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by Charles L. Cotton
Sun Nov 16, 2014 5:38 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: How many hams do we have on the Forum - Revisited?
Replies: 128
Views: 22872

Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum - Revisited?

knotquiteawake wrote:I just got licensed last weekend! Passed the Tech and General License in one attempt.

For now I've just got a Baofeng and a mag mount antenna in the car. Its really limited, I was just barely tapping the Sachse Radio Clubs Repeater last Wednesday night from my place in Rowlett (about 2 miles). I'm working on getting all the parts needed to build a j-pole out of 3/8th aluminum rods. Maybe Santa will get on board this year and get me a Yaesu mobile unit with ~50Watts if i'm really lucky.

Really looking forward to eventually saving up enough to get a HF rig.
Welcome to the hobby and congratulations.

Using a mag mount antenna, your Baofeng should hit a repeater 2 miles away without any trouble. There must be some issue with the repeater or major shielding between your home and the repeater. Do you have that problem at different locations?

I have a Baogeng and can hit a 2 meter and a 440 repeater in downtown Houston from my backyard 24 miles away. Granted, both repeaters are on tall buildings and I'm using a taller antenna than the stock rubber duck that comes with the HT.

Are you building a traditional J-Pole or an OSJ? I've built an OSJ with a friend and they are great antennas. This one is also a dual band antenna -- 2 meters and 70 centimeters. 1/4 wave ground plane antennas are also easy to build. If you want to build a yagi, then have a look at the designs by G0KSC. I've built the 5 element LFA for 2 meters and it's an excellent antenna. I'm going to build his 7 element 2 meter OWL yagi.

by Charles L. Cotton
Thu May 01, 2014 3:23 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: How many hams do we have on the Forum - Revisited?
Replies: 128
Views: 22872

Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum - Revisited?

RoyGBiv wrote:Just took/passed the Technician test this week. Didn't study for the General, but took a shot at it anyways (no extra cost) and scored 23. Unfortunately you need a 26 to pass :roll: . I'll probably study a bit over the next few weeks and retake the General next month, while the Tech material is still fresh.

Ordered an Alinco DJ-V57T HT today, should take delivery next week some time.

I've never been particularly interested in amateur radio before, but I just completed our local CERT course and it became clear during class that having HAM capability would be a big advantage to communicating with the team, so, I took the plunge.

If you are interested in self study, there are many ways to go about it. I got handed a free copy of the "Technician License Course" book authored by Stu Turner. It includes access to online study and test material at The book is about 200 pages, written for a non-techie. I spent maybe 5-6 hours total reading the book and taking the online quizzes. I do have a background in science and some electronics experience as well, so, the underlying radio and circuits concepts part was pretty easy. I think a non-science/tech person could easily pass the test with only a little more time spent studying. You only need 26/35 to pass, so, even if you're not great with the tech stuff, it's only a portion of the test. If you are at all comfortable with science (basic physics) and basic circuits, there's no reason you have to take a more elaborate teacher-instructed course for the entry level Technician license, unless you just prefer to do it that way. IMO, YMMV.

Just waiting for my call sign and equipment now.
Congratulations on the new ticket. What's your call sign? You're very close to the General so don't put that off.

by Charles L. Cotton
Wed Jan 15, 2014 12:11 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: How many hams do we have on the Forum - Revisited?
Replies: 128
Views: 22872

Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum - Revisited?

MadMonkey wrote:Any recommendations on a relatively inexpensive setup for home? My dad used to have an awesome base station but it was sold off after he passed on.

I'm pretty much using my license for video equipment on my RC planes and multicopters. I really need a radio.

Rather do a non-handheld first. Just something to get my feet wet. I've had my license for about 12 years but still haven't owned a radio "rlol"
I'd stay away from Ebay for Ham gear. The prices are absurd. I've seen modern radios with bids over MSRP and out-of-production gear that's way over-priced.

