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by Uglee
Sat May 17, 2008 1:32 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Let's hear some updates!
Replies: 417
Views: 68413

Re: Let's hear some updates!

Wally Walk Completed Tonight! :lol::

We assumed that you have already chose a proper holster, mag pouch (or suitable combination of substitutes) and cover garment and played dress-up in front of a mirror a couple of hundred times. But now, it is time to go live in the real world. It is time for you to go to WalMart!
Checked--Brought my wife, son and daughter for our weekly WW trip.

1) You must park your vehicle at least 50 yards from the entrance of a regular WallyWorld (75 yards for a SuperCenter.) As you head for the entrance, you must perform a scan of the area including checking under parked vehicles for BG's (Bad Guys.) Remember, grandma in an electric wheelchair is not a drive-by threat.
Checked--Parked midway out to keep my F250 Stroker from getting dinged up by shopping carts or other vehicles.

1A). Upon exiting car, surrepititiously adjust sidearm. Now don't touch it again unless your pants are about to fall off. Then tighten your belt.
Checked--Used an ankle holster...does this pass the test???

2) You MUST drive the shopping cart. No substitutes are allowed. Negotiating aisles full of screaming kids dropping cans of Chef Boyardee while Mom is on the cell phone and trying the latest Rosie O'Donnell Makeup & Fragrances is a good test of patience and self-control.
Checked--Yes...had to go get oil and filter for truck by way of Food Center entrance, still quite a few folks and kids out on a Friday evening!

3) No quickies! Your stay at WallyWorld must last no less than 45 minutes. You can hang out in automotive and even double check the Rapala lures to see what's new to kill an allotted rest time of 10 minutes. The rest of the time you must be on the move. An exception is made if you are with your significant other and she goes for the White Sale madness. You must park, wait and be ready to back your mate if things get hairy with the pillow throws or allergenic bedspreads.
Checked--Spent 1.5 hrs there shopping in all areas of WW!

4) You are gonna buy stuff so pick items from the top and bottom shelves to test your cover garment. Your mate can assist you and point out any deficiencies. If you are alone and store security or the cops have not arrived by the time you check out, you passed this test.
Checked--Not made out by anyone!

5) Check out: make sure you choose the busiest register. People will stand in close proximity and you must bear it with patience and avoiding contact. Beware of the people suddenly remembering a forgotten item and sending their mates to fetch it. They usually will brush against you on the way to get it.
Checked--Checkout Lane #14, Tobacco Sales...5 customers in front of me!

6) Meal Time! If your WallyWorld serves Nachos, go ahead and get yourself a big serving of the suckers and wash it down with a Sam's cola. If McD's is the choice at the premises, get fries, onion rings, apple pie and a large Coke. ALL MEALS MUST BE CONSUMED ON SITE! No To-Go's or you will be disqualified.
Checked--Had Soft Serve Ice Cream while kids had Chicken Nuggets H/Meals while wife continued shopping!

7) When you leave, repeat the scanning of the parking lot. Remember that now you are also dealing with a shopping cart that rattles like and old train and wants to go right all the time. Do not lose track of your surroundings because of this. If you have a car, open the trunk and introduce all your bags while facing outwards. Pick up Trucks: lower the tailgate and do the same. Keep scanning, you never know where the BG's might be.
Checked--WW bags faced outward...No BGs lurking around!

8) REMEMBER: Yellow lights = WallyWorld Security. Red Lights = Cops.
Checked--Only flashing light was the street sweeper truck cleaning the parking lot and a WW employee retreiving shopping carts with the Robocart!

9) - Make test fall on floor in busiest area - near register or anywhere crowded. See if concealment can still be maintained. If you lose that then go back to GO and do NOT collect $200
Checked--Actually fell in the books and magazine area trying to reach for a Cycle Magazine, everything stayed put however my bum is still a little sore! I may not be able to ride my Yamaha FJR1300 for an outing in Hill country! Not...can't miss a great day to ride my Farkle!

10) Restroom break (even if you don't have to go), go through the motions, figure out what your going to do with your gun, while sitting on the commode
Checked--No other shoppers around, only dropped jeans down to knees! All is well!

Passed WW Test! Now, I will ride my Farkle tomorrow and enjoy the backroads! :thewave

Signing Out! :patriot:
by Uglee
Thu May 15, 2008 11:53 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Let's hear some updates!
Replies: 417
Views: 68413

Re: Let's hear some updates!

Thanks to "All" for the "Congrats." :thumbs2:

A couple of questions for you all, I applied for my CHL online prior to taking the class. I do believe that this help with data entry as this only require someone at DPS to verify the CHL package once I complete the training. They would not have had to input all the info from a manually filled out form. That's just my opinion. Not so sure if this is a fact, but my observation from others in this forum leads me to believe that this process does help to facilitate getting a quicker turn around.

