I predicted him taking certain stances that would trouble the right and become beloved by the left, but I didn't think he'd take so long.philip964 wrote:https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/cu ... korea-move
Cnn and Msnbc heap praise on Trump over North Korea visit.
Who would have ever thought.
I proudly remained a NeverTrumper through election day because I knew he was not an ideological conservative. Every one of our core principles, even those he mentioned during the campaign, is for sale as a bargaining chip for an item in his agenda. He'll flippantly shrug it off as the price of making a deal.
I often think back to the time in the primaries when Ted Cruz approached a Trump supporter in Ohio, and all the guy could do was yell "Lying Ted" and ask Cruz "What are you going to do about the 2nd Amendment?" That moment was rife with irony. The fact that he chose that one topic was so telling about how uninformed the voters were during that season. I'm afraid any Republican who voted for Trump in the primary is about to get more than they bargained for. . . and the rest of us will pay the price for it.