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by bryang
Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:43 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Taser used on 72 yr. old Granny...
Replies: 47
Views: 7611

Re: Taser used on 72 yr. old Granny...

Oldgringo wrote:
subsonic wrote:She acted like a punk and was treated like one. If she wants to be treated like a lady she should act like one.

If the driver was a minority youth acting the same way and the cop tased him, it wouldn't be news. Why should she get special treatment because of sexism or racism or other isms?

You're right! With all of the publicity and conversation this incident has prompted, I suspect the LEO now wishes that he'd just pulled his .40 S&W (or whatever) and blown the old biddy to smithereens. That would've shown the media and everybody else who was in charge - by cracky.
"rlol" :smilelol5:
by bryang
Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:46 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Taser used on 72 yr. old Granny...
Replies: 47
Views: 7611

Re: Taser used on 72 yr. old Granny...

Oldgringo wrote:After the music stops and the smoke clears, we're going to find that tasering an unarmed 72 year old person of feminine gender, regardless of her perhaps bizarre antics, is not recommemded procedure.

Anybody wanna' bet?
I think you are right, Oldgringo, this will probably be the official announcement.

The behavior of the 72 yr old female was certainly unbecoming of a great-grandmother, or anyone for that matter. However, I agree that the officer may have reacted to her not respecting him and let his anger cloud his judgment and then came the dare....
by bryang
Wed Jun 10, 2009 1:54 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Taser used on 72 yr. old Granny...
Replies: 47
Views: 7611

Re: Taser used on 72 yr. old Granny...

You have a point there, Russell, she was definitely way out of order from the very beginning of the stop.

Maybe the lesson here is, you don't double-dog-dare an angry officer with a drawn taser... to pull the trigger. :shock:

by bryang
Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:08 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Taser used on 72 yr. old Granny...
Replies: 47
Views: 7611

Re: Taser used on 72 yr. old Granny...

I thought he could have handled it better, also. She was only 5 foot something and he was towering over her. It looks like he should be able to cuff her without using the Taser.

by bryang
Wed Jun 10, 2009 11:57 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Taser used on 72 yr. old Granny...
Replies: 47
Views: 7611

Taser used on 72 yr. old Granny...

Officer Shoots 72-Year-Old Texas Woman With Taser During Traffic Stop

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

AUSTIN, Texas — She dared a deputy constable to shock her with a Taser.

So, he did.

Video released by a Travis County Constable's Office shows Deputy Chris Bieze confronting 72-year-old Kathryn Winkfein after stopping her for speeding on May 11 just outside Austin.

Video from a camera mounted in the deputy's car shows Winkfein cursing and challenging the deputy and even daring him to use the Taser on her.

"You're going to shove me? You're going to shove a 72-year-old woman?" she yelled.

Winkfein told KTBC-TV in Austin that she did nothing to provoke the use of the Taser.

But Precinct 3 Sgt. Maj. Gary Griffin said Bieze used the Taser only after Winkfein became combative.

There was no immediate comment from Winkfein on Wednesday. A call to her home was answered by a fax machine.

Video Click on Bad Grandma?

Was the officer justified in using a Taser on a 72yr old Granny?


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