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by flintknapper
Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:03 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
Replies: 3383
Views: 392883

Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL

Jusster wrote:
So let me get this straight…..because I don’t blindly follow/support Zimmerman because he is a fellow CHL holder you accuse me and others as being an anti gunner or having some agenda? Really? Your thinking is no different than the same groups you claim to despise and right and wrong is tossed completely out the window. You seem to be on the Zimmerman bandwagon not because you believe he was justified in his actions and/or his statements are truthful, but rather because he is part of “our” community.

It is a poor position to support someone based solely on his/her being "one of us"! That is a Clan Mentality at best. We are a nation of laws, laws that apply to everyone...and judgments made based on facts and the totality of the circumstance, nothing less!
by flintknapper
Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:56 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
Replies: 3383
Views: 392883

Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL

Based on Zimmerman’s own statements as to what he claims happened to him his injuries do not match his statements. Go re-read my post and then go re-read\watch Zimmerman’s statements as to what he claims happened to him then lets discuss.
No need to re-view the video, his injuries very much match up with his statements. Can you be more specific as to how you think they are not?
Nope never claimed to be in the medical or forensics field and I’m pretty sure the majority of Zimmerman’s peers who will be on the jury will not be either (if any at all). What I can rely on is real life experiences.
So you are saying you have "real life experience" in a situation JUST LIKE this one? Or just experience observing people who have been in fights? We've all seen that...and anyone who is being intellectually honest will tell you...that injuries will vary as much as each incident.

Yet, you seem very certain GZ's injuries could not have been sustained as he claims. What then, is your 'guess' as to how he got them?
by flintknapper
Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:04 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
Replies: 3383
Views: 392883

Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL

Jusster wrote:
Can you honestly sit there and tell me that the minor injuries that Zimmerman displayed the day after the shooting backs up his claims?
Yes. And I would not call a broken nose and lacerations to the back of the head...."minor" injuries. It takes very little pressure to certain areas of the back of the render one unconscious.

Sorry but I’ve seen people who have had their face pounded and head beat against walls or the street and Zimmerman’s appearance does not live up to the story.
Zimmerman did not have his head beat against a "Wall" or "Street". According to his testimony (and the video) all of his body (except his head) was on the grass and only PART of his head was against the sidewalk, which happens to have a stepped edge, which would easily account for the type wounds he suffered.

But, perhaps you have unique qualifications (Medical/Forensic) you've not told us of...and can expand on your position?
by flintknapper
Sat Mar 31, 2012 3:07 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
Replies: 3383
Views: 392883

Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL

baldeagle wrote:
flintknapper wrote: ... as-/nLPgL/

Case was dismissed......right?
He shoved an undercover officer, who had not identified himself as a police officer, in a bar when the officer tried to grab his friend. The officer then pressed charges, which were later reduced. ... 2783.story" onclick=";return false;
In 2008, in correspondence to the local sheriff's department, Zimmerman said he was involved three years earlier in an "altercation with an undercover officer that was taking part in a … sting for underage drinking" near a university. He was charged with battery of an officer and resisting an officer with violence. Court records show the charges were reduced to a misdemeanor of resisting an officer without violence. A judge ordered him to a pretrial diversion program.

Court records also show that a woman filed a petition for an injunction against Zimmerman that same year, citing domestic violence. According to the Miami Herald, the woman, who was his ex-fiancee, said they fought and engaged in a pushing match. Zimmerman also filed a petition, and a judge ordered the couple to keep away from each other for a year.

Yet, in this report…it says the case was “dismissed”, so which do we believe? ... as-/nLPgL/" onclick=";return false;

The family's attorney believes this is more reason the neighborhood watch leader should have been arrested when he shot and killed the teenager.
Zimmerman was arrested in 2005 on charges of battery on a law enforcement officer and resisting arrest with violence.
The case was dismissed, but Martin's mother said it should've been considered 11 days ago when Zimmerman shot and killed her son.
by flintknapper
Thu Mar 29, 2012 3:29 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
Replies: 3383
Views: 392883

Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL

WildBill wrote:
RPB wrote:I saw/ran across that incident yesterday or so.
All details aren't known, but it appears "Skittles guy" shouldn't have put Armed guy/CHL neighborhood watch captain on ground and beat on him to make his nose and back of his head bleed. And Neighborhood watch guy learned that yelling help real loudly over and over.... doesn't bring any help sometimes.

At this point, it's a "he said" deal, but with some physical evidence to corroborate neighborhood watch guy's story.
Put yourself in the "skittle guy's" shoes. You are a 17 year old black male walking home eating skittles and minding your own business and some suspicious looking old white guy starts to follow you. You tell him to leave you alone and continue to walk home. He continues to follow you. You tell him to get lost and mind his own business. He continues to stalk you. You turn around and you see the old man pointing a gun at you. You fear for your life and punch him the nose. The old guy he falls to the ground. You try to disarm him by hitting him in the face and head. Then he shoots you.

Update: WFTV found out Zimmerman was arrested in 2005 for battery on a law enforcement officer. ... as-/nLPgL/" onclick=";return false;

Case was dismissed......right?

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