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by surprise_i'm_armed
Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:31 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Lubbock, TX PD dashcam: LEO quickly kills pitbull w/ 1 round
Replies: 41
Views: 4618

Re: Lubbock, TX PD dashcam: LEO quickly kills pitbull w/ 1 r


You are preaching to the choir here my friend. On April 6, 2011 I was going about 30 MPH on a busy 30 MPH road.
A man was on the sidewalk with his 2 dogs, neither of which he had on a leash.

One of his dogs was a long-haired dachshund, possibly a dachshund mix. He dashed away from his owner and ran into
the road at me. I jammed on the brakes quickly but my left rear tire caught him and he expired after a few breaths.

I love dogs and was crushed that this happened. The man came over to his deceased pet, picked it up, and started
wailing its name, and saying "I should have had you on a leash." While he was bemoaning the loss of that dog, he wasn't
paying any attention to his other dog, who was wandering in the roadway, about to meet the same fate as his buddy.
(The other dog did not get hit, but it was close.)

It was a painful day for all concerned. 2 leashes would have prevented all the heartache.

by surprise_i'm_armed
Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:15 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Lubbock, TX PD dashcam: LEO quickly kills pitbull w/ 1 round
Replies: 41
Views: 4618

Re: Lubbock, TX PD dashcam: LEO quickly kills pitbull w/ 1 r

When I post "Subject" lines and in my posts, I try to use accurate and concise language but this thread
is lacking a little something on my part.

A commenter above noted that the officer didn't "kill" the dog quickly, which is a correct assessment.

I should have stated that he "shot" the dog quickly. I knew that the outcome of the 1 round was death,
but the "subject" line wasn't long enough to fully describe the activity.

Although this officer's actions have been questioned by many, he was in the usual "darned if you do, darned if you don't"
dilemma in which most LEO's find themselves. If the dog had suddenly released his grip and gone on to run wild and
disfigure a nearby child, the cop would have been chastised for not stopping the threat more quickly.

In the final analysis, no humans were harmed in the making of this video.

by surprise_i'm_armed
Thu Sep 20, 2012 4:06 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Lubbock, TX PD dashcam: LEO quickly kills pitbull w/ 1 round
Replies: 41
Views: 4618

Lubbock, TX PD dashcam: LEO quickly kills pitbull w/ 1 round ... illing-dog

The above link is a 52 second dashcam video from Lubbock PD.

Some have criticized the officer for shooting the dog just because it was a pitbull.

It seems the officer exits the cruiser with his service weapon drawn, quickly assesses
that one of the dogs needs to die, and shoots him. Luckily no ricochet off the parking lot
surface injured the nearby lookie-loo's.


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