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by TrueFlog
Thu May 21, 2009 9:11 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: TWO URGENT ACTION ITEMS: Parking lots & Campus-Carry
Replies: 61
Views: 33097

Re: TWO URGENT ACTION ITEMS: Parking lots & Campus-Carry

mikeintexas wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:We need everyone to call Rep. Brian McCall, Chairman of the House Calendars Committee and politely but strongly tell him that you want both SB730 (employer parking lots) and SB1164 (campus carry) set on the House MAJOR Calendar, not the General Calendar.

Tell him you are aware that:
1. SB730 - parking lots has been in the calendars committee for two weeks and a day;
2. You have watched other bills going into Calendars then being set to the Floor within 2 to 3 days;
3. That the Calendars Committee pulled the same stunt with the employer's parking lot bill last session;
4. That you know putting a bill on the House General Calendar is a move designed to kill the bill.
But according to Charles' first post on this subject, the General Calendar isn't the Major Calendar.

Is this bad news? That's the way I read this.
If it has indeed been placed on the General Calendar, then it's in bad shape. Items on the General Calendar are unlikely to be heard in time for a vote and may well die on the floor. That's what happened to the Parking Lot bill last session. We still need to keep fighting for SB1164.
by TrueFlog
Thu May 21, 2009 2:59 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: TWO URGENT ACTION ITEMS: Parking lots & Campus-Carry
Replies: 61
Views: 33097

Re: TWO URGENT ACTION ITEMS: Parking lots & Campus-Carry

I called Chairman McCall's Austin number and had no trouble getting through. The woman who answered was very pleasant but repeatedly downplayed McCall's role in the matter. She kept stating that "there are 12 other members on the committee." I told her that I'd heard that he had tagged SB730, and that he personally was seeking to delay it. She denied it, and I stressed that his actions speak louder than her words on the matter. I also let her know that I spoke directly with the chairman back in February - he was very supportive back then, and I expect him to make good on it now.

On SB1164, the aide said that bill was not yet in calendars because it has to pass the House committee first. (Can anyone confirm this?) I confessed I was unsure of whether the bill had made it calendars yet, but added that when it gets there, it needs to get put on the major calendar ASAP.

I have yet been unable to get through to Speaker Straus. All I get is a busy signal.
EDIT: I did manage to speak to one of the Speaker's aides. I let her know that I'm unhappy with how the Republican leadership (and the Calendars Committee in particular) has handled the Campus Carry and Parking Lot bills. I asked that the Speaker use his position of leadership to pressure Rep. McCall and the committee to schedule 730 and 1164 on the major calendar post haste. She didn't ask for my address but did promise to pass along my concerns.

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