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by 03Lightningrocks
Thu Jul 11, 2019 6:45 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco
Replies: 886
Views: 187944

Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco

puma guy wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 6:25 pm
03Lightningrocks wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 12:28 pm I still remember when this happened. I always suspected a cover up but also believed that it is an example of what not to do when carrying concealed or open. Eric's actions did not justify his death but at the same time, he did about everything wrong one could do prior to the shooting.
I read everything that was available at the time and the followup as well and I recall per witnesses the several cops on scene were giving Erik differing, simultaneous commands that he attempted to follow and at some point the cops commenced a circular firing squad with him in the middle as their target and then put a few more in him as he lay on the ground. They were fortunate they didn't wound or kill any of the many COSTCO customers who were evacuating the store with Erik among them. Of course the conveniently missing video lends itself to an easy cover up. Convenient for LV Metro and COSTCO.
Yeah, it was a bad situation. When speaking of what he may have done to bring this on himself, I was mainly talking about him causing a ruckus in the store before he was shot. I suppose I feel like it is best to remain somewhat timid when one has the ability to use deadly force with their firearm. Getting into a verbal battle can lead to bad endings.

I am not by any stretch saying he deserved it. Just that his own actions put the steps into place that lead up to it.
by 03Lightningrocks
Thu Jul 11, 2019 12:28 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco
Replies: 886
Views: 187944

Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco

I still remember when this happened. I always suspected a cover up but also believed that it is an example of what not to do when carrying concealed or open. Eric's actions did not justify his death but at the same time, he did about everything wrong one could do prior to the shooting.
by 03Lightningrocks
Fri Feb 10, 2012 12:23 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco
Replies: 886
Views: 187944

Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco

Something is seriously wrong when our police departments think they are the ultimate power.
by 03Lightningrocks
Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:32 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco
Replies: 886
Views: 187944

Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco

baldeagle wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:
baldeagle wrote:Trevon Dale's inquest was not completed today and will resume tomorrow.

His fiancé's testimony is available on video. (The entire inquest is being videotaped.) She testifies that his hands were in the air, open and palms facing the officer when he was shot in the head.

Erik's father seems pretty certain that a cover up is underway to keep both the 911 tape and the Costco videos from ever seeing the light of day.
His fiancé's testimony does not appear to help the case for the victim. She first claimed she saw nothing then she says his hands were in the air. if I am not mistaken, did I hear her say he had 1 ounce of marijuana and that this was an average amount for him..... LOL. Holy Cow!!! That would be one heck of a lot of pot to smoke before heading off to Costco. I still believe the cops over reacted and killed a guy they should not have, but she isn't helping to boaster his side of things.
No, no, no. This is a different case. Trevon Dale was a small time drug dealer who was shot in the bathroom of his apartment. This is not Erik Scott's inquest.
Well holy cow!!!!! LOL... quit trying to confuse us retarded kids. :biggrinjester:
by 03Lightningrocks
Fri Aug 20, 2010 10:50 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco
Replies: 886
Views: 187944

Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco

baldeagle wrote:Trevon Dale's inquest was not completed today and will resume tomorrow.

His fiancé's testimony is available on video. (The entire inquest is being videotaped.) She testifies that his hands were in the air, open and palms facing the officer when he was shot in the head.

Erik's father seems pretty certain that a cover up is underway to keep both the 911 tape and the Costco videos from ever seeing the light of day.
His fiancé's testimony does not appear to help the case for the victim. She first claimed she saw nothing then she says his hands were in the air. if I am not mistaken, did I hear her say he had 1 ounce of marijuana and that this was an average amount for him..... LOL. Holy Cow!!! That would be one heck of a lot of pot to smoke before heading off to Costco. I still believe the cops over reacted and killed a guy they should not have, but she isn't helping to boaster his side of things.
by 03Lightningrocks
Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:46 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco
Replies: 886
Views: 187944

Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco

I had trouble making heads or tails of those recordings. Thanks for posting them. I would love to see the written version of those tapes. I don't know what all the codes mean, but it sounded to me like some clown that works at Costco was way over exagerating the behavior of Eric. I suppose there are no videos of his eractic behavior? No videos of him pulling a gun on the cops? Who are we kidding here. The crooked LV cops are going to get away with killing this guy in cold blood. Sad part is, if he were black, the whole darned country would be screaming for justice. Kill a white guy in cold blood... no problemo! Makes me sick!
by 03Lightningrocks
Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:02 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco
Replies: 886
Views: 187944

Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco

baldeagle wrote:
WildBill wrote:
philip964 wrote:Latest news report with Erik Scott's attorney. ... start=true" onclick=";return false;
It puzzles me is that only one gun was mentioned, which Erik Scott carried IWB. Previous versions of the story report two handguns.

Also, I am wondering about the so-called "irratic behavior" of Erik Scott. It doesn't see to be on the 911 call and they have no witnesses that reported any behavior out of the ordinary. Where and when did this information appear? :???:
There's a whole lot about this case that is puzzling.
I am about sick of playing this game.... they straight up murdered an innocent man. that could be any one of us who posts on this forum. Think about it folks. If Erik had done anything remotely wrong, the tapes would never have stopped running about it. What happened was a bunch of attention starved morons working at Costco made the cops think something was going on that wasn't. Then the cops decided to execute a human instead of allowing the judicial process take place.
by 03Lightningrocks
Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:55 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco
Replies: 886
Views: 187944

Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco

seniorshooteress wrote:Candle light vigil for Erik Scott August 10th outside the Costco store. Hopefully lots of news media will be there and talk with people.
I wish I lived there, I would go! The officers who murdered him should be off the police force at the least. This guy didn't do anything to warrant the killing. If there is a god in heaven, and I really want to believe there is, he will see to it that those murderers never sleep another peaceful night for the remainder of their lives. :mad5 :mad5 :mad5
by 03Lightningrocks
Tue Aug 03, 2010 4:07 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco
Replies: 886
Views: 187944

Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco

TXlaw1 wrote:
seniorshooteress wrote:I am anxiously awaiting the release of 911 tapes & being able to know what was on the survilance video. With the inquest being put off til who knows when, the real truth may never be available for the public. Clearly something needs to shake up the LVPD.
:iagree: Like fish, the longer it sits the stinkier it gets. This is smelling bad! I won't be going to Las Vegas.
Based on the avatar you have chosen, I was thinking you probably wouldn't be going to Vegas anyway. ;-)
by 03Lightningrocks
Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:53 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco
Replies: 886
Views: 187944

Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco

Terlingueno wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:\
This thread and a couple others on this forum have certainly made me more cautious about concealing than I have been in the past. The Round Rock thread being one of them. I find myself doing a double and triple check that I am not exposing my little secret. I have no desire to be the center of debates like this one. My plan is to die surrounded by grand children and great grand children in my hospice bed. I figure I got about 50 more years to go... getting gunned down by some rookie cop at 49 is not something I care to experience.
Can you link to the Round Rock and the other threads please?
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=33331&hilit=Round+Rock" onclick=";return false;

That was one... handdog was the OP..... just search through his posts for other threads about the situation. Warning... it got testy at times...LOL. You may have to really exercise some self control while reading it. :mrgreen:
by 03Lightningrocks
Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:27 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco
Replies: 886
Views: 187944

Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco

seamusTX wrote:It's difficult to take video or be a good witness to something that you don't know in advance is going to happen and is over in seconds. Also, its rare to get three or more witnesses to give consistent accounts of an event, even if they are trying to be honest. Did I mention Twelve Angry Men?

Something like the Rodney King video is a once-a-decade occurrence. Maybe with the proliferation of security cameras, more such video will turn up. However, I already noted why it often does not show the entire situation.

