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by Briankey
Thu Jun 05, 2008 12:13 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Almost pulled my gun today
Replies: 68
Views: 9355

Re: Almost pulled my gun today

Someone using the term "Cracker" in their post about White people is an ethnic slur no matter how its used, but when someone responds to a post doing the same thing its Illegal?. Your not making sense of your own rules your enforcing. If you want to be precise, then any ethnic slur is illegal regardless of how its used. I think that rule is vague and Two faced.
by Briankey
Thu Jun 05, 2008 12:01 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Almost pulled my gun today
Replies: 68
Views: 9355

How Interesting, and amusing

That you can't point out what was racial, what words?, nobody said the "N" word. I can always come back as some other name.
Its funny how people will apologize to me like you did not long ago for being correct about the problem in Houston, then condemn me for voicing my opinion and wanting to stomp on my rights, simply because some people don't like what I said, even though off the forum most know I'm right.
Has Black, Ghetto, White, urban terrorist now become racial words?.
by Briankey
Wed Jun 04, 2008 10:49 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Almost pulled my gun today
Replies: 68
Views: 9355

Outstanding Observation

Speaking for myself in the situation you bring up, Verbal Confrontation is never an excuse for drawing a weapon, I don't get mad at what someone says to me, in public or anywhere, Because I don't Care the Least bit. I find People amusing.
You never allow someone to run you so hot that you drawdown on them.

G Wagner wrote:Another path to consider: Does a verbal confrontation, allow for use/display of a lethal weapon (i.e. gun)?
by Briankey
Wed Jun 04, 2008 10:07 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Almost pulled my gun today
Replies: 68
Views: 9355

Re: Almost pulled my gun today

The Situation this Gentlemen found himself in speaks for itself. THEM, meaning Black Americans as the original post mentioned, Ghetto, as the original Post mentioned is just a fact of life. Black Urban Terrorist gangs Terrorize ghetto Neighborhoods, another fact of life.
For anyone to be upset over someones opinion on a forum board, says they don't have much to be upset over in life, High Gas Prices, crime, etc... So, people can be upset over anything they wish, doesn't bother me.

Why do people have CHL's anyway?.who are you Protecting yourself from?, I have one, don't mind telling you who I'm protecting myself from, Criminals, Blacks, Mexicans, whites. If you have a CHL, and your protecting yourself and family from those people I mentioned above, then you have a problem with the same "THEMS" as I mentioned above. And your questioning me.

You'll be alright.
by Briankey
Wed Jun 04, 2008 7:27 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Almost pulled my gun today
Replies: 68
Views: 9355

What did you expect?

You can pretty much expect this type of treatment from them the majority of the time. Most of them don't have any respect for anything, the cracker comment proves that.
No, they aren't scared of the LEO's. I have been in your situation before, and I've always called there bluff, its simply an intimidation tactic to scare people, but most people aren't scared of them.

Just for safety sake, I would inform Law Enforcement of the License Plate number just incase you do become a victim of Black Urban Terrorists who do Driveby shootings. You never know Pal...

TXGLOCK29 wrote:Ok so here's what happened. I am in Real Estate, and we have a real problem with people who park in no parking zones in the community I manage. We also back up right next to what some people may call "The Ghetto." Well today, I show up and there is a van parked on our Home Owner's Association grass at the entrance where there is flowers, bushes, sodded lanscape, ect. I walked up behind the vehicle to write down the license plate number when two African-American males (owners of the vehicle) walk up behind the ledge to my right and ask "what do you think you're doing?" I responded "I am writing down your license plate number and the police have already been dispatched because you are parked in a no parking zone AS WELL AS on private grass." One of the men responded by saying "I ain't afraid of no Police!" I then told him "that may be the case, however, I don't think you want to pay $700 because your vehicle was ticketed and towed." Here's where things escalated...
He then informed me that he was going to "crack me upside the head." At that point I told him that it would not be smart to threaten me and you don't know who you're talking to. He then said "you don't know who you're talking to you cracker". I responded by saying "look sir, just move your car and have a nice day (while backing away)" and he said a "(few curse words) cracker, you better watch out!" They got in their vehicle and began to slowly follow me as I walked back to my office. I was praying that I wasn't going to be a victim of a driveby.
Luckily I got back to my office safely. After getting back inside I called the police department and informed them of everything that just happened. They had a detective call me and file a report. With all that said, yes I am a CHL, and yes I was carrying. There was a couple of moments where he made physical advances while he was making his comments that made me nervous enough to want to draw my weapon, however I didn't because he kept his hands where I could see them, he never got closer than about 5 feet, and the other man that was with him stayed back and didn't say a word. Did I do the right thing, or would any of you have pulled your weapon? Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

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