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by thejtrain
Sat Jun 21, 2008 2:35 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Let's hear some updates!
Replies: 417
Views: 68382

Re: Let's hear some updates!

Finally got my plastic yesterday (8 days from website update to plastic in hand), and carried for the first time today out to lunch with the family. A little nervous but I've been carrying concealed around the house since taking the course so it was pretty comfortable and went quite well (which means, neither my wife, nor the sheep around us, nor any potential wolves around had any idea they were in the presence of a sheepdog).
God bless Texas!
by thejtrain
Fri Jun 13, 2008 2:33 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Let's hear some updates!
Replies: 417
Views: 68382

Re: Let's hear some updates!

Thanks guys, I feel better. :thumbs2:
BambooShoots wrote:You'll know when you see it.
I've no doubt (since I'd be practically chewing my way through every envelope I see until I found it), but since I'll be out of town Sun-Wed, I wanted to make sure my wife wouldn't throw the dang thing away when I wasn't even home to dig through the trash every day to make sure! :eek6
by thejtrain
Fri Jun 13, 2008 9:33 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Let's hear some updates!
Replies: 417
Views: 68382

Re: Let's hear some updates!

BOHagan05-G23 wrote:Who knew a plain white envelope could bring so much happiness.
Quick question for those who've recently received their plastic. How "plain white" is the envelope? Does it at least say TX DPS on it somewhere? My wife is always the one who checks the mail and I don't want her accidentally tossing it thinking it's another credit card offer.

But I'd rather not give her a heads-up ahead of time 'cause it'd be nice, a couple/few weeks down the road, if it casually comes up and she didn't realize I'd gotten my license some time back and have been carrying ever since and she didn't even notice.
by thejtrain
Thu Jun 12, 2008 8:08 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Let's hear some updates!
Replies: 417
Views: 68382

Re: Let's hear some updates!

Today, on Day 99, I was treated to a most welcome sight:


:thumbs2: :thumbs2: :thumbs2: :hurry: :hurry: :hurry: :cheers2: :cheers2: :cheers2:
:txflag: :txflag: :txflag: :fire :fire :fire :anamatedbanana :anamatedbanana :anamatedbanana

I'm off to post in Chas's data point thread...

Oh, and watching the mailbox like a hawk!
by thejtrain
Wed Jun 11, 2008 9:38 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Let's hear some updates!
Replies: 417
Views: 68382

Re: Let's hear some updates!

longhorn_92 wrote:I looked this morning and guess what?........

Application Completed - license issued or certificate active
CONGRATS longhorn_92!!! I know we were parallel processing so hopefully I'll get the "ding" any day now! I'm firmly in the habit of carrying around the house when I get home from work, and it stinks when (as happened last night) my better half asks me to zip to the store for something and I have to stash my G30 in the console of the car (leaving my IWB tucked holster in place) while I dash in and back out. Sure will be nice when I can just waltz from the house to the car to the store and back without having to untuck/unholster/stash/re-tuck/de-stash/untuck/re-holster/re-tuck.
:waiting: :totap:
by thejtrain
Wed Jun 11, 2008 8:39 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Let's hear some updates!
Replies: 417
Views: 68382

Re: Let's hear some updates!

Congrats ed3 - hopefully it won't be too much longer for the rest of us who are approaching (or already over) 100 days.

Sent an email (the first) on Monday (Day 96) politely requesting status, if it isn't too much trouble. Hoping to hear back that all is well (fingerprints good, etc.) and they're just waiting on the & the background check.

by thejtrain
Thu Jun 05, 2008 8:38 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Let's hear some updates!
Replies: 417
Views: 68382

Re: Let's hear some updates!

LarryH makes some darn good points, and it was very effective in evening out my keel (or something like that). It's good to see that folks whose apps were (along with mine) received in March are getting their plastic, so I imagine it'll be any day for those of us who did likewise. I'm still sad for the folks who've been waiting since February or (sheesh) January, though.

by thejtrain
Fri May 30, 2008 10:04 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Let's hear some updates!
Replies: 417
Views: 68382

Re: Let's hear some updates!

Yep, I figger RugerP345, Longhorn92, and I could potentially be next up given the pacing of the latest "App. completed" folks, and the fact that we're sitting on Day 88, 87, & 86 respectively. I'll fire off an email to DPS & my rep on Tuesday (which will be Day 90) if I haven't been treated to a status change by then.

by thejtrain
Fri May 16, 2008 8:09 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Let's hear some updates!
Replies: 417
Views: 68382

Re: Let's hear some updates!