Are you looking for HF, or VHF and above?

by Charles L. Cotton
Mon Dec 16, 2013 2:28 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: How many hams do we have on the Forum - Revisited?
Replies: 128
Views: 22872

Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum - Revisited?

jimlongley wrote:K5NRA - first licensed in 1955, let that one expire, licensed again in 1964 as a Tech, let that one expire, licensed again in 1971 and have been continuously since then. Finally decided to upgrade to Extra when I found out it was going no code, just so I could be one of the last of the dinosaurs.

I'm impressed. 20 WPM is what kept me at Advanced until very recently!

by Charles L. Cotton
Mon Dec 16, 2013 9:25 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: How many hams do we have on the Forum - Revisited?
Replies: 128
Views: 22872

Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum - Revisited?

Okay, the old Ham thread is gone and all posts are now in this new thread. The poll does not have a closing date, but the downside is everyone will have to vote again. I changed the wording of my initial post to include a notice that you can revote if your status changes or you change your mind.

by Charles L. Cotton
Mon Dec 16, 2013 9:01 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: How many hams do we have on the Forum - Revisited?
Replies: 128
Views: 22872

Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum?

SRO1911 wrote:Yes-ish...I passed my tech this past saturday, just waiting on a call sign now. Been on the CB since I could stand in the seat and reach the mic.
Founded the Key City Patriots almost a year ago - and comms has been a recent a bunch of us just said why not..and went and got licenses.
Now I have 3 weeks before the next test session - lots to study for general.
Congratulations! What study material are you using for your General? I don't begin the remember the name of the books I used back in the 1970's for General and Advanced, but I used Gordon West's book and computer testing software to upgrade to Extra about a year ago. I was very pleased with Gordo's material.

by Charles L. Cotton
Sun Dec 15, 2013 4:47 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: How many hams do we have on the Forum - Revisited?
Replies: 128
Views: 22872

Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum?

JALLEN wrote:I'm looking forward to getting back on the air soon. I've been refurbishing a shed on the property into a workshop/reloading area/ham shack, slowed by weather and the ravages of old age and decrepitude, but it's getting there. I have antenna restrictions to deal with, so I've been plotting and scheming about that. The original idea to put up a multiband HB vertical has morphed into what is likely to end up an inverted "L." The BigIR will stay in the garage for now as it is mechanically and electrically complex, a lot of moving parts; simple is better for my purpose!

I have a TenTec Omni VI+ and a 706GMKII right now, and I'm thinking about going into the world of SDR with one of the Flex radios. Before I moved I visited a ham in San Diego with all three of the then existing models, and his demonstration was very impressive. I'm not sure how I would handle a radio without knobs. I worry about the "old dog, new tricks" phenomena that afflicts me more and more these days. I had such a hard time with the 706, a button masher's paradise! Many times I wished I had my "C" line back!
You may want to look into these HL Magnetic Loop antennas." onclick=";return false; here also - ... ons/topics" onclick=";return false; There are a number of nay-sayers on and I was skeptical myself until I saw his Youtube videos of contacts. These things are amazing! They are DIY antennas and with the vacuum variable capacitors they use, they aren't cheap to build, but the performance is excellent. Rich designed them for people with HOA problems and their much smaller size compared to traditional magnetic loops (not helically loaded) is a major benefit. They also work better close to the ground, i.e. only one to two loop diameters off the ground. This coupled with their small size helps to blend in in HOA restricted neighborhoods.

I'm going to build two 2-element loops; one for 80-20 meters and one for 10-20 meters. When Rick finishes his 160 double loop design, I'll probably build it also. Our HOA rules don't prohibit antennas, but they are restricted to no more than 10 feet above the peak of the main structure. We have a two story house with the peak at about 27 feet, so I could go up to 37 feet. With the HL Magnetic Loop, I don't have to do that which is good since 1) there are no antennas at all in our neighborhood and mine would stick out like a sore thumb; and 2) my wife if President of our HOA and she'd catch a lot of grief if I put one up.

by Charles L. Cotton
Sat Dec 14, 2013 5:56 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: How many hams do we have on the Forum - Revisited?
Replies: 128
Views: 22872

Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum?

