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by jmra
Sun Jul 19, 2015 9:53 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........
Replies: 440
Views: 71816

Re: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........

DUST FOOT wrote:jmra, I was not stating their policy. I was asking how they handled Oklahoma. Is this their policy in all open carry states? Please read the whole post and not pick out two words to make a commit on like my wife does.
You're absolutely correct, I misread your post as Whataburger allowed OC at stores in other states instead of the states allowing OC. My mistake.
It is my understanding from what I've read that managers dealt with this issue on an individual basis (see memo earlier in this thread). No one in OK or other states pressured them to make a statement like CJ and OCT have done here in Texas. This answers the "Why now" question.
by jmra
Sun Jul 19, 2015 7:10 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........
Replies: 440
Views: 71816

Re: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........

mojo84 wrote:Just because the states allow open carry doesn't mean Whataburger does within their locations. I suspect they just dealt with it quietly on a case by case basis. It's a shame people pushed for them to make a public statement that they will now feel obligated to enforce.

There's something to be said for one going about their business without making a big issue out of everything. Forcing someone or a company to take a public stance on something and then whining about it is childish.
unforfunately those demanding a statement may have gotten exactly what they were hoping for - something to keep themselves in the spot light. I don't believe the likes of CJ really care if people get to OC in Whataburger or not.
by jmra
Sun Jul 19, 2015 6:42 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........
Replies: 440
Views: 71816

Re: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........

DUST FOOT wrote:Whataburger has stores in 10 states, most of those states allowed open carry. Why now?
Either you or the CEO are mistaken:
"we haven’t allowed the open carry of firearms in our restaurants for a long time"
by jmra
Sun Jul 19, 2015 6:34 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........
Replies: 440
Views: 71816

Re: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........

cyphertext wrote:
jmra wrote:
cyphertext wrote:
Would you eat at a restaurant that was posted 30.06?
No, I said "how I wear my firearm", I can't wear my firearm at a place posted 30.06.
Ok, so what is the difference between you and Richbirdhunter, other than he may be a little more restrictive in the businesses he supports? Has a place that you frequented posted and you quit using their services? Did you let the establishment know why you don't do business there?

:evil2: Just playing devil's advocate here...

For me, if they post and I can get the same goods and services elsewhere, I do. I don't fault those who still shop there, or call them anti-gun. I don't protest. I may send an email letting them know the reason why I no longer choose to do business with them, but I doubt they miss me. Kinda comes back to such a small percentage of CHL licenses holders in Texas. Guess that is why I don't fault WB's decision.
I can't think of a single place that I frequent that has posted a 30.06 sign. I'm sure if my favorite wing place posted I'd be able to find a new favorite wing place. So to answer your question, I don't enter an establishment that is posted 30.06 if I can help it.
by jmra
Fri Jul 17, 2015 10:36 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........
Replies: 440
Views: 71816

Re: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........

I'd venture to say that the vast majority of Texans have never seen non-LEO carry a handgun. It will be interesting to see their reaction.
by jmra
Thu Jul 16, 2015 7:50 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........
Replies: 440
Views: 71816

Re: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........

cyphertext wrote:
jmra wrote:
Richbirdhunter wrote:
cyphertext wrote:
Richbirdhunter wrote:
cyphertext wrote:
Richbirdhunter wrote: My hope is not to call anyone a Pelosi, but when my opinion is minimized by labeling me militant or some other endearing term it's frustrating to say the least.
Are people really minimizing your opinion, or are you frustrated because the majority on this board simply do not agree with it, and tend to believe the property owner is within their right to not allow OC?

I'm from California, I haven't ever had the majority opinion on any gun issue. Any business can operate how ever they see fit, however I don't have to like it.
I just never thought I'd be to conservative for a Texas gun website
I would argue that the belief in property rights is also a conservative value. I would say that allowing the market to decide if the business made a sound decision is also extremely conservative... and in this case, it appears that the market is fine with WB's decision. Again, with only 3% of Texans being CHL holders, to have WB state that they are still going to allow CHL is still a win. They very easily could have "asked" us to leave all guns at home, or even go as far as legally posting.
Those are valid points, and I appreciate them. So let me ask this, do we know of any hamburger joints that will allow OC? That way we all win!
How I wear my firearm will not be the determining factor in where I buy a burger. The burger itself will be the determining factor. I don't go out to eat to make a political statement, I go out to eat because I enjoy the food.
Would you eat at a restaurant that was posted 30.06?
No, I said "how I wear my firearm", I can't wear my firearm at a place posted 30.06.
by jmra
Wed Jul 15, 2015 10:36 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........
Replies: 440
Views: 71816

Re: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........

