Don't know.casingpoint wrote:Wonder how many cops in the Lone Star State carry one?double edged knives are illegal for civilians to carry (in Texas)
The U.S. Supreme Court says by implication you can carry a knife, and did not specify in Heller an length or edge limitations.
The State of Texas currently does!
(6) "Illegal knife" means a:
(A) knife with a blade over five and one-half
(B) hand instrument designed to cut or stab
another by being thrown;
(C) dagger, including but not limited to a dirk,
stiletto, and poniard;
(D) bowie knife;
(E) sword; or
(F) spear.
Unless I am missing something...the Heller case involved a persons right to own a firearm (handgun specifically) and the court correctly exercised a certain amount of Judicial Restraint.Certainly a knives were commonly owned civilian arms "back in the day." Surely some must have had double edges, further entrenching your right to carry one.
But, we are getting off topic here.