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by gemini
Fri Apr 17, 2009 5:41 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Large North Texas church posting 30.06
Replies: 58
Views: 7529

Re: Large North Texas church posting 30.06

dac1842 " Our plans really center on containment and isolation until the police arrive and let them have it. "

That's nice, and I wish your safety team and you well.
My bottom line is: If my church posts 30-06, I'll be finding another church home.
by gemini
Mon Apr 13, 2009 6:30 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Large North Texas church posting 30.06
Replies: 58
Views: 7529

Re: Large North Texas church posting 30.06

dac1842: I have a couple of questions if you don't mind. Is your churches response plan based on a seated congregation? An alternate plan for a standing congregation (as in standing during singing etc)? Just these 2 scenarios would have entirely different response actions. What if the shooter took the high ground in a balcony? Pulled a weapon from beneath a choir robe? I see many different situations in which a CHL might be the BEST solution to ending an attack in church prior to the response team even being aware there was a problem.
Do you propose that in all situations (sanctuary, not 1 on 1)the "security/response team" would be quicker, more efficient and more
able to prevent injury to innocents than a prepared/aware CHL, that is within arms reach of a BG/shooter, and is willing and able to stop or prevent mass carnage. No matter how well planned the response, there are variables. Tough job and tough decisions, but the decision to post 30-06 makes absolutely no sense.

Russell wrote:
fickman wrote:....and it doesn't give them a higher right to protect their own life than the next guy - whether at church or not.

Unfortunately, the law says it does.
and unfortunately not all LEO use the best judgment all the time...... human, just like me and you
by gemini
Mon Apr 13, 2009 4:04 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Large North Texas church posting 30.06
Replies: 58
Views: 7529

Re: Large North Texas church posting 30.06

dac1842 wrote:Fick,. you have the right to disagree. My conclusions, and statements are based on 15 years of tactical experience and come from not only policies I have helped implement but have been implemented by folks i consider much more qualified than I. What I state is based on experience and keeping the fact the main point is safety of the entire congregation. I carry at my church under the authority of my CHL. However, we are not a mega church, we are still small enough we know most folks in the church. The more people that are present, the more strict the rules have to be in order to prevent total chaos. Not to mention we plan. Several CHL holders responding to the same incident will rarely have a plan.
Another post is right, most peace officers support concealed carry without a doubt. But most who have tactical experience will tell you that in the event of an active shooter event, they would prefer the untrained, and unpracticed to stay low. A trained, practiced response can prevent an escalation, a trained practiced response can prevent a hostage situation, or in the event of a hostage situation prevent an unnecessary death of a hostage.
The other issue that comes up is one that without knowing each person that carries, you don't know how accomplished a shooter they may be, do they maintain their weapon. If you polled all CHL holders and they were all honest, my guess is that 80% have not shot their weapon since the CHL class, most have not cleaned their weapons since the CHL class. Is this the person you want making a life or death decision? The other thing that is really scarey and this is based on studies, is that 50-60% of persons who face a fight or flight event will freeze and do nothing, another 20% will panic. Studies show that only about 10% of the population will make the decision to act. The question now becomes of that 10%, how many of them will react properly? That question we dont know until the smoke clears and the body count is taken.

The point is this, at a small to moderate sized church the CHL response is necessary and advantagous. The bigger the church and the bigger the Law Enforcement prescence at a large to mega church the CHL response becomes a lesser benefit and actually increases risk. Many on here will take issue with that, that is my opinion and those that dont agree, have that right, that is what makes us Americans. I have spoken to the directors of security at churches of all sizes. Most of them state the only reason they have not posted is that the pastor does not want to upset those that carry. The reason most diretors, (most directors are active LEO, one I have interviewed is FBI) would post ( at the larger mega churches) is for the reasons I stated. They want a controlled,trained response. I am not against CHL at all, I am for letting those that are trained to handle these rare events, handle them.
I am trying to "see both sides" too. I'm not trying to say you're entirely wrong, nor entirely correct in your assumptions. I personally shoot a minimum of twice a month, about once every 2 weeks. Most times at the range are with a group of fellow CHL holders. Relatives and friends alike. 4 to 8 guys, depending on work schedules. We practice different drills, accuracy etc. We vary in church affilliation, and occupations range from Drs to car salemen. What we have in common is the desire to maintain proficency with our firearms. Personally, I do clean my weapons every time they have been fired. The exception being IF I am returning to the range the very next day. The guys I shoot with are just as meticulous. That being said: Most of the LEO's I have personally seen shoot sidearms at the range have been mediocre shots at best. That statement is not meant to be a knock on LE. I have many friends in LE, some from church, some from school days, my kids friends parents etc. I respect them all. However, I only know 1 that continues to train with rifles and handguns, building entry, forced vehicle approach & entry tactics, shooting from behind a shield etc etc etc. The average uniformed officer is only required to qualify once a year. Not every officer is SWAT, had advanced FBI training or training that exceeded minimum department requirements. I'm sure the statistics you quoted will also show the number of LEO % for fight or flight, freeze, panic, percentage of hits during firefights etc. Post those stats and reference source. The LEO's I know all support CHL and most insist their wifes take the classes.

I attend a large church. We do have security (unarmed), uniformed police and plain clothes at every service. If, a madman walks down the aisle in the middle of a service, pulls his gun and starts firing,I doubt very seriously every CHL holder will stand up and return fire willy-nilly. My plan would be to push my family to the floor and under the pews if possible. I would NOT stand up. I would only take the shot IF the BG was directly in front of me or over me/ direct threat etc. I am not LEO, don't pretend to be, and most of the CHL folks I run across feel the same way. Let them (LEO) do their job. BUT, that doesn't mean I won't protect mine and those around me, in church or out.
by gemini
Sun Apr 12, 2009 9:14 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Large North Texas church posting 30.06
Replies: 58
Views: 7529

Re: Large North Texas church posting 30.06

For whatever reason, it felt really nice having a .45 commander strapped on while attending the
Easter services this morning, and knowing that at least 2 other adults on my pew were packing
made me smile. Just saying.
by gemini
Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:52 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Large North Texas church posting 30.06
Replies: 58
Views: 7529

Re: Large North Texas church posting 30.06

I attend a large Baptist Church in the DFW area. It is a Bible teaching, Gospel of Christ believing ministry. We have uniformed security, uniformed police officers and plain clothes officers at our services. We also have a large number of church members that carry. If the deacons or pastor ever decided to post 30-06 signs, I feel certain the outcry would be very loud. I think the chance of posting 30-06 is miniscule as several leaders on the deacons committee carry...... if 30-06 does get posted, I will be looking for a new church home.

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