In part, he says:
Link: ... ent-358261My question to the people of Texas: why are the OCT leaders (and those who damage our cause) allowed into any gun range or gun shop in the state?
Seriously, we need to police this. I will say that no reputable range in Maryland would rightly serve someone who hurt our cause so brazenly and unrepentantly. We got a ban hammer, and we use it. The largest ranges in Maryland would not accept these people, and to this day the few shops and ranges who complied with a “request” from the state police to get names of people buying ammo are on a blacklist and will never come off until they repent.
So to the people of Texas, I suggest you start taking names and calling ranges, shops and clubs. Tell them, “I will not patronize any business that harms my interests, and serving OCT drama-queens harms my interests.”