If an F-rated anti-gun Democrat promotes removing penalties for gun-related crimes, warning flags should be waiving!TexasCajun wrote:That's what I was thinking. There's no way that Rep Nevarez would be willing to take the teeth out of 30.06 without some ulterior motive. Since the Kory Watkins stunt painted him as the Mom's poster-boy he's itching to find a way to stick it to Texas gun owners.Charles L. Cotton wrote:That's a trap. Step 1) repeal the size and specific wording requirements for 30.06 signs as well as the penalties; step 2) CHLs ignore the signs; step 3) add criminal penalties to TPC §30.06 in 2017 because the law has no teeth and CHLs ignore property owners wishes. Also, why should TPC 30.05 have criminal penalties, but not TPC §30.06steveincowtown wrote:jerry_r60 wrote:Testimony is over. The bill author closed with an opening for an amendment to take away the criminal penalty, that's what it sounded like to me. If this bill passed, I'd prefer that amendment than not, but It would be better to not have the bill and work to remove the criminal penalty from the existing 30.06.
Really? If there is no criminal penalty they can make the gun busters sign any sign that says "pull" or "push" and it is just fine by me.
Come on folks, this isn't hard to figure out.
Remember also that OCT wants all signage for open-carry and concealed carry to be the same. They want to force businesses to either allow everyone or no one to carry. SB342, the alleged "OCT bill," guts TPC §30.06 and applies it to both open and concealed carry. It's no surprise that they testified that removing the penalty would cause OCT to support HB2405. Some OCT "members" have taken to twitter to attack Alice Tripp and TPC §30.06 as attacking private property rights.