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by will381796
Thu Mar 12, 2009 11:28 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: CHL and Children
Replies: 18
Views: 3365

Re: CHL and Children and question

crochetetc wrote:What do you guys do with your nightstand guns? Do you keep one out with the kiddos or keep it under lock and key?
I'm lucky that my nightstand has a hidden drawer built into it that serves as an excellent place to stash my carry piece when I'm sleeping for "middle of the night" occurrences. Other than sleeping and at work, it is on me. My backup (aka too big for conceal carry) gun is locked up in a quick-release gun safe (GunVault) in my closet locked and loaded. My other guns are locked up in their cases or with trigger guards in place and unloaded out of reach and hidden.

My daughter is only 22 months old right now, so I've got to start preparing to introduce these things to her. She's seen me clean my guns but loses interest quickly. I plan on exposing her to guns at an early age, and like you said, making them a normal part of life. My CHL will stay secret until she outs me haha.

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