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by rodnocker1
Sun Oct 29, 2006 12:57 pm
Forum: Closed Items
Topic: Question about carry ammo?
Replies: 13
Views: 2945

I have always thought it funny (funny "strange", not funny "HAHA") that alot of people believe that the use of "HydraShock", "Black Talon", or what ever other brand name a company chooses to use for it's Personal Defense Rounds (PDR's) is over extreme or too deadly a round to use. As Charles said and as most of us (those that carry, not your general "informed/knowledgeable" public) already know, the reason(s) to carry these types of rounds (hollow point) are just that. They stop or are more likely to stop the "bad guy" from further being a threat but not overpenetrate and injure any innocent bystanders. We can thank alot of this general disinformation about PDR's (I believe) on our media because , as we all know, they never over sensationalize anything to get readers/viewers and they always tell the truth. :roll: I have heard alot of people talk about how "deadly" these rounds are until you explain why FMJ or hardball ammo is actually worse to use in these instances. Those with an open mind can usually grasp the situation and reason, those with a closed (i.e. brainwashed/media convinced) mind will never see no matter what you do or can prove. I have been told that there are cities and/or states where PDR's (hollow points of whatever brand) are illegal but I personally don't know of any. Steel core/armor piercing rounds, on the other hand, are a different matter.

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