Uglee wrote:A couple of questions for you all, I applied for my CHL online prior to taking the class. I do believe that this help with data entry as this only require someone at DPS to verify the CHL package once I complete the training. They would not have had to input all the info from a manually filled out form. That's just my opinion. Not so sure if this is a fact, but my observation from others in this forum leads me to believe that this process does help to facilitate getting a quicker turn around.
I also applied online beforehand, and therefore had my PIN before even going to class. And I think longhorn may have as well. So I'm not sure we've got empirical evidence that applying online helps significantly.
Uglee wrote:I had identified a foul on their part. I also asked would this slow/delay my processing rep stated that he would work with me to ensure that there would be no delay. Well, they emailed me with a scanned copy of a letter requesting my additional information to which I reply back immediately with electronic copy of the requested information, all within an hour of receiving their email. I received a response almost immediately that my package was being processed. So, really I did not suffer a delay as my wait time was about inline with most others in this forum with a few exceptions of folks waiting more than 72+ days. I do think that my letter to the DPS got some attention and they did in fact took a personal interest in expediting my CHL application without delay...even went as far as emailing me rather than mailing out an official hardcopy letter. The rep even stated in his email that I could email, fax, or mail the additional information. So, that probably shaved about a weeks turn around time there.
That probably contributed to your speeding through more than anything. Well done!

by thejtrain
Thu May 15, 2008 8:45 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Let's hear some updates!
Replies: 417
Views: 68382

Re: Let's hear some updates!

longhorn_92 wrote:Go figure....

My timeline is almost identical....yet you and I are still waiting....
I almost wonder if it's a case like this:

Package all together, nothing missing, just needs the background check - goes on a pile with the other 90% (my SWAG) of the apps that need zero contact with the applicant (no questions, no add'l paperwork, etc.)

Package missing something (Uglee's military records, a signature missing, etc.) - goes on the much, much smaller pile and actually gets worked somewhat sooner because there's actually a task to be done on it rather than just sending off for the background check

Know what I mean? Maybe I'm thinking about it completely backwards, but I do wonder if the relative sizes of those two piles contribute to the disparity somehow. I apologize to those who've been waiting for 6 months and had to send multiple sets of fingerprints, etc. etc. - in no way do I mean to denigrate your horrible experiences - just kinda ponderin' out loud here.

by thejtrain
Thu May 15, 2008 7:21 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Let's hear some updates!
Replies: 417
Views: 68382

Re: Let's hear some updates!

Congrats Uglee! That gives me profound hope 'cause we were actually in the same class @ Bass Pro SATX, and DPS received our packets on the exact same day (5 March). What's interesting is that mine went to "Processing" almost a month sooner than yours, but yours got issued first. Weird, huh?
:thumbs2: :txflag: :fire :thumbs2: :txflag: :fire
by thejtrain
Mon Apr 28, 2008 8:26 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Let's hear some updates!
Replies: 417
Views: 68382

Re: Let's hear some updates!

asleepatthereel wrote::anamatedbanana
Finally complete. Just waiting on the plastic now. :txflag:
Congrats, asleepatthereel! I'm encouraged every time I read that someone's plastic got issued!
by thejtrain
Wed Apr 23, 2008 1:03 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Let's hear some updates!
Replies: 417
Views: 68382

Re: Let's hear some updates!

03Lightningrocks wrote:Are folks thinking they are sorting the applications by birth date. Then they go through each pile by month?
I'm out of luck then, with a December b-day. Maybe I'll get mine by Thanksgiving. :cryin
by thejtrain
Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:37 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Let's hear some updates!
Replies: 417
Views: 68382

Re: Let's hear some updates!

ryoung wrote:I understand the DPS prescreens online applications before they send out the packet. Maybe the online applications are processsed more quickly for whatever reason.
Time will tell. I'm sure that's one reason the folks who do apply online do so. I also did the online app and the span between the USPS reporting delivery of the completed packet to the DPS website updating to "Processing Application" was 23 days.

Still :waiting: but I certainly can't get :mad5 'cause others have been :totap: much longer than I, some have progressed from :grumble to :banghead: while a happy few have been promoted to :anamatedbanana or :fire .
by thejtrain
Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:52 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Let's hear some updates!
Replies: 417
Views: 68382

Re: Let's hear some updates!

Barron76 wrote:Just checked the website: "Application Completed - license issued or certificate active"

Packet Received in Austin- Jan 19th
Started Processing- March 17th
License Issued- April 7th

Though there's obviously very little consistency in processing time, this is encouraging for me, since mine went to Processing 11 days after yours (though I was blessed with a short 23-day span to get it to Processing)
Barron76 wrote:Now while I'm waiting on the postman to bring it to me I just have to decide weather I want the Nacho's or the Hot Dog on my Wally Walk & weather to carry the Glock 19 or the HK USPc...
Nice problem to have... :woohoo

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