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by Charles L. Cotton
Thu Nov 07, 2019 7:23 pm
Forum: National Rifle Association
Topic: A little more of the NRA is being told
Replies: 52
Views: 55867

Re: A little more of the NRA is being told

Nagorg wrote: Thu Nov 07, 2019 6:47 pm
Charles L. Cotton wrote: Thu Nov 07, 2019 12:10 pm Neither Wayne, the Officers, nor any Board member I know support s 5-round limit on magazines. Please link to the video you reference. I'd like to see who and when this statement was made.
Really glad to see this response Chas. I did say the video was old, its an interview with now deceased Joaquin Jackson from ~12 years ago. That doesnt mean his comments about his personal beliefs are shared by current members. But it is a little disturbing to hear things like this from someone that was, at one time, on the board. It certainly raises questions about what others might believe and be willing to accept.

Of course, Joaquin cant speak in defense of this now but since you asked, here is the video I referenced.

Thanks. Joaquin was the former Board member that I referenced that made a pro-gun control statement. Jouquin was a great man and a great Texas Ranger. His position on this issue was not supported by the NRA or any other Board members to my knowledge. He and I had a long discussion about his position, but I won't post the substance of a private conversation, expecially with a man who is now deceased.

Jouquin was my friend, but he was wrong on this issue.

by Charles L. Cotton
Thu Nov 07, 2019 12:17 pm
Forum: National Rifle Association
Topic: A little more of the NRA is being told
Replies: 52
Views: 55867

Re: A little more of the NRA is being told

rtschl wrote: Thu Nov 07, 2019 10:56 am
Nagorg wrote: Thu Nov 07, 2019 7:29 am So most of this is about NRATV?

I think I'd like to know more about whats happening to keep the NRA from slipping back to its pre-1968 era ways. I mean, the members are the most likely the answer here. But most of the ant-NRA comments I see are coming from fear that the NRA (or some key members) is okay with some "sensible gun control" at times. Support for Bump Stock bans is an example. I've been referred to video of other NRA leaders making comments about how magazines should be restricted to ~5 rounds because that's all you need for hunting. Yes, the video I'm referring to is old but it does highlight the potential for things like this and doesnt do anything to help win back support from these folks.

I dont personally live in the past and think everyone, even organizations, make mistakes and should be given the benefit of the doubt... To a point at least.

It would be great to have a way of showing what the NRA is doing to help prevent this type of gun control acceptance from slipping into the ranks.

That's the lie right there - the 2nd Amendment is not, nor ever has been, about hunting. Post WWII through the 1950's there wasn't the assault on our Constitutional rights like there was with the 1934 National Firearms Act. Then with the 1968 Gun Control Act, Americans needed an organization that would lead the fight politically and in the courts to keep the government from destroying the 2nd Amendment. The NRA was the most logical organization to do that and it is what the vast majority of the membership have wanted since then.
This is exactly right. The 1968 Gun Control Act was the beginning of the NRA becoming the most powerful Second Amendment advocate. When the NRA leadership wanted to gut the NRA and make it solely a hunting organization, we had the Cincinnati Revolt in 1977. This resulted in major changes within the NRA and the NRA bylaws to prevent such a take-over. We faced a similar take-over attempt in the mid-1990's when a group led by a Board member sought to take over the NRA and raid it for money. The November issue of American Rifleman (Pg. 12) has an excellent article setting out just some of our accomplishments over the years.

by Charles L. Cotton
Thu Nov 07, 2019 12:11 pm
Forum: National Rifle Association
Topic: A little more of the NRA is being told
Replies: 52
Views: 55867

Re: A little more of the NRA is being told

FrogFan wrote: Thu Nov 07, 2019 9:28 am As an NRA member, I continue to be hopeful that the full story can be told quickly.

The Wall Street Journal published a story, updated 11/4/19, that suggests problems with "governance" at the NRA, including "lax controls on outside vendors". It seemed like balanced reporting to me, and the picture wasn't pretty, at least to me. I'd post a link but I'm sure the article sits behind a pay wall. Has anyone else read that article? Is it credible?

