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by A-R
Mon Jul 12, 2010 10:50 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Glock Haters?
Replies: 128
Views: 16028

Re: Glock Haters?

So do pickup truck forums have as many Ford vs. Chevy debates as gun forums have Glock vs. 1911 debates?

by A-R
Sun Jul 11, 2010 4:56 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Glock Haters?
Replies: 128
Views: 16028

Re: Glock Haters?

The Annoyed Man wrote:
Abraham wrote:"Normal person: I just bought a 1911.
Fan Boy: That design hasn't changed much in nearly 100 years, its junk. You want something thats modern, Get a Glock."

Hey, 1911's aren't junk - they work, but then so do muskets...

I do understand the love of old design though. Look how popular Louis IX furniture is with it's archetypalneoclassica appeal and too, many still love those old coal burning locomotives.

Why not? There's a lot to love.

Me, I like Model T Fords with their charming hand crank start and fun, non-stop maintenance, kinda like 1911's...

And pshaw on the criticism regarding the limited magazine capacity of these charming antiquities.

They carry more rounds than most revolvers by gum!
Spoken like a true Glock Fan Boy. "rlol"

I hope that Glock-Fan-Boy-ism is the reason. Otherwise that's one of the most ridiculous posts I've ever read. I love my Glocks, but the 1911 is one of if not the best pistol design of all time and nearly 100 years after it's introduction is still one heckuva capable and beautiful beautiful firearm. If I God-forbid ever need to actually use a firearm in self-defense and my trusty Glock isn't around, I'd be very happy to have a 1911 in my hands.

I like good-natured ribbing as much as the next guy and hope that's all the post above was - just poking some fun at 1911 fans. Because the analogies are just pure insanity. I mean come on, a musket? A Model T Ford? Don't see too many Model T Ford's at the top levels of auto racing. A ton of the "top guns" in competitive shooting use 1911-pattern guns.
by A-R
Fri Jul 09, 2010 10:50 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Glock Haters?
Replies: 128
Views: 16028

Re: Glock Haters?

glbedd53 wrote:I've been shooting Blazer Brass ( not the aluminum case ) when I find them and they work great. But since they're not aluminum I guess they're just like everything else. I'm just saying don't be scared off by the word Blazer if it says brass too.
Yes, I meant only their aluminum stuff. I've shot the Blazer Brass and it shoots just fine.
by A-R
Fri Jul 09, 2010 6:36 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Glock Haters?
Replies: 128
Views: 16028

Re: Glock Haters?

.30calSolution wrote:
austinrealtor wrote:
.30calSolution wrote:forgot to mention the barrels, don't even get me started.

I've heard most of the other complaints you listed and all are legit depending on your personal preferences and point of view. But I've never heard a complaint about the barrel. So I guess I'll have to get you started :evil2: .... what's wrong with Glock barrels?
I reload my own ammo, and I shoot frequently and cast my own lead alloy bullets.

Unjacketed lead bullets have a tendency to "smear" lead into the voids in the polygonal rifling. This will cause the barrel pressure to rise dramatically in as little as 100 rounds or less. This could mean a Kb....and/or possibly a lodged bullet. However, the land and groove rifling does not have this problem, and unjacketed lead can be safely fired.

The reasoning behind polygonal rifling is that there is significantly less pressure leakage than when using conventionally rifled "land and groove" barrels....This will produce a higher muzzle velocity in a shorter barrel than is normally achievable with land and groove rifling...with one cant use lead bullets....unless you spend big bucks and order a replacement barrel that's traditionally rifled. Glock says specifically in their manuals that lead is a no no.

So, that is another reason why I don't care for Glocks. That's not to say their bad guns, they just aren't for me.