- Jim
There is much truth in what you speak... Pale Face...LOL. General Custer was the bad guy from some accounts. ;-)

My son and I were debating this very issue on the phone the other night. He from his second year of law school point of view... me from my usual emotional/opinionated point of view... LOL. We agreed to disagree that the police are up to no good. My point of view is that if this was legit, the proof would have already come out. He seems to believe that they may be telling the truth when they say the video malfunctioned. We both agreed that in a moment of such stress, eye witnesses can get very confused about what they witnessed. I can see how someone would see this incident, then after speaking with others around them, start to change their view of what happened.

I have been in a couple situations where several different stories came out of folks who all stood side by side and watched something happen. Many moons ago I worked at DFW airport and was looking right at a passenger jet when it looked to me like it was hit by lightning and exploded. I was looking dead at it when it happened. There were at least a 100 different "eye witness" accounts of what happened, most where wrong. I would have sworn my life on my account of lightning hitting that plane. Turns out wind shear had pushed it down while landing and it hit 114 and hit the ground short of the run way.

Jim is right in that when something unexpected happens, it is easy for a person to see something that just straight out didn't happen.

This thread and a couple others on this forum have certainly made me more cautious about concealing than I have been in the past. The Round Rock thread being one of them. I find myself doing a double and triple check that I am not exposing my little secret. I have no desire to be the center of debates like this one. My plan is to die surrounded by grand children and great grand children in my hospice bed. I figure I got about 50 more years to go... getting gunned down by some rookie cop at 49 is not something I care to experience.
by 03Lightningrocks
Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:18 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco
Replies: 886
Views: 187944

Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco

So do we know for sure yet if this guy was acting wild in the Costco? Seems the stories abound. Is it confirmed that an employee said he was firing shots? Admittedly, they have me so confused I don't know what to think. This thread just makes me wonder even more. None of these issues justifies the cops executing this man. The only justification for them blasting him would be if he was pointing a gun at them or waving one around wildly. If they shot this guy and he had no gun in his hand or was not drawing a gun, they deserve to be charged criminally, IMHO. Going wild in a store and destroying some merchandise, does not justify the cops executing a guy. If cops are allowed to shoot us simply because someone said we had a gun or said we fired it, is a real dangerous precedent. FOR ALL OF US!!!

I say again... IT seems real suspicious to me that the police have not provided some kind of evidence this guy needed killing.
by 03Lightningrocks
Sun Jul 25, 2010 1:11 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco
Replies: 886
Views: 187944

Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco

This situation not only angers me but sickens me at the same time. I have a daughter, a son and a son in law that all carry with a CHL. This could be me or any one of them. It scares me in that if this were one of my loved ones these murderers gunned down, I am afraid of what I would do in return. the whole thing stinks and at this point no way will I believe anything that police department says unless it involves criminal charges against the officers involved. if true justification were part of the equation, the proof would have been out on the news minutes after the police performed this execution.

by 03Lightningrocks
Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:44 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco
Replies: 886
Views: 187944

Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco

baldeagle wrote:Click on this link. Then click on Join.

Thank You.... done. :cheers2:
by 03Lightningrocks
Sat Jul 24, 2010 2:41 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco
Replies: 886
Views: 187944

Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco

mgood wrote:
baldeagle wrote:
davidtx wrote:
WildBill wrote:Friends of Erik Scott have put up messages on six electronic billboards in the Las Vegas area. They will be running messages to keep the story on people's minds and to try to find more witnesses to the shooting." onclick=";return false;
The story mentioned a Facebook group had been created in memory of Erik. I just joined it, putting membership at 599.
:iagree: Now 600.
I think I was #601.
I would also like to do this but I don't know how. I have a face book account. Can one of you fellers please send me a link or something I can just click on. Thanks in advance.

Something sure smells rotten about all this. I have been trying hard not to do my usual opinionated post on this thread but quite frankly this whole deal is not right, if the cops were innocent in all this, we would be covered in videos showing this guy acting like a fool. My humble opinion is that the cops over reacted and are now scurrying around trying to throw sand over their poo.

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