Also, did you all send your package certified receipt? I did not send my package to DPS certified mail. So, maybe no one had to sign for it may have speed up the process too? I would like to think that, but simply put, I just forgot to send it certified as I had all intentions of doing just that. However, I forgot to ask the mail clerk to do that but she did tell me that it would get to Austin in two days from Cibolo. DPS also confirmed the received date when their Dept Rep called my about my complaint (see below).

Finally, another thing to note was that my package was on "hold" due to lack of providing additional information. (Proof of Military Service information.) Once, I read from other military folks that had failed to provide "required military service information" this info through this Forum, I got really livid and wrote a long email to several DPS Dept. Supervisors. (See my first post on this subject). Their requirement for proof of service was not identified on their website, handbook, or the checklist either. So, I asked that I get a response to my complaint and they were pretty quick about their response. I had identified a foul on their part. I also asked would this slow/delay my processing rep stated that he would work with me to ensure that there would be no delay. Well, they emailed me with a scanned copy of a letter requesting my additional information to which I reply back immediately with electronic copy of the requested information, all within an hour of receiving their email. I received a response almost immediately that my package was being processed. So, really I did not suffer a delay as my wait time was about inline with most others in this forum with a few exceptions of folks waiting more than 72+ days. I do think that my letter to the DPS got some attention and they did in fact took a personal interest in expediting my CHL application without delay...even went as far as emailing me rather than mailing out an official hardcopy letter. The rep even stated in his email that I could email, fax, or mail the additional information. So, that probably shaved about a weeks turn around time there.

I will say that I was biting my lips when dealing with DPS. My complaint email/letter was very cordial, diplomatic and to the point. Additionally, I did thank him and their staff for doing their jobs too! So, I think that positive tone/communication does go a long way especially when the ball is in their court. Furthermore, my inquiry about my status (May 12) may have served as a "reminder" to the rep that he was personally working my package as he had previously stated/promised. He responded immediately that he found my CHL and would mail it out the same day. Lord and Behold, it came in today (May 15). I just hope that DPS will update/identify their requirements so that other active/retired military and veterans alike do not get delayed due to current processes of DPS.

If you ask me if this long waiting period, along with inadvertent lack of information had bother me? YES, but it was worth it and hopefully other will learn from my experience.

Time to do the Wally Walk! Good Luck to you all! Let me know how it goes for you all too! :tiphat:
by Uglee
Thu May 15, 2008 4:50 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Let's hear some updates!
Replies: 417
Views: 68413

Re: Let's hear some updates!

UPDATE: May 15, 2008----PLASTIC IN HAND!!!! :anamatedbanana

CHL Timelines:

Jan 28, 2008-Signed up online TXDPS CHL Application and CHL Class with Lonestar Handguns (Bass Pro Shop-SATX)

Feb 02, 2008-Received CHL package and PIN number from TXDPS

Mar 01, 2008-Class completed at Bass Pro Shop (Recommend taking a CHL class where all processes are completed at one
location. Ex: Class, Paperwork, Fingerprinting, Photos, Notorary Service, Range Shooting)

Mar 03, 2008 Mailed CHL package.

Mar 05, 2008 TXDPS Received package. (Clock Starts Here)

Apr 23, 2008 (Day-49) Got an email notification from Mr. Galvan, TXDPS CHLB, that I had failed to provide necessary information in regards to active duty military application. In order for the military or retiree to obtain a free or reduced price special conditions, we must provide additional documents. I was able to scan/convert documents electronically and email them back same day. Therefore I save a few day for postage time and $$! Furthermore, Mr. Galvan also told me that it should not be too much longer, maybe a couple of weeks and I should have plastic in hand!

Apr 24, 2008-(Day 50) Status changed today from "Application mailed to applicant" to "Processing Application"

May 12, 2008-(Day 69) Emailed Mr. Galvan to inquire about my status and he responded back with ""I was able to issue your license this morning. It is in the mail. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance." His response came back almost immediately, is that cool or what? Maybe that was just a fluke that my CHL was just laying around on his desk and my email had prompted him to "Put it in the envelope and mail it out! Anyways I am just as happy!

May 13, 2008-(Day 70) Status online changed to "Application Completed - license issued or certificate active"

May 15, 2008-(Day 72) Plastic in Hand! Time to do the "Wally Walk!"

I hope you all get your CHL soon, I am out of here! Good Luck!

Best Regards,

UG-Lee :txflag:
"CHL Card" -- "Don't leave home without it...or your gun!!!"

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