A reenactment video with Assam recreating the events that I was able to review before it was made unavailable showed that Assam engaged Murray at a distance of about 15 yards. Assam fired 5 shots with 3 hits: 2 in the leg that brought the suspect down to the floor, and one to the wrist. These were nonfatal wounds. Murray committed suicide by firing the fatal shot from his pistol.Seabear wrote:I can't find it, but I rcall reading a report some time ago that said Assam didn't actually hit Murray, that he killed himself when he was confronted. Anybody else ever read that?
The stories you see denying that Assam hit and disabled Murray are the media's attempts to avoid the inconvenience of the truth, which gives the lie to propaganda which holds that armed citizens are more of a danger than a help.
Murray was carrying about 1000 rounds of ammunition. In this instance, Assam very clearly saved at least dozens of lives.