For $500 I can get an M&P or XD with traditional rifling that shoots just fine and is aesthetically appealing, to me anyways. If I were to buy a glock and a replacement barrel I am coming out of pocket an additional $150-$200. For $750 I could buy a nice Springfield 1911 or BHP, HK, Sig or possibly a used Kimber.
ah, the rifling ... hadn't thought of that one

One thing I have noticed over the years is a lot of reloaders tend to shy away from Glocks - there's the kaboom issue, the rifling issue, the beat-up brass issue.

I'm not a reloader. Not saying I never will be. But for now, I get by on factory loads. I do adhere to Glock's requirement for jacketed bullets only. And I also use only new brass ammo unless I get really desperate. Stopped using Blazer years ago when a couple of feeding and ejection problems cost me what would've been a perfect score on my first CHL rewnewal shooting test :grumble That's the only thing my Glock won't "eat" reliably - aluminum cases.

Anyway, good points, all. I tend to forget the quirks of reloading when evaluating guns.
by A-R
Fri Jul 09, 2010 3:36 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Glock Haters?
Replies: 128
Views: 16028

Re: Glock Haters?

.30calSolution wrote:forgot to mention the barrels, don't even get me started.

I've heard most of the other complaints you listed and all are legit depending on your personal preferences and point of view. But I've never heard a complaint about the barrel. So I guess I'll have to get you started :evil2: .... what's wrong with Glock barrels?
by A-R
Fri Jul 09, 2010 9:47 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Glock Haters?
Replies: 128
Views: 16028

Re: Glock Haters?

glbedd53 wrote:Not a hater but not really a fan either. I have never owned a newer Glock, I'm sure they have improved. Me and 3 other people I used to work with all bought them at the same time, early ones in about 90 or 91 I think. We all had reliability problems. Of the 3 I owned I still have a 21 and after 2 trips back to the factory it has not had a problem. I keep it because it does fit my hand and I like shooting it. I prefer a manual safety on my carry gun and I'm not the only one who feels that way. To me it's not a debate between Glocks and 1911's, it's Glocks or Sigs. Me and all of us that have bought Sigs have had no reliability issues with them, not even one.
You should try a Gen 3 model. Been around for more than a decade now and absolutely reliable.

Definitely agree that the real comparison is between Glock and Sig, not so much Glock and 1911. I think Sig is a phenomenal product. Doesn't fit my hand as well (more because of trigger pull weight/length on first shot) and I think they're comparatively overpriced. But they are top-notch firearms.

I guess it could be said that Glock, Sig, and 1911 are the three main categories of defensive semi-auto pistols available and everything else falls into one of those three categories (though perhaps H&K is a fourth category or even a hybrid of all three in some ways?)
G.A. Heath wrote:I forgot to add that I do hate the fan-boys for any gun. I like my Kimbers, my Springfield Armory XDms, my Rugers, my Smith and Wessons, my RIAs, ect. But you will not see me say anything to the effect of "If its no brand Z then its Junk" because all major name brands produce quality firearms and will stand behind them even though the eventual lemons do slip though. Glock Fan-Boys (and anti-glock fan-boys) seem to be the worse or the lot because they are so numerous while infecting every gun shop, forum, and discussion imaginable.
Completely agree with this statement. I do love my Glocks, but try not to be a fan boy about them. I love to shoot 1911s too when I get the chance and will own at least one some day. Have been very impressed with XDs I've shot (and might own an XD instead of a Glock had XDs been available in the 1990s).
by A-R
Thu Jul 08, 2010 11:56 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Glock Haters?
Replies: 128
Views: 16028

Re: Glock Haters?

I've heard more than one Glock naysayer comment something like "everyone has a Glock. They're boring. I wanted something different and unique"

I don't understand that thinking, but whatever floats your boat.

I like Glocks precisely because they're so widely used - easy to find parts and accessories. and of course reputation for quality is second to none.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: my guns are tools to protect my life. I carry them concealed and only I see them. I don't care one bit what they look like, whether they're "cool", or whether everyone else has one. They work for me. They go bang every time I pull the trigger. They are beautiful.

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