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by sparx
Sat Aug 19, 2006 8:17 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: License received
Replies: 10
Views: 1913

Yep, everything is entered correctly. She's going to send off an email tonight and see if they can't tell her what's up with the error. Since this error message started just about the time that she resubmitted her fingerprints, if pdouglas is correct about a new PIN, that could be the problem. She's only received one of those and it DID work at one time... just no longer so they just may have indeed issued her a new one for some reason. We'll give it a shot and I'll keep this thread posted with the outcome.

by sparx
Tue Aug 15, 2006 1:52 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: License received
Replies: 10
Views: 1913

bauerdj wrote:Are you sure its saying she might not be eligible for a CHL and not "you many not be eligibile for this service"? If it is the latter it refers to checking the status not the CHL itself and it is indeed a website problem and nothing to get concerned about.

Dave B.
Thanks for that info! I just checked it myself and you're absolutely right... it states:

"The data you have submitted indicates you may not be eligible for this service. Please verify the data submitted is correct. If you still cannot proceed, please contact DPS at 1-800-224-5744 or email for more information."

She will be glad to know that. I had been telling her that it was probably just a problem with the site's database, but she was so worried there was more to it than that (like failed fingerprints again).
by sparx
Tue Aug 15, 2006 11:28 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: License received
Replies: 10
Views: 1913

Excellent news and we're very happy for you! It's about time they put the pot on to boil down there! :thumbsup:

We sent ours in on June 18 and the packets were received two days later, but we're still waiting. My wife had to resubmit her fingerprints a few weeks ago which starts her over at square one, though she's still getting the "you may not be eligible for a CHL..." message when checking her status online.

Since she's been getting the same message without change ever since the fingerprint redo request came in (and they received the new fingerprints on August 3rd), she called yesterday and was told that they are having some serious issues with both their web site and telephone system, but they weren't able to tell her why she was getting that message online, nor the status of her application. (BTW, she's never received anything more than a traffic violation in her life, and perhaps only two or three of those at most, so we know that's she's quite eligible.)

She said that she went through a dozen hoops just to get what little information she got, and didn't want to waste any more of their (or her) time not really getting anywhere, so she left it at that.

Oh well. I'm more worried about the delays in getting her CHL versus mine... I just hope our packets aren't sitting in a stack somewhere on that Roger guy's desk. ;-)

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