Mike1951 wrote:
Mike1951 wrote:Got the study material. No test imminent.
Passed Technician in June 2013.

Passed General and Extra in September 2013.

On a related note, I've spent so much time reading ham related lists that I've been absent from this forum for six months.
Congratulations! I was inactive for many years, but I'm having fun with it again. I really enjoy building antennas.

by Charles L. Cotton
Thu May 23, 2013 9:57 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: How many hams do we have on the Forum - Revisited?
Replies: 128
Views: 22872

Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum?

I couldn't figure out how to reopen the poll, so I just deleted it and posted a new one that won't close.

If you voted in the last poll, please do so again.

by Charles L. Cotton
Sat Mar 23, 2013 7:49 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: How many hams do we have on the Forum - Revisited?
Replies: 128
Views: 22872

Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum?

lrpettit wrote:You can change my vote. Received my call sign yesterday. Too bad I don't have a radio!

by Charles L. Cotton
Mon Mar 04, 2013 12:46 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: How many hams do we have on the Forum - Revisited?
Replies: 128
Views: 22872

Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum?

I have no idea why I put a closing date on a poll like this one. I edited it to remove the closing date, but it doesn't look like it worked.

by Charles L. Cotton
Fri Feb 15, 2013 9:10 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: How many hams do we have on the Forum - Revisited?
Replies: 128
Views: 22872

Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum?

AlaskanInTexas wrote:Just got my ticket Tuesday - KF5TTV. Don't really know what I am doing, but still having fun with it.
Congratulations and welcome aboard.

by Charles L. Cotton
Sat Feb 09, 2013 8:36 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: How many hams do we have on the Forum - Revisited?
Replies: 128
Views: 22872

Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum?

JALLEN wrote:W6OGC here, first licensed as KN5VET in 1959. I've built antennas, worked DX, edited a book, "DX IS!" with my brother, been an EC, Secretary/Trustee for a 1000 member repeater club, T-hunter, handled phone patches to VN in the '60's, met Barry Goldwater, been a VC of the ARRL, of which I am a life member.

I am antenna-less at the moment due to the hopefully impending sale of the house so I can come home. One vexing issue in buying our new home there is the pervasiveness of antenna restrictions.
That's an impressive Ham resume! Where are you going to live when back home?

Our neighborhood has antenna restrictions, but not an absolute ban. Antennas cannot extend more than 10 feet above the peak of the main structure. That said, there are no antennas that I can see anywhere. I'm going to put up a dual band vertical, a 2 meter homebrew beam by G0KSC and a multi-band vertical for HF.

Martha isn't happy so all of these are going to be pretty elaborate because they have to virtually disappear. The ground-mounted HF vertical will be easy because I'm going to hide it behind a tree. Long, buried coax isn't a line loss problem at HF frequencies. The dual band vertical and the 2 meter beam will be located in a secluded part of our back yard (hidden by trees) on a specially designed mast that will raise and lower electrically. (Thanks Jim.)

I hadn't even thought about getting active again until someone here on the Forum mentioned one of the new Chinese dual band HT. I researched it (Wouxun) and in the process, got interested again. It's ironic that my interest in ham radio was rekindled on a gun board. :lol:

by Charles L. Cotton
Sat Feb 09, 2013 12:10 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: How many hams do we have on the Forum - Revisited?
Replies: 128
Views: 22872

How many hams do we have on the Forum - Revisited?

I'm starting a new thread because for some unexplained reason, I put a cutoff date for the poll in the original thread and it cannot be reopened. I've moved all of the other posts to this thread later and deleted the original. I also enabled "revoting" so people can change their vote. Obviously, there's no reason for a "no" option. :lol:

Apparently, we have more Hams than I would have expected.


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