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by TLE2
Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:23 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Favorite Ipod Apps?
Replies: 24
Views: 2968

Re: Favorite Ipod Apps?

Doodle Jump (this one's for kids, mostly)
Hey! I resemble that remark. It's a simple, addictive, time waster. When I want to waste time, this is the one I go to.

If you fly SWA, get the SWA app.

I can recommend these (in no particular order):
MotionX GPS
Loopt or FourSquare (if your into sharing where you are)
Red Laser (bar code scanner)
NFS Shift (awesome racing game)
IGun (who doesn't like things that go bang)
Flick Fishing (another time waster)
Netflix (If you have the service)
Pandora or SOMA Radio
Gibson L&M Guitar (Learn & Master) - has tuning application, chords, etc.
Drum Kit Pro - I also have some guitar apps...
Words with Friends
Fruit Ninja - Just for fun game in the complexity range of DoodleJump.

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