tarrant County)
02/28/09 -- CHL Class Taken
03/03/09 -- Packet mailed to DPS
04/09/09 -- PIN received - Processing App
05/10/09 -- Got request for proof of citizenship
05/15/09 -- Mailed proof of citizenship
XX/XX/09 -- Application Complete
XX/XX/09 -- Plastic in hand!
by Oldwolf
Tue May 12, 2009 9:51 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: March 2009 Applications
Replies: 657
Views: 113253

Re: March 2009 Applications

Today is officially my 70th day from mailing the packet to DPS. I am still in 'Processing Application'... maybe by end of month something good will happen...

(Tarrant County)
02/28/09 -- CHL Class Taken
03/03/09 -- Packet mailed to DPS
04/09/09 -- PIN received - Processing App
XX/XX/09 -- Application Complete
XX/XX/09 -- Plastic in hand!
by Oldwolf
Wed May 06, 2009 7:58 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: March 2009 Applications
Replies: 657
Views: 113253

Re: March 2009 Applications

Processing.... Processing.... Processing.... :???: That is all I ever see.... *sigh*.... I am thinking something should happen in the next week or two... maybe I am getting my hopes up. From what I have read, it seems to matter what county you live in... some are slower than others... I have no idea where my county falls into that mix....

(Tarrant County)
02/28/09 -- CHL Class Taken
03/03/09 -- Packet mailed to DPS
04/09/09 -- PIN received - Processing App
XX/XX/09 -- Application Complete
XX/XX/09 -- Plastic in hand!

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