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by Charles L. Cotton
Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:00 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!
Replies: 172
Views: 56243

Re: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!

I'm locking this thread because it's was about action items on the campus-carry bills. I don't mind if people want to discuss the salaries of our elected officials, just do that in another thread.

by Charles L. Cotton
Tue May 12, 2009 2:03 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!
Replies: 172
Views: 56243

Re: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!

Vic303 wrote:Made another call to my Sen today based on an email from TSRA that we need 21 senators to allow any bill to be debated by Friday.
Everyone PLEASE call your Senator and ask them to vote to send SB1164 to the floor. People who should be our friends are working against this bill!


Senate Contact Information
by Charles L. Cotton
Mon May 11, 2009 9:27 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!
Replies: 172
Views: 56243

Re: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!

Folks, I don't like the Duncan Amendment and we managed to defeat his other amendment that would have allowed schools to ban guns in all residential housing, not just dorms. We have a long way to go to get this thing passed and we could lose, if we allow ourselves to dwell on the fact that the bill isn't exactly what we would like to see. This was a major victory; let's enjoy it while we can, because we have to get back to work very soon.

by Charles L. Cotton
Mon May 11, 2009 7:39 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!
Replies: 172
Views: 56243

Re: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!

The final vote was a 6 - 3 favorable vote. Voting against it were: Sen. Duncan, Senator Ellis, Senator Van de Putte.

by Charles L. Cotton
Mon May 11, 2009 6:36 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!
Replies: 172
Views: 56243

Re: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!

The Senate State Affairs Committee is meeting now to vote on several bills, including SB1164 (Campus-Carry). Here is the link if you want to watch." onclick=";return false;

by Charles L. Cotton
Mon May 11, 2009 10:39 am
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!
Replies: 172
Views: 56243

Re: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!

Charles L. Cotton wrote:The House is scheduled to convene at 10:00am today. I have no idea when HB1893 will be debated/voted. It's a very long calendar today.
Here is a link to the video feed. Just click on "Live House Chamber Feed" but don't bother doing so before 10:00am." onclick=";return false;

I have some additional information. HB1893 is on page 23 of a 25 page calendar and I have no idea how late they will work today, before adjourning and going to committee meetings. If it isn't reached today, it will carry over until tomorrow. It doesn't help that the House hasn't even started floor debates and it's already 10:39. (Perhaps it has, but the video feed isn't working, but I doubt that.)

by Charles L. Cotton
Mon May 11, 2009 9:38 am
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!
Replies: 172
Views: 56243

Re: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!

The House is scheduled to convene at 10:00am today. I have no idea when HB1893 will be debated/voted. It's a very long calendar today.
Here is a link to the video feed. Just click on "Live House Chamber Feed" but don't bother doing so before 10:00am." onclick=";return false;

by Charles L. Cotton
Sun May 10, 2009 2:27 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!
Replies: 172
Views: 56243

Re: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!

TexasComputerDude wrote:We need a new list of people to call. Its never to early to start calling.
At this point, I would just call your own Representative and ask them to vote for HB1893. Since we got it to the floor, constituent calls are what matter. Check to see if they are a co-author and if so, thank them for their support. It wouldn't hurt to mention that you'll be watching the debate on the Internet.

by Charles L. Cotton
Fri May 08, 2009 10:34 am
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!
Replies: 172
Views: 56243

Re: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!

Gentoo wrote:Are we too late here?

Anyone have a current status?
Have a look at my update on this thread. Things are looking better, but the fight isn't over.

Chas. ... 1&start=30" onclick=";return false;
by Charles L. Cotton
Wed May 06, 2009 1:27 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!
Replies: 172
Views: 56243

Re: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!

sss wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:Rep. Garnet Coleman (512) 463-0524

Senator/Chairman Duncan (512) 463-0128
I called both and let them know that I'm a student and voter in the Houston area who supports the respective bills. Charles: Any idea how we're doing so far? Does campus carry still have a chance, or are we out of luck?
It's not dead yet, but the pulse is weak. If we don't burn up the phones to Calendars Committee members and Chairman Duncan, both bills will most certainly die. Another dirty trick to watch for is voting from Calendars or the Senate State Affairs Committee so late that there is no chance the bill will get debated and voted before the deadline. That's what the Calendars Committee did to us last session on the Senate parking lot bill.

by Charles L. Cotton
Wed May 06, 2009 1:20 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!
Replies: 172
Views: 56243

Re: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!