Richbirdhunter wrote:
cyphertext wrote:
Richbirdhunter wrote:
cyphertext wrote:
Richbirdhunter wrote: My hope is not to call anyone a Pelosi, but when my opinion is minimized by labeling me militant or some other endearing term it's frustrating to say the least.
Are people really minimizing your opinion, or are you frustrated because the majority on this board simply do not agree with it, and tend to believe the property owner is within their right to not allow OC?

I'm from California, I haven't ever had the majority opinion on any gun issue. Any business can operate how ever they see fit, however I don't have to like it.
I just never thought I'd be to conservative for a Texas gun website
I would argue that the belief in property rights is also a conservative value. I would say that allowing the market to decide if the business made a sound decision is also extremely conservative... and in this case, it appears that the market is fine with WB's decision. Again, with only 3% of Texans being CHL holders, to have WB state that they are still going to allow CHL is still a win. They very easily could have "asked" us to leave all guns at home, or even go as far as legally posting.
Those are valid points, and I appreciate them. So let me ask this, do we know of any hamburger joints that will allow OC? That way we all win!
How I wear my firearm will not be the determining factor in where I buy a burger. The burger itself will be the determining factor. I don't go out to eat to make a political statement, I go out to eat because I enjoy the food.
by jmra
Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:23 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........
Replies: 440
Views: 71816

Re: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........

Oldgringo wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:Stop the back and forth banter on the Forum. Take to it emails and you two can do whatever you like.

:iagree:, if a Whataburger burger is good enough to generate 21 pages of er, uh....discussion, I must try one.
They're pretty darn good.
by jmra
Tue Jul 14, 2015 5:36 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........
Replies: 440
Views: 71816

Re: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........

Taypo wrote:
MeMelYup wrote:
mojo84 wrote:
oljames3 wrote:
mojo84 wrote:Why not just lay low until after January 1? The business owners will see it isn't a big deal and the OC proponents will see not that many companies will make a big deal of it.

If OC proponents keep pushing for a decision before 1/1, the results will not be in our favor. Once 1/1 comes and there is an issue, we can deal with it then in an appropriate manner.
Please clarify what you mean by "OC proponent".

People that support open carry.
That is most of the people on this board. Are you meaning the people pushing "Constitutional Carry" and won't settle for anything else?
I'd be real careful with the term "most" in this context. Most of us are 2a supporters and of the belief that any progress is a win for gun rights, but there may not be as many people jumping on the OC bandwagon as you think. Honestly, the more certain people rail on it, the more people are realizing they don't want to be in that particular demographic. Keep forcing our favorite restaurants and businesses to make decisions about guns and there will be even less than there are now.
I support OC - I don't support people who demonize private businesses who determine that its in their company's best interest that guns are carried concealed. The idea that a company is anti 2A because an individual can't carry in the exact manner they wish is asinine.
by jmra
Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:35 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........
Replies: 440
Views: 71816

Re: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........

gljjt wrote:Again, this isn't about guns. It's about selling hamburgers. Some devious types, in parallel with, but not a jointly planned effort with, some overzealous gun rights activists forced a decision to be made that WB felt was in the best interest of maintaing their primary function. Selling hamburgers.
Hopefully people will be mature enough to honor the wishes of the privately owned business and simply cover up or go elsewhere. No sense in feeding the OCT/Blomburg crowd by making a scene.
by jmra
Mon Jul 13, 2015 2:59 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........
Replies: 440
Views: 71816

Re: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........

Right2Carry wrote:I can just imagine what this topic would look like if Whataburger had chosen to allow open carry but posted a 30.06 sign? I can hear it now.
What difference would it make as long as you were still able to defend yourself and your family?
by jmra
Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:47 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........
Replies: 440
Views: 71816

Re: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........

AggieDad15 wrote:Lots of beating dead horses here on all sides. I think everyone who disagrees will always disagree.

