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by kman458
Fri Aug 15, 2008 11:42 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: April Applications
Replies: 373
Views: 57481

Re: April Applications

thebz wrote:I have finally been freed from the Waiting Room. Yep, just this morning the glorious and long awaited words showed themselves on my computer screen...Application Complete....(cue the bananas here)... :anamatedbanana :anamatedbanana :anamatedbanana :anamatedbanana :anamatedbanana :anamatedbanana :anamatedbanana

I have been in contact with a very nice lady in Austin by the name of Terry. She said she didn't know anything about our little forum here. I tossed out some names we banter about and she knew them...Simone, Matthew, Heather, just to mention a few, so Simone just may be a real person. Anyway, she told me yesterday that she put my plastic in her out box. Now the wait for Ms. Postal Person is at hand. :drool:

Pardon me but I will be off shopping for my carry purse...Man those things aren't cheep. :txflag:

Edited to add - Forgot my time line, :oops:

March 30, 2008 Class Taken
April 1, 2008 Packet Mailed
April 3, 2008 Packet Received by DPS (confirmed)
July 9, 2008 Pin Received, Processing Application
August 15, 2008 Application Completed - license issued or certificate active
Its about time. Protecting you :fire :smash: from the evil death ray machines at the self check out lanes at the wally world is getting old "rlol" . Its about time you did it yourself. Don't tell me but you have found that coach has a carry purse in purple that you just have to have "rlol" .
by kman458
Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:53 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: April Applications
Replies: 373
Views: 57481

Re: April Applications

Well just got back from lunch to find something from dps regulatory licensing service. I am finally legal now after 119 days waiting.
:anamatedbanana :woohoo :anamatedbanana :woohoo :anamatedbanana :woohoo :anamatedbanana
Wally world here I come.
by kman458
Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:25 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: April Applications
Replies: 373
Views: 57481

Re: April Applications

I understand where you are coming from as I was in the same boat last week only when I started getting non-answers I would say thank you, hang up, and call back, 4 times total, till I finally got someone that got so flustered that they transfered me to someone that had the answers. I was told that the license would be issued by the end of the week. That was last Thursday and my status had changed from pending to complete when my wife checked first thing Saturday morning. At no time did I get mad with the person I was talking to as I knew they were probably telling me all they could tell me but I did have to insist I speak to a supervisor several times before I was connected to one.
by kman458
Sun Jul 27, 2008 9:28 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: April Applications
Replies: 373
Views: 57481

Re: April Applications

SeanMTX wrote:Kman458....I read your post this morning and figured, what the heck, I'll take a look today too.


Mine says Application Complete too! I posted earlier this week about the conversation I had with Simone, who knew the '30 days' would be more like 3???
Congratulation, looks like we are almost to the wally walk part.
by kman458
Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:37 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: April Applications
Replies: 373
Views: 57481

Re: April Applications

thebz wrote:We know who will be camped next to the mail box this next week... :biggrinjester:
:lol:: :party: "rlol" :rolll :thumbs2: :hurry: could be.
by kman458
Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:50 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: April Applications
Replies: 373
Views: 57481

Re: April Applications

Well I woke up this morning to the wife holding a lap top in front of me with my status page showing what we all want too see. Yes I woke up this morning to see :woohoo Application Completed - license issued or certificate active :woohoo . Maby my phone calls Thursday did the trick. Now its getting the wifes complete now. She called Terry Wednesday to get her status and still has not gotten a return phone call from her. Guess we will have to see if she can get through to Heather or Simone to get her plastic on its way.

:thewave :thewave :thewave :thewave :thewave :thewave :thewave :thewave :thewave :thewave :thewave :thewave :thewave :thewave :thewave :thewave :thewave :thewave :thewave :thewave :thewave :thewave :thewave :thewave
by kman458
Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:53 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: April Applications
Replies: 373
Views: 57481

Re: April Applications

SeanMTX wrote:That's what they said to me this morning PIMS.

I got some call center rep and she didn't know a dang thing so she finally transferred me to Simone. (Yes folks, she DOES exist).

She was really nice, but short...said that they had all the stuff back and that everything looked red flags or fingerprint issues. They were waiting on the state investigation stuff to get back and would be sending off to 'imaging'. She finally broke down and said I should have plastic within 30 days. is my 100th day.
Sounds like you and I talked to the same people this morning. None of them could tell me anything and I called 4 times today to see if anyone knew anything. I asked for Heather every time but they would not transfer me to her. Finally the last one sent me to Simone and she was polite but brief. She said they were finishing up on mine and should be issuing my license by the end of the week. I was so excited to finally get to someone that would tell me something I forgot to ask what week she meant but at least I have spoken to someone that told me something.
by kman458
Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:03 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: April Applications
Replies: 373
Views: 57481

Re: April Applications

It must be nice to get to talk to someone. I was told Terry was handling my app and was transfered to her voice mail. When I called back in an hour I was told by someone else that I need to allow 24-48 hours for her to return my calls. I thought on that for a while and called back to speak to a supervisor and was told nope not till I have waited at least 24 hours and that I was doing ok if I had only been waiting 16 weeks. When I said I did not want to wait 24 hours and wanted to be transfered to a supervisor I was hung up on. I wish I had gotten her name before I was cut off. Guess I will try again tomorrow to get some info and maby a supervisor as well.
by kman458
Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:35 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: April Applications
Replies: 373
Views: 57481

Re: April Applications

thebz wrote:WOOHOO... got an envelope in the mail today, bent it back and forth just to see if maybe, maybe there was a feel of plastic. Alas, no. But I did finally get my pin number today. Looks like day 98... Yes, I checked already...Processing Application.

S.A. XD 9sc
March 30, 2008 Class Taken
April 1, 2008 Packet Mailed
April 3, 2008 Packet Received by DPS (confirmed)
July 9, 2008 Pin Received, Processing Application
Yes well at least we both seem to be on the same schedule as far as time goes so maby we will both get them at the same time so we can do 1 wally walk seeing as I really do hate to go there. Plus we finally know they are doing something. :thewave :thewave :woohoo

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