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by bdickens
Mon Mar 22, 2010 12:11 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Special Session???
Replies: 167
Views: 18724

Re: Special Session???

marksiwel wrote:
bdickens wrote: Well, you are absolutely 100% WRONG on all counts.

First off, the Federal expenditures for roads and fighter jets are authorized by the US Constitution (God rest her soul). Federal expenditures for local police are Unconstitutional anyway.

The health care for the Coast Guard cook and his 18 kids is part of his total compensation package and not a government handout.

The purpose of our government is not to "help people," it is to protect them.

If your insurance sucks, so sad, too bad. Buy better insurance. I shouldn't have to pay for it. That's what the free market is for: so you can buy what fits your needs. But now Chairman Maobama and our betters in the Politburo are going to take away that option.
I see that having a discussion with you is a waste of time.
by bdickens
Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:43 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Special Session???
Replies: 167
Views: 18724

Re: Special Session???

marksiwel wrote:I thinkI just busted a gut laughing.

Yes, you also spend YOUR money on paving the roads to make sure I get to work, you spend YOUR money making sure their are police to Protect ME, and you spend YOUR money making sure their are F-35s patrolling the skies against Communist.
Or we could have taken the money we wasted on New Fighter Jets, and spent it on Healthcare and broke about even.

I guess I'm just a dirty "Socialist" (Anyone care to tell me "WHY" thats a bad word?) that I think the main reason we have a government is to HELP PEOPLE. We have Health Care for a Coast Guard cooks and his 18 kids, but you talk about helping the rest of everyone with the same Tax money that we are paying him, and people lose their minds.

How many of you old guys are on Medicare or getting Social Security?
Tell me how thats different.
hey, making sure their arent sick people helps everyone.

Ask yourself, is your Insurance really working for you? Mine sucks, and I'm doing better insurance wise compared to jobs that pay Twice what I do.

Also I never broke my arm, its a from a story I heard on NPR (Socialist Radio!) about a Woman who broke her Arm in America , she was from Europe, the bill to have her arm set whats in the Tens of Thousands of Dollars.
When I did get a concussion I was charged 30 bucks for asprin, and 200 dollars for an IV (Its Salt and Water!)
Well, you are absolutely 100% WRONG on all counts.

First off, the Federal expenditures for roads and fighter jets are authorized by the US Constitution (God rest her soul). Federal expenditures for local police are Unconstitutional anyway.

The health care for the Coast Guard cook and his 18 kids is part of his total compensation package and not a government handout.

The purpose of our government is not to "help people," it is to protect them.

If your insurance sucks, so sad, too bad. Buy better insurance. I shouldn't have to pay for it. That's what the free market is for: so you can buy what fits your needs. But now Chairman Maobama and our betters in the Politburo are going to take away that option.

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