I think what POed most people the most about Whataburger's decision, was their decision to politicize it - to pander to the liberal Mommies and leftists with this announcement - but yet trying to play both sides of the fence by saying CHL was OK.

I don't know about you guys and gals, but I don't much like politics, especially when it comes from a two-faced corporation who is trying to have it both ways or entertainers like the Dixie Chicks who bash our president in Europe.

This letter, as posted by ziravan on FreeRepublic, pretty much sums up my feelings on this.

My letter to Whataburger:

I normally eat at least one meal a week at one of your locations. I will not patronize Whataburger again until you officially cease your attack on gun rights in Texas.

You made a political statement with your announcement on open carry. I will make mine and exclude you from the list of businesses where I spend my hard earned money.

In some ways, I might even agree with you. I conceal carry and would not think to open carry, even after it becomes legal. I can see from where your concerns come. Nevertheless, timing is everything and by being first, loudest, and uniquely Texan, you are trading off your business model to send a political message.

Whether I agree that open carry is right for me or your business, I support it politically. The timing and nature of your statement on open carry goes beyond your private property rights; you’ve sent a political message and one where we disagree.

So, because you unilaterally decided to place politics between us, I have no choice but to respond in kind. Until you remove the politics you placed between us, we are opponents and I can no longer financially support a business who doesn’t see the common sense in keeping politics from ruining our relationship.

80 posted on 7/13/2015, 2:39:21 PM by ziravan (Choose Sides.)

As for me, their decision to announce this to the world in a patronizing move to the liberals, instead of just quietly posting a 3007 on January 1, will lose my life-long business forever. If they had been quiet and just posted a 3007 on Jan 1, but no 3006, I probably wouldn't have objected much. As for you, you can do whatever you please.
Awesome. Shorter lines for me.
by jmra
Mon Jul 13, 2015 9:20 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........
Replies: 440
Views: 71816

Re: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........

Richbirdhunter wrote:
cyphertext wrote:
Richbirdhunter wrote: Is there any other laws that we can think of that can be denied ? It seems that 2A rights are only a right as long as all parties agree. If Whata Burger denied service to the gays, the whole world would come crashing to an crashing to an end. If Whata Burger said we will only serve the gays if they conceal thier homosexuality could you imagine the outcry ? Is it still Whata burgers right? Would the gays be as understanding as we are about denied access ?

This is just an example of politically correct nonsense
This is a poor analogy. A coworker of mine is gay, and unless you get to know him on a personal level outside of the office, you would not know it. When someone finds out and make a comment like "I never knew you were gay", his response is that he "doesn't come to work to be gay, he comes to work to work". Same thing would apply at Whataburger... He doesn't go there to be gay, he goes there to eat a hamburger.

So, in a sense, unless they are making out on a table, you probably won't know their sexuality. Sure, you may suspect, you might see something that makes you think they are, but you won't know 100%... kinda like printing when carrying concealed.

If you are going to Whataburger to eat a hamburger, conceal your firearm and enjoy. It is pretty simple. You already have the permit and have been carrying concealed for years... once you walk out, you can tuck your shirt back in and be on your way. You have not been denied access.
You and your gay friend have missed my point. I'm looking for equal protection under the law. In the end I've never been inside a Whata Burger and I don't plan on going inside, I use the drive thru like all good Americans.
So now people who go inside instead of using the drive thru are not "good Americans"?
by jmra
Mon Jul 13, 2015 9:07 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........
Replies: 440
Views: 71816

Re: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........

Abraham wrote:We have a handful of militants OC types here, most of them new to the board stirring the OC pot.

They unfailingly reject the very reasonable, thoughtful responses in regard to OC.

They're like constantly complaining, colicky babies

From this point on, I plan to ignore their militant OC posts and hope others do to.

Perhaps, eventually they'll catch on that this forum, by and large rejects their militancy.

Perhaps, (I've never searched) there other forums that welcome their views.
by jmra
Mon Jul 13, 2015 8:16 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........
Replies: 440
Views: 71816

Re: Whataburger's Gun Policy (Ugh)..........

People are making a lot of noise about nothing. WB has not banned carrying a firearm in their stores! Stop trying to claim that they are denying you're right to OC because you do not now nor have you ever had the right to OC or CC on private property that you do not own or control.

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