Purplehood wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:Remind him that the Texas Republican Platform contains a plank to support campus-carry!
Charles, most of the time I can follow what you are saying, but this time I am stumped. Why do we want to remind an F- rated democrat that a particular bill is part of the opposition platform?
That comment was directed at calls to Senator/Chairman Duncan. You're right, it won't do any good to say that to Rep. Coleman.

by Charles L. Cotton
Wed May 06, 2009 11:19 am
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!
Replies: 172
Views: 56243

Re: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!

The "problem" Member of the Calendars Committee is Houston's Garnet Coleman. He's is an F-rated Democrat who has "tagged" the bill and this does not surprise me at all. I don't think it will do a bit of good, but it also won't hurt to light up his phones and fax machines noting that it is wrong to prevent a floor debate on a bill with 75 authors. Please be polite; be nice!! If you say something insulting, he may be even more entrenched.

It's also time to start calling Senator Duncan and tell him that Garnet Coleman has "tagged" the House campus-carry bill, so we need him to allow a vote on the Senate version (SB1164) or this very important issue will not even be heard. Remind him that the Texas Republican Platform contains a plank to support campus-carry!


Rep. Garnet Coleman (512) 463-0524

Senator/Chairman Duncan (512) 463-0128
by Charles L. Cotton
Tue May 05, 2009 5:39 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!
Replies: 172
Views: 56243

Re: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!

Codename46 wrote:Wait, how come campus carry dies today if Duncan doesn't call for a committee vote today? I thought Senate Affairs Committee doesn't meet today...
The bill has already been heard in a public hearing and meetings around a Senator's desk on the floor to vote bills out of committee are very common. The concern is the Monday drop dead date. If it's voted out of committee, it still must be set on the Intent Calendar and the Lt. Governor must recognize Senator Wentworth for him to move to suspend the rules to allow it to be taken out of order. There is very little time to do this, especially when you consider every Senate bill sponsor will be pushing any of their bills that aren't dead yet.

by Charles L. Cotton
Tue May 05, 2009 1:33 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!
Replies: 172
Views: 56243

Re: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!

More action needed!

I have more information from Austin. We need everyone to make constituent calls and we need them badly. The Brady Bunch has been flooding the co-sponsors and other House Members with negative calls and it's making our supporters very nervous because they aren't getting calls from us. Well, that's usually the way they like it when they are supporting our bills, but that has all changed now.

Please go to this website and get the name of your Representative. Then check the co-authors to see if your Representative is on the list. If they are a co-sponsor, please call and thank them and if they aren't on the co-sponsor list, ask for their support.

by Charles L. Cotton
Tue May 05, 2009 12:43 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!
Replies: 172
Views: 56243

Re: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!

tfrazier wrote:NOTE: I think the prefixes in Charles' list should be 463, not 469...sent him a PM on the first one, but I just figured it out

NOTE: I think the prefixes in Charles' list should be 463, not 469...sent him a PM on the first one, but I just figured it out

Please don't disregard this call to action because you aren't in school; remember that many have perished to fight for rights they would never use or need, simply for the sake that others would use and need them.

A phone call or fax isn't much to ask, is it?

Please get on the horn now for our brothers and sisters who attend classes in our colleges and universities.

I made myself a phone script to use so I wouldn't have to worry about what I was going to say when I actually got someone on the other end:

Hello, my name is _______.

I'm calling about House Bill 1893 and Senate Bill 1164 regarding campus carry. It is my understanding that these bills are currently held up in committees. I would like all the committee members to know that it is my desire that the bills be moved forward for a fair vote, not left to die in committee.

If someone has better wording please feel free to edit.
Well Tim, I messed up your post by hitting the "edit" button instead of the "quote" button. I hope I got it back the way you had it. I wanted to say thanks for catching my mistake.


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