I appreciate Mr. Cotton's updates and understand the need to be careful about releasing information due to the legal issues involved. As others have noted, we need a strong and effective NRA vigorously protecting our 2A rights.
To my knowledge, all WSJ articles about the NRA and/or LaPierre are written by Mark Maremont. That speaks volumes. His articles are based on lies fed him by Ackerman McQueen, as noted in the pleading I attached to my prior posts.

by Charles L. Cotton
Thu Nov 07, 2019 12:10 pm
Forum: National Rifle Association
Topic: A little more of the NRA is being told
Replies: 52
Views: 55867

Re: A little more of the NRA is being told

Nagorg wrote: Thu Nov 07, 2019 7:29 am So most of this is about NRATV?
I can't go into detail. We have strong evidence that significant over-billing occurred and that we were given bogus metrics about NRA-TV.
Nagorg wrote: Thu Nov 07, 2019 7:29 amI think I'd like to know more about whats happening to keep the NRA from slipping back to its pre-1968 era ways. I mean, the members are the most likely the answer here. But most of the ant-NRA comments I see are coming from fear that the NRA (or some key members) is okay with some "sensible gun control" at times. Support for Bump Stock bans is an example. I've been referred to video of other NRA leaders making comments about how magazines should be restricted to ~5 rounds because that's all you need for hunting. Yes, the video I'm referring to is old but it does highlight the potential for things like this and doesnt do anything to help win back support from these folks.
The NRA is not going back to "pre-1968 era ways" and there's no credible evidence that it is. I've heard the same lies about NRA leaders supporting "sensible gun control," but I know of only one former Board member that made a claim that would fall into that category.

Neither Wayne, the Officers, nor any Board member I know support s 5-round limit on magazines. Please link to the video you reference. I'd like to see who and when this statement was made.

I've explained the "bump-stock" issue several times and I'm not going to type it again. The short version is we would either lose bump-stocks or all semi-auto, mag.-fed rifles.

by Charles L. Cotton
Tue Nov 05, 2019 1:29 pm
Forum: National Rifle Association
Topic: A little more of the NRA is being told
Replies: 52
Views: 55867

Re: A little more of the NRA is being told

Charles L. Cotton wrote: Mon Nov 04, 2019 7:10 pm More facts and legal pleadings can be found at:

The very detailed pleadings tell much of the story, but not every detail. The stunning facts show a betrayal of a near 40 year relationship and they make it abundantly clear why Ackerman is spreading false allegations against Wayne LaPierre and the NRA. It is a desperate but futile attempt to both "get even" with Wayne and to divert attention from their conduct. Remember these facts when you see attacks coming from this crew.

by Charles L. Cotton
Mon Nov 04, 2019 7:10 pm
Forum: National Rifle Association
Topic: A little more of the NRA is being told
Replies: 52
Views: 55867

Re: A little more of the NRA is being told

More facts and legal pleadings can be found at:

by Charles L. Cotton
Mon Nov 04, 2019 11:57 am
Forum: National Rifle Association
Topic: A little more of the NRA is being told
Replies: 52
Views: 55867

Re: A little more of the NRA is being told

Attached is a copy of the NRA's First Amended Complaint filed in the Ackerman McQueen lawsuit in federal district court in Texas. It contains a lot of detail that people seeking the truth will find enlightening.

by Charles L. Cotton
Thu Aug 22, 2019 6:27 pm
Forum: National Rifle Association
Topic: A little more of the NRA is being told
Replies: 52
Views: 55867

A little more of the NRA is being told

Oh how I wish I could tell everything!!!! Patience grasshopper, patience.

It's telling that the New York Times would publish this article. It gives a bit more of the story, but there is so much more we cannot discuss . . . yet. I will renew my statement that the allegations being made against LaPierre are lies, flat out lies designed to stop the lawsuit against Ackerman McQueen. This article discloses some, but not all, of those involved in the attempt to shield Ackerman McQueen, North and others. It was all about money, not saving the NRA. Every person involved knows what really happened. As noted, LaPierre was the person who started the investigation into Ackerman McQueen billing practices. If he had done any of the things of which he has been accused, the last thing he would have done is start an investigation of Ackerman.

Chas. ... ierre.html

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